Thursday, July 10, 2014

What is considered abuse and neglect in Minnesota?

Child Protection and Child Welfare


Neglect is the most common form of maltreatment. It is usually a failure of a child's caregiver to:

  • • Provide needed food, clothing, shelter, medical or mental health care, education or appropriate supervision
  • • Protect a child from conditions or actions that endanger the child
  • • Take steps to ensure that a child is educated as required by law.
  • • The following also may be considered neglect:
  • • Exposing a child to certain drugs during pregnancy
  • • Causing emotional harm to a child.
  • Physical abuse

    This is when a caregiver causes any physical injury, or threatens harm or substantial injury, on a child other than by accident. Physical abuse can range from minor bruises to severe internal injuries and death.

    Mental injury

    This is harm to a child's psychological capacity or emotional stability evidenced by an observable and substantial impairment of a child's functioning.

    Sexual abuse

    This is when a child is a victim of a criminal sexual act or threatened act committed by:

  • • A person responsible for a child's care
  • • A person who has a significant relationship to a child
  • • A person in a position of authority.

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