Monday, August 25, 2014

What can a 16 year old do about the severe verbal and physical Abuse from adopted family?

Asked 28 days ago - Marana, AZ


I was contacted by a 16 year old who is being extremely physical and emotionally abused by the adopted family. What can we do and what can this 16 year old do?


Attorney answers (2)

  1. Licensed in AZ

    Danielle K Graham

    Danielle GrahamPro

    Business Attorney - Phoenix, AZ

    Contributor Level 8

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    Lawyer agrees

    Answered 26 days ago. Absolutely call the police. If you are looking for a civil remedy (i.e., getting money from the abusers), you can file a lawsuit to recover for the emotional abuse. The more urgent matter is getting the 16-year-old out of harms' way by calling the police (or 911 should the abuse happen again).

  2. Licensed in AZ

    Ryan W Cummings

    Ryan W CummingsPro

    Domestic Violence Lawyer - Scottsdale, AZ

    Contributor Level 14

    Contact answerer


    Answered 29 days ago. Call the police. If a person is suffering from physical abuse the police will intervene. The next stop would be cps.

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