Monday, December 3, 2012

Methamphetamines and Child Welfare


Methamphetamine and Child Welfare

Find resources on the prevalence of methamphetamine use and its impact on children and families as well as strategies for treatment and response.

Spotlight On

Targeted Grants to Increase the Well-Being of, and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for, Children Affected by Methamphetamine or Other Substance Abuse: First Annual Report to Congress
Children's Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010)
Presents profiles of the 53 grantees and describes their program activities and accomplishments from October 2006 through July 2008. The report includes information on progress made in achieving the goals of the program, establishment of the performance indicators to assess the performance of the Regional Partnership Grants, and technical assistance activities carried out to support the grantees.

Statistics and the scope of the problem

Fighting Meth in America's Heartland: Assessing the Impact on Local Law Enforcement and Child Welfare Agencies
Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources, Committee on Government Reform (2005)
Part of a series of hearings on the subject of methamphetamine trafficking and abuse, this session was held to determine what Federal, State, and local support systems are needed to effectively combat this drug. Includes statements from Federal agencies, national nonprofit organizations, and State and local child welfare agencies.

Methamphetamine: Background, Prevalence, and Federal Drug Control Policies
Congressional Research Service (2007)
Analyzes trends in methamphetamine use and the efforts to control its use and production.

The Methamphetamine-Related Cost of Child Maltreatment and Foster Careexternal link (PDF - 885 KB)
Nicosia, Pacula, Kilmer, Lundberg, & Chiesa (2009)
In The Economic Cost of Methamphetamine Use in the United States, 2005
Calculates government costs associated with removing children from the home because of meth use, and gives estimates of medical, mental health, and quality-of-life costs for child victims.

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Responding to and treating methamphetamine use

Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs (PDF - 792 KB)
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (2nd ed.) (2006)
Offers questions to help communities analyze their local methamphetamine problem and reviews responses to the problem and what is known from evaluative research and practice.

Drug Courts: An Effective Strategy for Communities Facing Methamphetamine (PDF - 441 KB)
Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice (2005)
Presents drug courts as the primary tool for fighting methamphetamine addiction and trafficking and helping children who are exposed to meth use by providing them with health-care, educational, and child protective services.

Meth and Child Welfare: Promising Solutions for Children, Their Parents, and Grandparentsexternal link (PDF - 2570 KB)
Generations United (2006)
This report identifies promising strategies to prevent meth use, keep children safe, and help parents with addictions complete treatment. It also offers recommendations for national changes in policy, funding and practice to improve the child welfare system's ability to combat the impact of meth.

Methamphetamine Prevention Education: Extension Responds to a National Issueexternal link
Astroth & Vogel
Journal of Extension, 46(5), 2008
Describes a range of research-based programs and materials developed in Montana to combat rising meth use and offers lessons learned to help other States address meth use, production, and awareness.

Ongoing Child Protective Services (CPS) With Methamphetamine Using Families: Implementing Promising Practicesexternal link (PDF - 144 KB)
National Resource Center for Child Protective Services (2006)
Information on promising or acceptable interventions that may be useful once methamphetamine use by a caregiver has been identified.

Prevalence and Treatment of Methamphetamine Dependence: Implications for Women and Childrenexternal link (PDF - 311 KB)
Amatetti, Gallagher, & Young
The Source: Newsletter of the National Abandoned Infants Assistance Resource Center, 15(1), 2006
Explains the Matrix Model for treating methamphetamine users which uses a non-confrontational treatment approach that focuses on current issues and behavior change.

Safety Intervention During CPS Intake With Methamphetamine-Using Caregivers: Gathering Information and Responding to CPS Referrals Which Include Possible Methamphetamine Useexternal link (PDF - 146 KB)
National Resource Center for Child Protective Services (2005)
Includes a discussion of how to make intake decisions and screening decisions, sample questions for information gathering during intake, considerations for response time, safety threshold criteria, and information on worker safety.

Safety Intervention in Methamphetamine Using Families: A Practice Guide for Safety Decision Making and Safety Management in Child Protective Servicesexternal link (PDF - 57 KB)
National Resource Center for Child Protective Services (2005)
Discusses a number of issues related methamphetamine use in families and strategies for intervention.

Safety Management With Methamphetamine-Using Caregiversexternal link (PDF - 149 KB)
National Resource Center for Child Protective Services (2004)
Discusses identifying and assessing safety threats in the initial assessment of families involved in methamphetamine use, including criteria for identifying present danger and impending danger, and key steps for managing safety threats.

Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 33: Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders
Rawson (1999)
In SAMSHA/CSAT Treatment Improvement Protocols
Provides practice guidelines for the treatment of stimulant use disorders, including the use of methamphetamines.

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Additional information on methamphetamines and child welfare

National Institute on Drug Abuse, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
An overview of the drug, including street names, effects, usage, prevention, and treatment, as well as summaries of research findings.

Methamphetamine: The Child Welfare Impact and Response — Conference Proceedings
Children's Bureau (HHS), Child Care Bureau (HHS), & Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (SAMHSA) (2006) Proceedings from the May 2006 conference on methamphetamines and the impact of the drug on children and families.

Meth Recovery Resourcesexternal link
Comprehensive resource from the Federal Government for States, counties, cities, and communities about issues associated with the use of methamphetamines.

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW)
A service of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Children's Bureau, NCSACW works to develop knowledge and provide technical assistance to Federal, State, and local agencies and tribes to improve outcomes for families with substance use disorders in the child welfare and family court systems.

Drug Endangered Children
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Describes risks to Drug Endangered Children and activities initiated by the Federal Government to protect children who reside in or visit methamphetamine labs. Includes sample protocols for staff training.

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State and local examples

Child Welfare Learning Resources Related to Methamphetamineexternal link
North Carolina Division of Social Services
Training Matters, 6(2), 2005
Links to information about child welfare training and policy, and additional resources related to methamphetamines.

Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Statewide Protocol: Guidelines for Methamphetamine (PDF - 36 KB)
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Illinois State Police, & Illinois State Board of Education (2006)
Emphasizes the importance of interagency collaboration in responding to methamphetamine by providing protocols for a response system between law enforcement, child welfare, and the education system.

Kansas Methamphetamine Prevention Projectexternal link Shawnee Regional Prevention and Recovery Services
Includes materials for use in the community, information on trainings, prevention strategies, and a section of resources on drug endangered children.

Meth and Family-Centered Child Welfare Practiceexternal link
North Carolina Division of Social Services
Children's Services Practice Notes, 10(2), 2005
Special issue includes articles describing the impact of family methamphetamine use and production on children, risk factors for child maltreatment, recognizing meth labs, and more.

Illinois Attorney General's Office
Discusses how to recognize and combat methamphetamine use, reviews the prevalence of methamphetamine in Illinois, and provides information on legislation and available community resources in the State.

Nebraska CHEM-L Protocol: Children Exposed to Methamphetamine Laboratoriesexternal link
High Intensity Drug Traffic Area Planning Committee (2004)
Protocol and forms for gathering information and evidence, assessing medical needs, and sharing information following children's exposure to methamphetamine labs.

Poison, Problem, and Perspective Revisitedexternal link(PDF - 175 KB)
Kelly (2007)
Examines the impact of methamphetamine on the Arkansas child welfare system, including information on new policies implemented by the State to improve the identification, engagement, and treatment of families affected by substance abuse.

Three-Year Methamphetamine Grant Coming to a Close: Northern Counties Share Lessons Learnedexternal link (PDF - 2013 KB)
Reaching Out, 2010
Highlights success stories from the Northern California Regional Partnership funded to promote collaboration and service coordination among child welfare, alcohol and other drug treatment services, and the courts.

What Foster Parents Need to Know About Methamphetamineexternal link
North Carolina Division of Social Services
Fostering Perspectives, 9(2), 2005
Discusses the basics of methamphetamine use, its effects on children and families, and the State's response.

1 comment:

  1. Great list of resource links for improving our human services software. Thanks for posting!


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