Monday, April 29, 2013

GPS Tracking Solutions for Child Protection


  • GPS Tracking Solutions for Child Protection

Your children are in motion. With our GPS tracking platform, parents have a variety of device options and customizations that they can use to locate their children if they become lost. Several devices even offer SOS buttons and two-way voice communication over the cellular network. Request a demo now, or keep reading to see how our GPS tracking platform can help you quickly locate a lost child.

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Home / Industries / Child Protection

Time can be critical in finding a lost child.

GPS Tracking Solutions for Child Protection

There is nothing more frightening than losing a child in a crowded mall or amusement park. As a parent or childcare professional, it is important to have a constant eye on a child,  but when that child wanders away or the child is abducted. then what is a care giver to do about quickly locating and retrieving that child?

Business Needs:

How can a parent quickly track and retrieve a child when they are lost or taken?
In what way can a parent place a GPS tracking device on their child?
Does your child have special needs or wander off frequently?


When a child goes missing due to kidnapping or wandering away from parents, it is important for the well being of the child to find and retrieve them quickly. That is why a GPS tracking device and platform is important to have for parents of young and even older children.


With the Position Logic GPS tracking platform, parents have a variety of devices options and customizations that they can use to locate their children. Several devices offer customizable SOS buttons and even two-way voice communication over cellular network. All these features and many more are quickly accessible both from computer and mobile smartphone for quick retrieval of a child.


Losing a child for even a moment can be frightening. With the Position Logic platform, parents can equip themselves and their children to be protected. Personal trackers can be placed in common items such as a backpack to ensure that a child does not wander off somewhere or worse, become abducted by a kidnapper. Parents can quickly look up and reclaim their children before anything bad happens to them. Children can also be trained to hit a panic button or call button in case of emergency. Parents can set their contact information so that the moment an alert is delivered, the parent knows about it.

GPS Tracking Devices

-Sanav MU-201
-StarNav PT-33
-Enfora Mini-MT

GPS Tracking Sensors

-SOS button

View screenshots of the Position Logic GPS Tracking Platform. ↓

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"At Position Logic, we promise to always deliver a quality product and back it up with exceptional customer service. Every interaction with a client is an opportunity to bring value to our customers and prove our commitment to their business."

President / CEO
- Felix Lluberes


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