Thursday, January 19, 2017

§8-503 Powers And Duties

§ 8-503. Powers And Duties

8-503. Powers and duties

A. The division shall:

1. Exercise supervision over all child welfare agencies.

2. Advise and cooperate with the governing boards of all child welfare agencies.

3. Assist the staffs of all child welfare agencies by giving advice on progressive methods and procedures of child care and improvement of services.

4. Establish rules, regulations and standards for:

(a) Licensing of child welfare agencies.

(b) Licensing of foster homes.

(c) Classifications of foster homes as:

(i) Receiving foster homes.

(ii) Regular foster homes.

(iii) Special classes of foster homes as are needed according to the types of problems involved.

(iv) Group foster homes.

(d) Certifying each foster home according to one or more of the categories prescribed in subdivision (c) of this paragraph.

(e) Initial and ongoing foster parent training programs.

(f) The method of approving foster parent training programs.

(g) Uniform amounts of payment for all foster homes according to certification. However, variations in uniform amounts of payments may be allowed for foster homes based on consideration of geographical location or age or mental or physical condition of a foster child.

(h) Renewal of licenses of child welfare agencies and foster homes.

(i) Form and content of investigations, reports and studies concerning disposition of children and foster home placement.

5. Establish a program of counseling and rehabilitation of parents whose children have been placed in foster homes.

6. Establish foster parent training programs or contract with other agencies, institutions or groups for the provision of such programs to foster parents. Foster parent training programs shall be established in at least the following areas:

(a) Initial and ongoing training as a foster parent for a regular or group foster home.

(b) Initial and ongoing training as a foster parent for a special foster home.

7. Regulate the importation and exportation of children.

8. In conjunction with the department of education and the department of juvenile corrections, develop and implement a uniform budget format to be submitted by licensed child welfare agencies. The budget format shall be developed in such a manner that, at a minimum, residential and educational instructional costs are separate and distinct budgetary items.

9. Establish as a goal that, at any given time, not more than fifty percent of the total number of children whose maintenance is subsidized by title IV, part E of the social security act, as amended, shall be in foster care in excess of twenty-four consecutive months. The division shall establish through regulations appropriate procedures to achieve the goal.

B. Except as provided in section 8-514.01, large group settings for children, group homes for children and child developmental homes that have one or more residents who are clients of the department with developmental disabilities shall be licensed pursuant to title 36, chapter 5.1, article 3. Rules, regulations and standards adopted pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 4 of this section shall not apply to group homes for children or child developmental homes licensed pursuant to title 36, chapter 5.1, article 3.

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