Friday, August 5, 2011


The famous Miranda rights for criminal suspects, often heard recited in movies or on TV, came from the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona and are based on the Fifth Amendment. The ruling in Miranda and subsequent cases provide criminal suspects with a number of rights when being questioned by law enforcement officers. Click on the links below for in-depth information on just what the Miranda rights are, when those rights apply, plus more information on the Fifth Amendment and police questioning.
Miranda and the Fifth Amendment Basics:

"Miranda" Rights and the Fifth Amendment - A breakdown of the rights provided under Miranda and the Fifth Amendment.
Focus on the Fifth: Miranda v. Arizona - A look at the famous case itself, plus subsequent rulings.
U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment - The text of the Fifth Amendment, with explanatory annotations.

Miranda and Police Questioning:

Miranda Warnings and Police Questioning - An in-depth explanation of the warnings, what it means to be in police custody, and police questioning.
FAQs: Police Interrogations - Answers to questions about police interrogiations, including when police need an arrest warrant, police stops, Miranda warnings, and more.

Miranda Rights:

The Miranda Case and the Right to Counsel - Learn about what it means to have the right to an attorney.
Invoking the Right to Counsel - Information on how to invoke the right to counsel, and when it can be done.
Invoking the Right to Remain Silent - Find out how to invoke the right to remain silent, and what it means to do so.
Waiving Miranda Rights - Giving up your Miranda rights is a critical decision. Find out more about it here.

Related Topics:

Stages of a Case: Arrest - Learn more about the law surrounding a criminal arrest.
Your Rights: Right to Counsel - Visit FindLaw's section on the right to counsel, with information and resources on this key right.

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