Thursday, August 17, 2017

WikiLeaks: New York Times Reporter caught running Child Porn Website & in the meantime. no news of Ben Swann


It would be incredibly naive not to fully grasp what these people are capable of. It goes without saying they’ll do anything not be exposed, not just because of the disgrace or for the fact life behind bars may be decidedly uncomfortable. No. The chief concern for those involved (& we’re talking about 100’s if not 1000’s of officials who are entrusted with various levels of power & it goes all the way to Capitol Hill), is if the whole edifice comes tumbling down. Suddenly the Zionist Rothschild banksters could find they don’t have so many friends in high places & worse still, we, the people, will understand just how & why so many child molesters & perverts ended up in the corridors of power. 

Those with the most filth in the cupboard are the ones most likely to be given preferential treatment. This is the integral reason democracies in the West have been so compromised & this is why everything possible is being done in order to stave off a swathe of prosecutions. It must be noted too & God knows I’ve said it a million times, the same people who own our politicians also own the media. This is why virtually zero publicity is given to what are open & shut cases of pedophilia. Bill Clinton is one who’s been at it for years! This is what we desperately need to expose – not only those responsible but the entire media apparatus which ensures known pedophiles remain above the law & for this sort of filth to carry on unabated.


A former New York Times & Newsweek journalist Kurt Eichenwald was the administrator of an illegal child pornography website, according to WikiLeaks. Eichenwald, described by WikiLeaks as “Newsweek’s CIA, Clinton apologist”, was recently at the center of a court battle after Sputnik News journalist Bill Moran filed defamation charges against him after he accused him of being a mouthpiece for Russia. Moran had previously been threatened with a lawsuit from Eichenwald for writing an article claiming that he had paid thousands in exchange for child pornography on a pedophilia website. The case was dismissed last week after the parties settled out of court.

Here’s the link regarding this story. Thanks Mark Dankof for sending it to me – WikiLeaks: New York Times Reporter Caught Running Child Po*n Website

WikiLeaks: New York Times Reporter Caught Running Child Po*n Website

And there’s not one atom in my body that doubts what Assange is saying. In fact, if I was unfamiliar with these two men & I had to pick out which one’s the pervert, it would take me all of two seconds to point to Eichenwald. And to think these are the kind of folk ordinary people receive their news from. Small wonder we’re in such a mess but then for years I’ve tried to emphasise how sexual deviants have deliberately been pushed into positions of power. How else can there exist an inordinate level of child molesters in Western governments? Of course, this is why the decisions they make, most especially crucial ones regarding war & conflict, more often than not, totally defy logic. For the real string-pullers, what better than to have powerful officials who’ll do anything not to be exposed. In 1770, in his Rothschild plan for establishing a one world government, Adam Weishaupt stipulated – 

1) Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places, in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavour. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.
2) The faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in internationalism, or rather the notion that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminati.
3) All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. This was so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long-run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.
4) To obtain absolute-control of the press, at that time the only mass-communications media which distributed information to the public, so that all news and information could be slanted in order to make the masses believe that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems.

About 6 months ago I wrote a piece entitled ‘What exactly is the Pizzagate Scandal.’ –

It took me a while to put together for there were quite a few links & since each one was of critical importance I felt the need to write a worthy introductory piece. One of the links was 

BREAKING: Pizzagate is Back! Ben Swann Disappears – Alex Jones, Joe Rogan Blow the Lid

There is an appropriate sub-heading – ‘If this doesn’t convince you, you might have a learning disorder’. I wrote – 
Finally a mainstream reporter named Ben Swann, noted for his honesty & journalistic integrity, put out a video report explaining how this scandal was anything but fake news. Just days later he vanished, closing & deleting all his social media accounts, leaving a brief explanation “It’s okay, I’ll be back on Feb 1st”…… He’s not back yet. Here’s a link regarding this. Let’s hope & pray Ben is okay. If anything bad has happened to that guy there’s going to be an eruption!

In it – 

  • WikiLeaks publishes numerous emails containing both explicit and nonexplicit references to pedophilia
  • Connections are made between Comet Pizza in Washington, both Tony and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and Anthony Weiner (among many others)
  • The internet is inundated with undeniable connections between pedophilia and Pizzagate
  • Alex Jones pounced as expected. Joe Biggs does a special report for Infowars and launches investigation
  • Lone gunman walks into Comet Pizza to investigate
  • Mainstream Media responds in concert, points to the lone gunman and says “Pizzagate” conspiracy is not true, and extremely dangerous, accusing Alex Jones as the prime instigator
  • Megyn Kelly for Fox News does actual fake news story, taking Alex Jones’ quote out of context amounting to a verified lie
  • Joe Biggs suddenly drops investigation and unceremoniously leaves Infowars
  • Alex Jones announces he’s dropping Pizzagate  (December 15th)
  • Infowars removes prior coverage of Pizzagate from its website and youtube channels
  • Sniper assassinates two finish reporters allegedly for Pizzagate investigation
  • The internet goes ablaze with speculation that the pedos are getting to Jones and others
  • Pizza Gate fades away…
  • CBS’s Ben Swann does a Reality Check segment on Pizzagate that goes viral(January 17th)
  • CBS removes Ben Swann’s Reality Check segment on Pizzagate
  • Ben Swann disappears from internet, leaving cryptic message.  His Twitter, Facebook page, website, and Youtube channel are taken down. (Feb 1st)

  • Alex Jones goes on Joe Rogan’s show and blows the story wide open again with the two going into devastating detail. (Feb 1st)

Strangely enough yesterday Natasha Ryan tagged me in what was an update of this whole sordid affair. This was a piece by Hidden Truth PH 


It is safe to say that Podesta is also the chief suspect of being the ‘family friend’ who molested and raped Chester as a child. Linkin Park coincidentally had a ‘broken Pedophile symbol’ for their bands logo. Obviously this was no coincidence. Bennington was beginning to become vocal about the horror he endured during his childhood, the logical and plausible conclusion is that Podesta had him silenced.

The murder of Bennington, brings new focus upon the blatantly staged suicide of singer Chris Cornell who was also becoming a voice speaking out about organized Pedophile Syndicates in the entertainment business, government and society at large. Cornell and Bennington were close friends. Bennington even being the Godfather to one of Cornell’s daughters.

These murders and you have to be a damn fool to not understand these men were both murdered, will not go unanswered. It is time for the arrest of the murdering psychopath predator pedophile John Podesta.

RIP Chester. RIP Chris.

It is rumored that Chester Bennington from Linkin Park was John Podesta’s illegitimate child. Chester Bennington struggled his whole life with mental health issues as a result of being molested as a child. Chester Pennington’s parents divorced when Chester was 9 years old after his father found out his mother was messing around.

Chester Bennington’s mother Elaine had an affair with John Podesta. Chester Bennington received a grant from the Clinton Foundation as a result of John Podesta’s influence. John Podesta personally knew he was Chester’s biological father, something that was not revealed to Chester until much later in years possibly just recently.

It could be that after Chester Bennington found out who his real father was he was stricken with sorrow and anger. He possibly then looked into John Podesta to find out that Podesta was involved with child sex pedophile Rings linked with Hillary Clinton Foundation and was responsible of human trafficking and prostitution of minors in Haiti and other places of the world.

Chester Bennington admitted a while back that he had been molested by a friend of the family when he was a child. Perhaps when Chester found out that his molester was indeed his real father, John Podesta had to silence his newly acknowledged bastard child.

#PedoGate #PodestaEmails #Wikileaks #LinkinPark #ChesterBennington#ChrisCornell

Some additional information upon Bennington and Cornell:…/2437-chester-bennington-was-abo…

Link to info being shared on VOAT:

Short video focused upon the facial similarities between Bennington & Podesta:

Bennington death now being reported as murder:

Bennington & Cornell performing together:

In light of what we now know; this song, the lyrics, the video… Take on a whole new meaning. Impossible to think that this wasn’t a direct message from Chester to his father John Podesta:

Hidden Truth PH commented – 

Sad truth. We haven’t heard from Ben Swann ever since he exposed Pizzagate, Vigilant Citizen received death threats when he followed through reports re: pedophilia and pizzagate. it seems the “higher powers” are trying to get rid of anyone who tries to expose them. This world is ruled by psychopaths, occultists and pedophiles, and the majority of the people are unaware of it.

I commented – 

Soon after Ben Swann posted the video he went on the missing list. A while later I put together a post asking ‘what’s happened to Ben Swann? Since then I’ve heard nothing. The very last thing I wrote was I do hope he’s okay.

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