Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Dont Want To Say Goodbye Ngozi Angeline Godwell


Ngozi Angeline Godwell
”Good morning!
As soon as I download my pics I will be deleting this account, you can all do your own research, help yourselves!
I have my own life to lead. I do not see why I should waste my time posting here anymore. I have my own projects and you can save your own lives.

I have twitter and my other blogs to manage. This is the second time you all have (followers of the last 8 mths not included)
have insulted me. In the real world I will only stand for this once. Just, because I am a victim of racial harassment does not mean I am a fool. Indeed you all have proven you are, apart from two people and those who have not logged on to fb in last 24hrs.

Do not bother and say you did not see the posting about a genuine man, who since my child was abducted all he and his wife have done is big me up. They even invited me to a big party and when I did not go. they all they did was big me up and tell me how famous I am and all the people would have done was pressure me at the party with respect. Once he sat in my home, on my chair looked me in the eye and told me 'I will get Chi Chi back soon' He did not understand those monsters do not thing like we do. All he have ever done since I met him many years ago was shine a light. He is an example of the good that can be found in Northampton.

He pulled me up anytime he saw me and my child/

Only two people have given their respects to a very kind and genuine person. So guess what?
I am off and do not bother following me on twitter either, because I will block you. Life is for living and I am not wasting my time helping you all any more, period!

Good day to you all!”


This morning I found this on Facebook, from a wonderful woman and parental advocate and My heart breaks.  She is a woman that has been victimized unjustifiably, and instead of laying down and crying poor me, she turned it around and found strength and power in her pain, and has continuously gone out of her way to help others in every and any way she could.  In my opinion she is a true hero.  And obviously she has not received the respect or gratitude that she deserves.  And that really pisses me off.  Now the world just lost one of the best parental advocate  that ever lived,  and to those who have done this to her you should be shamed.  Because of your obvious stupidity everyone else will have to suffer the loss of Ngozi and her help.  I hope you are happy, assholes….


Ngozi, I apologize on the behalf of the idiots who have hurt you so.  I am saddened to see you go, and I understand why you are going.  Thank you Dear Ngozi for all that you have done for us all, and for all the sacrifices you have made.  You are indeed a blessing from God.  Peace Be With You My Friend….

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