Thursday, September 29, 2016

Athletic teen needs loving home

Getting to know Dalton takes time. He’s somewhat shy at first. This 16-year-old has had lots of ups and downs and he’s spent almost his entire life in foster care.

“Since I was 4,” said Dalton solemnly. “I was real little and they couldn’t take care of me and so they gave me to my grandma, but she couldn’t take care of me because she was getting older so she gave me to CPS.”

Years of trauma and uncertainty have taken a toll on Dalton.

“He feels unwanted,” explained Linda Sessions, Program Manager for Youth & Family.

As a result, he’s had to work through some anger issues but is making great progress in foster care.

Sessions said, “He’s a well-mannered kid. He has his problems just like any other normal kid would have, but he’s easy to be redirected.”

Dalton enjoys attending church, video games and sports.

“I like to play basketball. I like to play football. I’m not really good at it, but I try,” he said with a smile.

He also tries his best in school. He’s now in the 10th grade.

“He’s good in biology, so I think that’s his favorite class,” Sessions said.

Dalton needs a family who will understand his past and accept him for who he is – a teen working to reach his full potential.

Dalton said, “I want to be the only kid. I want a mom and a dad. The reason I want to be the only kid is so I get all the attention.”

This young man is looking forward to a second chance at a bright future, and a first chance at experiencing unconditional love from a family who believes Children are a Gift.

To learn more about Dalton, join Gillian Sheridan for her Children are a Gift report, next Tuesday night on CBS 19 News at 6. To inquire about an East Texas child waiting to be adopted, call 903-533-4242 or email

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