Friday, December 14, 2012

Parental Alienation Syndrome...what to do?



  1. Licensed in CA

    Edmund Lee Montgomery

    Edmund Lee Montgomery Pro

    San Bernardino Family Law Attorney

    Answered about a year ago. You have rights and options. A parent may not withhold visitation because you got behind in support. You need to enforce the current orders for visitation. You might even want to increase your time since your child is older now.
    You should consult an attorney to enforce your rights to see your child. If you do nothing she will walk all over you.

  2. Licensed in CA

    Richard Eric Anthony Dwyer

    Richard Eric Anthony Dwyer Pro

    Mountain View Divorce / Separation Lawyer

    Answered about a year ago. You can enforce the child custody order. Your spouse does not have the right to deny you custody or visitation without a modification of the existing Court Order.

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