Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Child Welfare Learning Resources Related to Methamphetamine





As the figure above indicates, the presence of illegal methamphetamine labs in North Carolina is increasing. Our State is responding vigorously to this threat with new laws, new funding, and public outreach strategies. A good example of the latter is the NC State Bureau of Investigation, which in 2004 educated more than 10,000 North Carolinians about the dangers of meth.

Child Welfare Training
In part because children are present in one out of every four meth labs found in North Carolina, the NC Division of Social Services is also taking steps to ensure county DSS employees have the information they need to keep people safe and to support meth-involved families.

Thanks to special funding from the 2004 legislative session, the Division is contracting with the Jordan Institute for Families at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work to develop several meth-related courses for DSS workers.

The first, Responding to Families and Communities Impacted by Meth, will be a one-day event that will provide basic information about meth and meth labs, with an emphasis on Division policy and overall safety. This course will be offered 20 times across North Carolina this spring, with the first training beginning the third week of April. For training dates, locations, and to register, visit <http://www.ncswtrain.org>.

Responding to Families and Communities Impacted by Meth will also elicit information from course participants to help guide the development of a more comprehensive, two-day course that will focus on family-centered practice with meth-involved families and their children. This course will first be offered in Asheville on September 27–28 and in Charlotte on December 8–9, 2005. It is anticipated part of this course will be delivered online in the future.

The Division has also asked the Jordan Institute to modify an existing training, Introduction to Substance Abuse, to incorporate information about meth.

The current issue of Children’s Services Practice Notes (vol. 10, no. 2) is another example of the Division’s efforts to help workers support families involved with meth. You can find it online at <www.practicenotes.org>.

Child Welfare Policy
The NCDSS’s children’s services policy on meth lab interventions, issued January 1, 2005, can be found at <http://info.dhhs.state.nc.us/olm/manuals/dss/csm-65/man/CSs1000.htm>. If you have questions about the content of the training on meth or about the Division’s Drug Endangered Child policy, contact the NCDSS’s Laura Elmore, Program Coordinator (t: 919/733-4319; e: laura.elmore@ncmail.net).

Additional Resources
Below are additional resources for learning more about methamphetamine and the impact it has on families, the child welfare system, and society as a whole.

General Information about Meth
Idaho Drug Endangered Children Conference Medical Summit. Excellent overview. <www.isp.state.id.us/DEC_Conference/documents/WellsandWrightpresentation.ppt>

Children in Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs: Helping Meth’s Youngest Victims (OVC Bulletin). <www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/bulletins/children>

Children at Risk, National Drug Intelligence Center <www.usdoj.gov/ndic/pubs1/1466/>

Minnesota Department of Health, Meth Webpage. <www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/meth>

North Carolina
NC Methamphetamine Summit: Final report. <www.ncdoj.com>

NC Association of County Directors of Social Services. Addressing the methamphetamine problem, a fact sheet for social service personnel. <www.ncacdss.org>

Meth Lab Photos
Keys to Recognizing a Clandestine Laboratory. <www.stopdrugs.org/recognizinglabs.html>

Media Coverage of Meth
Meth in the Mountains. Charlotte Observer, March 2003. <www.miami.com/mld/charlotte/news/photos/8242554.htm?1c>

County Agencies Respond to the Meth Threat, The Mountain Times (NC). <www.mountaintimes.com/mtweekly/2003/0619/meth.php3>

Child Welfare and Substance Abuse
Out-of Home Placements Due to Parent Chemical Abuse and the Connection to Methamphetamine Addiction. <ssw.che.umn.edu/CASCW/meth_cm_summary.html>

Child Welfare Online Training Project: Substance Abuse. <www.ssw.umich.edu/icwtp/substanceAbuse>

Health and Human Services Report “Blending Perspectives and Building Common Ground: A Report to Congress on Substance Abuse and Child Protection,” April 1999 ·<aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/subabuse99/subabuse.htm>

National Association of Social Workers (NASW) October, 2003 Practice Note on ASFA and Substance Abuse. <www.naswdc.org/practice/children/cws1003.pdf>

Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Programs
Drug Endangered Children <www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/enforce/dr_endangered_child.html>

Riverside, California Drug Endangered Children Program. <dec.co.riverside.ca.us>

Colorado Drug Endangered Children Program. <www.colodec.org>

Treatment for Meth Addiction
Meth Treatment Project. <www.methamphetamine.org/mtcc.htm>

Beating an Addiction to Meth. <www.msnbc.com/news/507186.asp?cp1=1>

Infants and Meth
KCI The Anti-Meth Site. <www.kci.org/meth_info/Crank_Babies>

References for this Issue of Training Matters
National Drug Intelligence Center . (2003, April). North Carolina drug threat assessment. <www.usdoj.gov/ndic/pubs3/3690/meth.htm>

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