Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My family and I need some help. For: Nate Lesher Apex, NC Organizer: Nate Lesher


Hey everyone. We need a little help, if you don't mind. My wife and I have five kids (three of which are my step-children), and we are all packed in our three bedroom rental house. As you can imagine, everything started to become expensive (i.e. we became poorer). So my wife and I made the decision that the long-term solution to our financial problems would be for me to go to college. Let me tell you, it has been a wild ride but we've been giving it our all. Between the child support, the student aid, my military benefits, some help from family, and working when we can, we are still unable to pinch enough pennies to get by. We are up to our eyeballs in bills and debt, we've been to the food pantry, we've been on food stamps... we've been on everything but welfare (which I'm pretty sure we don't qualify for). I would consult the bank but, with our credit, that is just not an option. For those of you who know me, you know that reaching out like this does not suit my character. Those that don't know me... you're missing out! If you still don't feel comfortable giving because you're skeptical, I understand. That's why I encourage you to reach out to me for any clarification atlesher.nate@yahoo.com. Thank you for serving those who have served.

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