Friday, February 6, 2015

Toddler Dies In State Custody After Being Taken From Parents

By: Kristin Tate 
Toddler Dies In State Custody
A 2-year-old girl was killed after she was removed from her parents’ home and placed in child protective services.
Little Alexandria Hill in Round Rock, Texas was taken from her biological parents who were accused of neglecting her because they are pot smokers. The couple was charged with “neglectful supervision,” but claimed to only smoke pot after they put their daughter to bed.
Child Protective Services removed Alexandria from the home of Joshua Hill and his wife last november.
The Hills got visitation time with their daughter. Almost as soon as she was taken, Joshua began to notice severe bruises and injuries on the little girl’s body. He complained to state officials, and Alexandria was given a new foster home.
Things got better after that… For a while.
One day, Joshua got a call from the hospital that he will never forget. His Alexandria was there, and she was in a coma. She died soon thereafter.
After a medical examination, it was concluded that the girl died from trauma to the head. Alexandria’s new foster mother has been charged with murder.
Alexandria’s foster mother, Sherill Small, found the girl through the MENTOR program. Small passed all of the necessary background checks and had no violent history.
Small told investigators that she was spinning Alexandria around in circles when she accidentally let go of her hands. It was then, claimed Small, that the girl brutally hit her head on the carpet.
But her story didn’t add up.
During an examination, doctors found evidence of severe brain injury. After pressing Small with more questions, the woman admitted that she got angry with Alexandria and hit her over the head down near the ground with a “lot of force” several times. The girl’s head smashed against the floor on the third time.
The bigger question in this case is if the state initially acted illicitly. It is entirely possible that state officials overstepped boundaries by forcefully taking the girl and putting her in foster care.
If Alexandria had remained with her biological parents, she likely would not have ended up dead.
Is there blood on the Texas state government’s hands? 

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