Sunday, December 2, 2012

Missing Girl May Be In California



Posted: Nov 30, 2012 4:20 PM PST Updated: Nov 30, 2012 5:16 PM PST

By Jason Barry - bio | email



Phoenix police are hoping that new surveillance video will help find an 11-year-old leukemia patient.

The young girl, Emily, was last seen Wednesday night being escorted out of Phoenix Children's Hospital by her mother.

Sgt. Steve Martos told CBS5 that investigators have contacted family members in Arizona and California, but there's still no sign of Emily.

The big concern now is the child's health, Martos said.

The surveillance video shows the 11-year-old leukemia patient walking down the hall on the seventh floor of the hospital with her mother and younger brother.

They get into an elevator around 10:30 p.m., then come out on the first floor and walk through the lobby.

You can see in the video that Emily still has her IV attached.

A few minutes later, the family reappears on camera, only this time Emily's IV is gone and she's wearing different clothes.

The family walks through the lobby and out the front door.

There are two different camera angles of a van sitting outside waiting for them.

Emily, mother and brother walk to the van, get in, and someone drives them away.

"We're talking about 11-year old girl who can't take care of herself," said Martos.

Martos said Emily recently had her arm amputated because of infection.

Doctors also put a chest catheter in Emily's heart, which could be life-threatening if not taken out soon, said Martos.

"This catheter, if in fact she receives an infection, she could, potentially die," said Martos. "So there is some criminal aspect to this and we're looking into that."

It is still unclear why Emily's mother suddenly took the child out of the hospital or where they may be headed.

Authorities said that while it's not a crime for a parent to walk their daughter or son out of a hospital, it is against the law to not provide medical aid to a child facing a life-threatening situation.

"We are running out of time," said Martos. "We want to find Emily as soon as possible to get her the help she needs."

The full names of the family members have not been released.

The van Emily and her family were last seen in is a 1998 Ford mini-Van with an Arizona license plate AVY3157.

If you have any information about Emily or her parents, Norma and Luis, contact the Phoenix Police Department or 480-WITNESS.

[Related: PD: Mom flees AZ hospital with leukemia patient]

Copyright 2012 CBS 5 (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.

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