Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tennessee Public Officials Negligent of Performing Sworn Duties

Contact: George Raudenbush, Christian Citizens against Corruption, 423-337-1896

TELLICO PLAINS, Tenn., Aug. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Tennessee Constitution, Article X, Section 1, provides that every person chosen for any office of trust must take an oath to "support the Constitution of this State and of the United States, and an oath of office."

On October 23, 2007, Detective Tonia Norwood filed a complaint of child neglect against Angela K. Morgan. Fifty four days later, Mrs. Morgan was arrested and charged with neglect for abandonment. Subsequently the children were placed back in Mrs. Morgan's care. That was when Mr. Morgan discovered pronounced strap marks and bruising on his 2 year old son. Mr. Morgan reported this to Tosha Cook, a case worker for the Tennessee Department of Children's Services. Reports of burns, bruising and abuse were documented by law enforcement officials, teachers, counselors, medical professionals, and care givers after the children had returned from their mother's custody. According to public documents and records, Millicent Thomas of Tennessee's Child Protective Services and Department of Children's Services has been negligent in performing her duties in protecting Mr. Morgan's children.

Mr. Morgan found no relief for his children with Tennessee Child Protective Services and the abuse continued, so he contacted Congressman John J. Duncan, his district elected representative. Congressman Duncan responded with an enclosed letter from Commissioner Viola E. Miller who stated "I can assure you that the concerns have been thoroughly investigated and my staff has taken appropriate action in regards to this case." Robert Bob Jolly is the appointed Guardian Ad Litem for the children. According to Mr. Morgan, "Mr. Jolly has participated in the abuse by ignoring the numerous reports and pleas for help from my children. All the evidence points to these officials not doing their jobs."

It appears public officials including Commissioner Viola E. Miller, Millicent Thomas, a Supervisor for Child Protective Services and Guardian Ad Litem Robert Jolly have neglected their oaths to serve and protect.

The contact person above, George Raudenbush, is a spokesman for Christian Citizens against Corruption, a state representative for F.I.J.A., Fully Informed Juries Association, and National Missions Coordinator for Appalachian Youth Missions.

Every American citizen is endowed with an inherent right and responsibility to hold public officials accountable. For further information visit:

1 comment:

  1. Children's Services is a joke in our state. Filing complaints against them do no good since they govern themselves!


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