Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What Is A Civil Rights Violation?

Written by: Alan James Brinkmeier

Lawsuit / Dispute Attorney


Government Misconduct

Civil rights are guaranteed by our federal government. The laws that protect citizens against government misconduct are commonly called civil rights laws. Freedom of speech, freedom from false arrest and false imprisonment, freedom from use of excessive force by police, freedom to have necessary medical treatment while in the custody of the police are just some of the examples of civil rights people in our free society enjoy.

"Under Color of Law"

When the police act using their authority, that is acting under "color of law". When the local government takes a property without due process, they are acting under "color of law."

Ideological Exclusion

Ideological exclusion violates Americans' First Amendment right to hear constitutionally protected speech.


To see if you have a civil rights case, see a lawyer to fully discuss your matter.


Government Misconduct

Civil rights are guaranteed by our federal government. The laws that protect citizens against government misconduct are commonly called civil rights laws. Freedom of speech, freedom from false arrest and false imprisonment, freedom from use of excessive force by police, freedom to have necessary medical treatment while in the custody of the police are just some of the examples of civil rights people in our free society enjoy.

"Under Color of Law"

When the police act using their authority, that is acting under "color of law". When the local government takes a property without due process, they are acting under "color of law."

Ideological Exclusion

Ideological exclusion violates Americans' First Amendment right to hear constitutionally protected speech.


To see if you have a civil rights case, see a lawyer to fully discuss your matter.

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