Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Dear Sweet Daughter MaKayla

How could I ever express the depth of the love I feel for you?  I don’t know where to start.  I love you so much and  I could not be anymore proud of the young woman you are becoming.  But, no matter what you will always be “My Little Girl” even when you are 30.

I am sorry I wasn’t there for you, every time you needed me.  Had circumstances allowed, I would have been.  I hope some day I will be able to prove to you that I was not what you were told I was.  I always wanted you and  I fought for you, but due to my lack of knowledge at the time, I lost you.  And because of that I started the web site What Every Parent Should Know About CPS,  so I could pass on the information that I learned and get other parents a better chance of not making the same mistakes that I did.  I lost you, but the loss would not be in vain. 

I have learned a lot and lost a lot, and missed out on so much.  It it tears me up inside still.  There is not a day that goes by that I don’t ache for what might have been. 

I sincerely do love you and I always will love you no matter what.  And I am very proud of you.  Don’t be afraid of the changes coming in your near future, you are going to do great.  Now that you’ve grown up proud and strong, and true at heart, it is time for you to spread your wings and fly.   And if you ever need me I will be here waiting, and I will always welcome you with open arms.

I love you Miss MaKayla,

Love, Mom

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