Friday, August 5, 2011


"Double Jeopardy" protections in the U.S. Constitution keep criminal defendants from facing prosecution more than once for the same offense (with a few exceptions). Below you will find information on "Double Jeopardy" protections, eligibility, and more.
Double Jeopardy Protection Basics

The Concept of Double Jeopardy: Background - Explains the basics of what Double Jeopardy is and how it works.
Reasons for Double Jeopardy Protection - There are five main reasons for preventing the government from engaging in multiple prosecutions.

State-Specific Information on Double Jeopardy

Samples of State Court Decisions on Double Jeopardy - States can provide more protection than the U.S. Constitution, but not less. Here are some examples of how states handle double jeopardy.

Eligibility for Double Jeopardy Protection

When Jeopardy Protection Applies: Only in Certain Proceedings - The restriction against multiple prosecutions only affects certain types of proceedings.
When Jeopardy Protections Take Hold - Discusses at what point in a proceeding that protections take effect.
When Jeopardy Protection Ends: Acquittals, Dismissals, and More - Determining when jeopardy ends impacts whether the government can bring further proceedings in a case.
What Constitutes the Same Offense? - Protection only defends individuals against prosecution for the same offense.

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