Saturday, July 16, 2016

13-3401 Definitions

-3401.  Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1.  "Administer" means to apply, inject or facilitate the inhalation or ingestion of a substance to the body of a person.
2.  "Amidone" means any substance identified chemically as (4‑4‑diphenyl‑6‑dimethylamine‑heptanone‑3), or any salt of such substance, by whatever trade name designated.
3.  "Board" means the Arizona state board of pharmacy.
4.  "Cannabis" means the following substances under whatever names they may be designated:
(a)  The resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis, and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin.  Cannabis does not include oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant, any fiber, compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of the mature stalks of such plant except the resin extracted from the stalks or any fiber, oil or cake or the sterilized seed of such plant which is incapable of germination.
(b)  Every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol.
5.  "Coca leaves" means cocaine, its optical isomers and any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of coca leaves, except derivatives of coca leaves which do not contain cocaine, ecgonine or substances from which cocaine or ecgonine may be synthesized or made.
6.  "Dangerous drug" means the following by whatever official, common, usual, chemical or trade name designated:
(a)  Any material, compound, mixture or preparation that contains any quantity of the following hallucinogenic substances and their salts, isomers, whether optical, positional or geometric, and salts of isomers, unless specifically excepted, whenever the existence of such salts, isomers and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation:
(i)  Alpha-ethyltryptamine.
(ii)  Alpha-methyltryptamine.
(iii)  (2-aminopropyl) benzofuran (APB).
(iv)  (2-aminopropyl)-2, 3-dihydrobenzofuran (APDB).
(v)  Aminorex.
(vi)  4-bromo-2, 5-dimethoxyphenethylamine.
(vii)  4‑bromo‑2, 5‑dimethoxyamphetamine.
(viii)  Bufotenine.
(ix)  [3-(3-carbamoylphenyl)phenyl]N-cyclohexyl carbamate (URB-597).
(x)  Diethyltryptamine.
(xi)  2, 5‑dimethoxyamphetamine.
(xii)  Dimethyltryptamine.
(xiii)  5-methoxy-alpha-methyltryptamine.
(xiv)  5‑methoxy‑3, 4‑methylenedioxyamphetamine.
(xv)  4‑methyl‑2, 5‑dimethoxyamphetamine.
(xvi)  Ibogaine.
(xvii)  Lysergic acid amide.
(xviii)  Lysergic acid diethylamide.
(xix)  Mescaline.
(xx)  4-methoxyamphetamine.
(xxi)  Methoxymethylenedioxyamphetamine (MMDA).

(xxii)  Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA).

(xxiii)  3, 4‑methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

(xxiv)  3, 4‑methylenedioxy‑N‑ethylamphetamine.

(xxv)  N‑ethyl‑3‑piperidyl benzilate (JB‑318).

(xxvi)  N‑hydroxy‑3, 4‑methylenedioxyamphetamine.

(xxvii)  N‑methyl‑3‑piperidyl benzilate (JB‑336).

(xxviii)  N-methyltryptamine mimetic substances that are any substances derived from N-methyltryptamine by any substitution at the nitrogen, any substitution at the indole ring, any substitution at the alpha carbon, any substitution at the beta carbon or any combination of the above.  N‑methyltryptamine mimetic substances do not include melatonin (5-methoxy-n-acetyltryptamine).  Substances in the N-methyltryptamine generic definition include AcO-DMT, Baeocystine, Bromo-DALT, DiPT, DMT, DPT, HO-DET, HO-DiPT, HO-DMT, HO-DPT, HO-MET, MeO-DALT, MeO-DET, MeO-DiPT, MeO-DMT, MeO-DPT, MeO‑NMT, MET, NMT and Norbufotenin.

(xxix)  N‑(1‑phenylcyclohexyl) ethylamine (PCE).

(xxx)  Nabilone.

(xxxi)  1‑(1‑phenylcyclohexyl) pyrrolidine (PHP).

(xxxii)  1‑(1‑(2‑thienyl)‑cyclohexyl) piperidine (TCP).

(xxxiii)  1‑(1‑(2‑thienyl)‑cyclohexyl) pyrrolidine.

(xxxiv)  Para‑methoxyamphetamine (PMA).

(xxxv)  Psilacetin.

(xxxvi)  Psilocybin.

(xxxvii)  Psilocyn.

(xxxviii)  Synhexyl.

(xxxix)  Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP).

(xl)  Trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA).

(xli)  1-pentyl-3-(naphthoyl)indole (JWH-018 and isomers).

(xlii)  1-butyl-3-(naphthoyl)indole (JWH-073 and isomers).

(xliii)  1-hexyl-3-(naphthoyl)indole (JWH-019 and isomers).

(xliv)  1-pentyl-3-(4-chloro naphthoyl)indole (JWH-398 and isomers).

(xlv)  1-(2-(4-(morpholinyl)ethyl))-3-(naphthoyl)indole (JWH-200 and isomers).

(xlvi)  1-pentyl-3-(methoxyphenylacetyl)indole (JWH-250 and isomers).

(xlvii)  (2-methyl-1-propyl-1H-indol-3-YL)-1-naphthalenyl-methanone (JWH‑015 and isomers).

(xlviii)  (6AR, 10AR)-9-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethyl-3-(2-methyloctan2-YL)-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol) (HU-210).

(xlix)  5-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)-2-(3-hydroxycyclohexyl)-phenol

(CP 47,497 and isomers).

(l)  5-(1,1-dimethyloctyl)-2-(3-hydroxycyclohexyl)-phenol

(cannabicyclohexanol, CP-47,497 C8 homologue and isomers).

(b)  Any material, compound, mixture or preparation that contains any quantity of cannabimimetic substances and their salts, isomers, whether optical, positional or geometric, and salts of isomers, unless specifically excepted, whenever the existence of such salts, isomers and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation.  For the purposes of this subdivision, "cannabimimetic substances" means any substances within the following structural classes:

(i)  2‑(3-hydroxycyclohexyl)phenol with substitution at the 5-position of the phenolic ring by alkyl or alkenyl, whether or not substituted on the cyclohexyl ring to any extent. Substances in the 2‑(3‑hydroxycyclohexyl)phenol generic definition include CP‑47,497, CP‑47,497 C8-Homolog, CP‑55,940 and CP‑56,667.

(ii)  3-(naphthoyl)indole or 3-(naphthylmethane)indole by substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring, whether or not further substituted on the indole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the naphthoyl or naphthyl ring to any extent.  Substances in the 3-(naphthoyl)indole generic definition include AM-678, AM-2201, JWH-004, JWH-007, JWH-009, JWH‑015, JWH-016, JWH-018, JWH-019, JWH-020, JWH-046, JWH-047, JWH-048, JWH‑049, JWH-050, JWH-070, JWH-071, JWH-072, JWH-073, JWH-076, JWH-079, JWH‑080, JWH-081, JWH-082, JWH-094, JWH-096, JWH-098, JWH-116, JWH-120, JWH‑122, JWH-148, JWH-149, JWH-175, JWH-180, JWH-181, JWH-182, JWH-184, JWH‑185, JWH-189, JWH-192, JWH-193, JWH-194, JWH-195, JWH-196, JWH-197, JWH‑199, JWH-200, JWH-210, JWH-211, JWH-212, JWH-213, JWH-234, JWH-235, JWH‑236, JWH-239, JWH-240, JWH-241, JWH-242, JWH-262, JWH-386, JWH-387, JWH‑394, JWH-395, JWH-397, JWH-398, JWH-399, JWH-400, JWH-412, JWH-413, JWH‑414 and JWH-415.

(iii)  3-(naphthoyl)pyrrole by substitution at the nitrogen atom of the pyrrole ring, whether or not further substituted in the pyrrole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the naphthoyl ring to any extent. Substances in the 3-(naphthoyl)pyrrole generic definition include JWH-030, JWH-145, JWH-146, JWH-147, JWH-150, JWH-156, JWH-243, JWH-244, JWH-245, JWH‑246, JWH-292, JWH-293, JWH-307, JWH-308, JWH-346, JWH-348, JWH-363, JWH‑364, JWH-365, JWH-367, JWH-368, JWH-369, JWH-370, JWH-371, JWH-373 and JWH-392.

(iv)  1-(naphthylmethylene)indene by substitution of the 3-position of the indene ring, whether or not further substituted in the indene ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the naphthyl ring to any extent. Substances in the 1-(naphthylmethylene)indene generic definition include JWH‑176.

(v)  3-(phenylacetyl)indole or 3-(benzoyl)indole by substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring, whether or not further substituted in the indole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the phenyl ring to any extent. Substances in the 3-(phenylacetyl)indole generic definition include AM-694, AM‑2233, JWH-167, JWH-201, JWH-202, JWH-203, JWH-204, JWH‑205, JWH‑206, JWH‑207, JWH-208, JWH-209, JWH-237, JWH-248, JWH-250, JWH‑251, JWH‑253, JWH‑302, JWH-303, JWH-304, JWH-305, JWH-306, JWH-311, JWH‑312, JWH‑313, JWH‑314, JWH-315, JWH-316, RCS-4, RCS‑8, SR‑18 and SR‑19.

(vi)  3‑(cyclopropylmethanone) indole or 3-(cyclobutylmethanone) indole or 3‑(cyclopentylmethanone) indole by substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring, whether or not further substituted in the indole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl or cyclopentyl rings to any extent.   Substances in the 3‑(cyclopropylmethanone) indole generic definition include UR‑144, fluoro‑UR‑144 and XLR‑11.

(vii)  3‑adamantoylindole with substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring, whether or not further substituted on the indole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the adamantyl ring to any extent.  Substances in the 3-adamantoylindole generic definition include AB‑001.

(viii)  N-(adamantyl)-indole-3-carboxamide with substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring, whether or not further substituted on the indole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the adamantyl ring to any extent.  Substances in the N-(adamantyl)-indole-3-carboxamide generic definition include SDB-001.

(ix)  Indazole-3-carboxamide with substitution at a nitrogen atom of the indazole ring, whether or not further substituted on the indazole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the nitrogen of the carboxamide to any extent.  Substances in the indazole‑3‑carboxamide generic definition include AKB-48, fluoro‑AKB-48, APINACA, AB‑PINACA and AB‑FUBINACA.

(x)  8-quinolinyl-indole-3-carboxylate by substitution at the nitrogen atom of the indole ring, whether or not further substituted in the indole ring to any extent, whether or not substituted on the quinoline ring to any extent.  Substances in the 8-quinolinyl-indole-3-carboxylate generic definition include PB-22 and fluoro-PB-22.

(c)  Any material, compound, mixture or preparation that contains any quantity of the following substances and their salts, isomers, whether optical, positional or geometric, and salts of isomers having a potential for abuse associated with a stimulant effect on the central nervous system:

(i)  Alpha-pyrrolidinobutiophenone (Alpha-PBP).

(ii)  Alpha-pyrrolidinopropiophenone (Alpha-PPP).

(iii)  Alpha-pyrrolidinovalerophenone (Alpha-PVP).

(iv)  Alpha-pyrrolidinovalerothiophenone (Alpha-PVT).

(v)  Aminoindane mimetic substances that are derived from aminoindane by any substitution at the indane ring, replacement of the amino group with another N group or any combination of the above.  Substances in the amino

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