Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Woman arrested for letting her daughter go alone to the park

Posted: Jul 15, 2014 7:53 PM Updated: Jul 15, 2014 7:57 PM

By Craig Thomas - email

TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) - TODAY'S MOST: Mom arrested for letting her daughter go alone to the park
This is a story that's attracting a lot of attention around the country. 46-year old Debra Harrell was arrested in North Augusta, South Carolina for "unlawful conduct towards a child."
Harrell let her 9-year old daughter go to the park alone for several hours while she went to work at McDonald's. Harrell's daughter had a cell phone and could call her mom if she needed anything.
On the daughter's third day at the park, someone asked where her mother was. Police were then called, and Harrell ultimately arrested. Her daughter is now in custody of social services.
The Atlantic says that for most of the summer,  the daughter stayed at the McDonald's and played on a laptop while Harrell worked. That laptop was ultimately stolen, and then the daughter asked if she could go to the park instead.
Some people in the community came out and said Harrell should never have let her daughter go to the park alone.

Other commentators, in various outlets, say that Harrell did nothing wrong and it is terrible that she was arrested.

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