Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ariz. juvenile court data to be used for research


Posted: Dec 14, 2012 2:13 AM Updated: Dec 14, 2012 2:13 AM

PHOENIX (AP) - Arizona's Department of Juvenile Corrections now has court permission to obtain and study some juvenile court records that are normally kept secret.

An order signed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Rebecca White Berch grants the department's request for access to data on re-arrests and resulting court action for juveniles released from the department's custody starting in 2007.

The department says it'll use the data to help judge its performance, particularly in comparison with other states.

The department previously had only access to records on previously released juvenile offenders either returned to its custody or placed in the adult corrections system.

Under Berch's order, information identifying individual offenders won't be included in the department's report.

She ordered the department to return the data to court administrators once the research is completed.

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