Tuesday, April 3, 2012

CPS Releases Reports Of Family Contacts In Child Death Cases

From The KOLD News 13 Newsroom Child Protective Services is releasing new information on how they were involved in the lives of three Tucson children before they died. CPS has come under scrutiny in the case of 4-year-old Ariana and 5-year-old Tyler Payne. Ariana was found dead in a storage bin earlier this year. Tyler's body has never been found. Their father, Christopher Payne, is accused in both their deaths. CPS documents show caseworkers went to Payne's home several times, but they never encountered any signs of abuse. The other case involved 5-year-old Brandon Williams. Police say he was beaten to death earlier this year. His mother, Diane Marsh, and roommate Flower Thompson are accused of killing him. CPS workers investigated a report of neglect, but didn't find any abuse. The report says CPS tried numerous times to find Marsh, but lost contact with her and the child. State representative Jonathan Paton says the summaries CPS released are inadequate. "In this case the children are dead so there's no way that we're really protecting anyone except for possibly those who killed them or the agency." Paton is working to have all the documents released to find out how the system can prevent other children from being victimized.

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