Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Child Protective Services (CPS) Information Regarding Children Who Have Died or Nearly Died of Abuse or Neglect (Maltreatment)

Effective September 26, 2008, changes to state law established a detailed process for the Department of Economic Security (DES) to release Child Protective Services (CPS) records related to children who have died or nearly died as a result of abuse or neglect. If CPS receives a report that a child has died or nearly died as a result of abuse or neglect on or after September 26, 2008, the preliminary information will be posted on this page. If additional records on those cases are subsequently requested and released, information about accessing those records also will be posted on this page.

The Department is using a new format to post information on child fatalities and near fatalities that were due to abuse, abandonment or neglect. This format is designed to provide more preliminary information about circumstances of the death or near death.

The Department began posting information about child fatalities and near fatalities on the website on September 26, 2008, when A.R.S. § 8-807, the law governing CPS information, was changed.

Based on public suggestions received over the past year, the Department determined that this revised format would better inform the public about these cases.

The Department is also posting child fatalities and near fatalities that were determined to be the result of abuse or neglect if neither law enforcement nor CPS have identified the perpetrator.




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