Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wife supports husband accused of abusing 6-month-old


Posted: Dec 17, 2012 6:10 AM Updated: Dec 17, 2012 8:24 AM

By Adam Longo - email

Posted by Steve Stout – email


A Buckeye father is in jail, accused of viciously abusing his 6-month-old daughter so badly the brain damage she suffered may cause her to grow up blind.

But there's a twist: The baby's mother and accused man's wife said she does not believe he's guilty.

"Right here. This is David holding her," Anglica Salinas-Lama told CBS 5 News as she pointed to a picture of her husband holding a newborn Aubre Salinas-Lama.

David Salinas-Lama appears to be a proud papa looking after his little girl.

Aubre has already beaten some odds. She was born after just 33 weeks and weighed just 4 pounds 9 ounces at birth.

"When she first went in, they had to do brain surgery, they had to put a tube on each side of the brain," Anglica Salinas-Lama said.

But six months later, Aubre is back in the hospital facing even longer odds and her 22-year-old father is sitting in the Lower Buckeye Jail, arrested Dec. 10 after investigators said he changed his story of the baby's injuries more than once.

"I need an ambulance for my baby, please hurry," David Salinas-Lama is heard saying to a 911 operator.

"Is he blue?" the 911 operator asked.

"(Expletive) hurry up. Just shut up," David Salinas-Lama yelled.

"They're on their way, but I'm trying to help you," the operator replied.

Anglica Salinas-Lama said her husband was just playing with their daughter when she was injured.

"He told me he was throwing her up and playing with her and that she was giggling and the cat came by this way and he got distracted and he accidentally dropped her," she said.

But police said that based on what doctors told them there's "no way" that's what happened.

Aubre suffered two subdural hematomas and retinal bleeding, injuries doctors said are consistent with the baby being violently shaken.

"There was no marks on her stomach and there's no indication she was shaken like they're saying she was," Anglica Salinas-Lama said.

David Salinas-Lama was going through the hiring process to become a corrections officer with the Arizona Department of Corrections.

But he's the one now being guarded.

"I don't think it's right he is in jail right now," his wife said. "He should be home with his family and seeing his daughter and be there for her in ICU."

The arresting officer told CBS 5 News that David Salinas-Lama gave five different versions of what happened, including the following to the 911 operator.

"Was she sleeping and then just started crying a lot?" the operator asked.

"Yeah, I was watching TV and she was asleep. Then she woke up screaming and I was trying to calm her down," David Salinas-Lama replied.

Anglica Salinas-Lama said he was scared, so he lied.

And, she said, he shook the baby only when it appeared she had stopped breathing.

The couple has three other kids.

"He's never been a violent person towards his kids. He's always been there, and he's been a good dad," Anglica Salinas-Lama said.

David Salinas-Lama is scheduled to be in court Monday morning.

He's being held on almost $10,000 bond.

Child Protective Services has taken the couple's three other children and placed them with Anglica Salinas-Lama's mother.

Copyright 2012 CBS 5 (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.



(Source: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office) David Salinas-Lama is accused of violently abusing his 6-month-old daughter.


(Source: Anglica Salinas-Lama) Aubre Salinas-Lama is laying in a Valley hospital. Doctors say she might be blinded by the injuries she suffered.


(Source: CBS 5 News) Anglica Salinas-Lama says she does not believe her husband is guilty and that she should be out of jail and home.

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