Monday, December 31, 2012

Comedian Katt Williams arrested for serious child endangerment

By David Ferguson
Saturday, December 29, 2012 13:49 EST

Katt Williams via screencap


Comedian Katt Williams has been arrested and his four children have been taken into protective custody after police deemed that for them to remain in their father’s home placed them in significant physical jeopardy. According to, police were summoned to Williams’ home and upon arrival found amounts of drugs and weapons large enough to constitute what they deemed a serious safety hazard.

Williams is out on $100,000 bail and could be charged with felony child endangerment, a charge that could send him to prison. When Williams was confronted by camera-wielding reporters upon his release, he called the investigation a “witch hunt.”

“They took my children from me!” he said.

The only drug in his house, he told a TMZ reporter, was marijuana.

“You can look at my paperwork, there was no drugs,” Williams said, “Weed is not a drug.”

The guns, he claimed, were in a locked box, which the police broke into.

Williams has had repeated run-ins with police in recent months. He was caught on video slapping a Target employee and is currently facing a lawsuit stemming from that incident. speculated that Williams could be wrestling with “mental illness or drug problems. It appears that it could be both.”

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