Friday, December 21, 2012

My Dear Son Richard James Hepner

I read your status on Facebook tonight, and I  could not believe what it said.  “got in my first accident today, and i feel so shitty i kinda wish i would have died.”  My Dear Son, I pray that you do not really mean that, and that you’re just speaking out of frustration.  It may seem like things are going wrong for you at this time, but I promise you it will not be like that forever.  You have your entire life a head of you and a Baby girl who needs her father just as much as she needs her mother.  I am asking of you to just hang in there,  it will get better.

I love you so much and I am so proud of the man that you have become.  You have had more than your fair share of struggles and you have overcome so major obstacles with  flying colors.  You have graduated from high school. and you still have your whole life to live yet.  Please dont give up now, I promise you it wont be like this forever.

All My Love,


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