Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Arizona Department of Child Safety: Policy and Procedure Manual Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Section 1
Providing Ongoing Services for Families with Children Assessed as Safe 
The Department may arrange, provide, and coordinate programs and services that protect children and may provide programs and services that achieve and maintain permanency on behalf of the child, strengthen the family and provide prevention, intervention, and treatment for abused and neglected children.

If a child and the child's family require assistance from the Department, all of the following apply:
  • The health and safety of the child is the primary concern.
  • Reasonable efforts must be made to provide the assistance in the method that is least intrusive and least restrictive to the family and that is consistent with the needs of the child.
  • Reasonable efforts must be made to deliver the assistance in a culturally appropriate manner and as close as possible to the home community of the child or family requiring assistance.

Services may be provided directly by DCS staff, by contract, or through referral to other organizations or community agencies.

The Department shall maintain continued contact with children and parents/caregivers for all open cases to plan for and monitor the safety, permanency, and well-being of the child and to promote the achievement of the permanency goal.

While a case is open for services, the DCS Specialist shall have face-to-face contact with the child and his or her parents, guardians and/or custodians at least once every month, including parents, guardians and/or custodians who reside in another household (if the parent, guardian and/or custodian requests to be involved) in order to determine whether:
  • the parents, guardians and/or custodians continue to be able to meet the child’s needs;
  • any new concerns regarding child safety have been observed or reported; and
  • the services and supports continue to be effective in enhancing family protective factors and caregiver protective capacities in order to reduce future risk of abuse and neglect.

The DCS Specialist’s monthly face-to-face contact with the child and his or her parents, guardians and/or custodians shall occur in the child’s home.

If the child is verbal or able to communicate through other means (such as through writing, an augmentative communication device, sign language, etc.), part of at least one contact per month shall be alone with the child.

Preparing to Meet the Family
Upon assignment, the receiving DCS Specialist reviews the case information to identify any information gaps and develop plans for the first meeting with the family following case transfer to ongoing services.

The DCS Specialist:
  • becomes as informed as possible about information already known about family functioning,
  • learns about the family’s involvement with, and response to, past and current DCS and service interventions;
  • identifies information gaps that must be filled, and discrepancies that must be reconciled; and
  • identifies strategies for family engagement.

To the extent possible, the DCS Specialist should complete the following activities prior to the initial meeting with the family following case transfer:
  • Review historical information in CHILDS including prior reports and the outcome of prior case open episodes.
  • Review information gathered through the current investigation, including by reviewing the FFA – Investigation.
  • Identify any gaps in information related to family functioning and the rationale for the safety determination.
  • Identify the household composition and which household members should be included in the case planning process (including asking parents, guardians and/or custodians who reside in another household if they wish to be involved).
  • Identify household members or others who do not have a caregiver role, but who may provide a support to the family, including any significant other of the caregiver, extended family members, and persons with significant relationship to the child such as teachers, coaches, neighbors, other family support persons, or service providers.
  • Identify any professional records that should be obtained, or interviews conducted with persons/professionals formerly involved with the parents, guardians and/or custodians, to further understand what is known, and what additional information needs to be learned.
  • Form initial impressions of the specific enhanced and diminished protective capacities that are, are not, or might be impacting child safety.
  • Develop general areas of inquiry/ discussion questions based upon the assessment of protective capacities.

The DCS Specialist will coordinate the timing, location, and circumstances of the initial meeting with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians including the following:
  • the location of the meeting, which should be the most family-like setting possible;
  • the day and time of the meeting, based on the family’s schedule (work/school/services/visitation) and access to transportation;
  • when domestic violence has been identified as present in a family, a plan to have separate meetings with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians.

Case Planning
The assigned DCS Specialist will schedule a case plan staffing to develop a written case plan, at a time and location that is convenient for the family.

The family and service team should be actively involved in case planning, to include:
  • assessment and identification of family strengths and protective capacities;
  • identification of behavioral changes necessary to enhance protective capacities and/or protective factors;
  • identification of services and supports recommended to achieve the identified behavioral changes; and
  • assessing the family’s progress.

The DCS Specialist will provide or refer the family for services and supports identified in the case plan in order to enhance diminished caregiver protective capacities, strengthen family protective factors, and reduce the likelihood of future abuse or neglect. See Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan.

Services are available through a referral to:
  • community organizations and agencies,
  • faith-based and family support networks, and
  • DCS contracted services.

To request specific DCS contracted services, complete the Request for Services – PS06700 and the appropriate addendum and submit per instructions in applicable Service Guides, the Service Referral Approval Matrix, and/or regional directive.

Assessing Progress
At least every 90 days, reassess the family’s progress toward achieving the outlined behavioral changes in the case plan. Consider each parent, guardian and/or custodian’s engagement in services and supports, and whether the services and supports identified in the case plan are promoting the desired behavioral changes.

To determine whether the positive change is occurring within the family, reassess the family’s protective factors. The protective factors are:
  • social and emotional competency of children,
  • social connections,
  • concrete support in times of need,
  • knowledge of parenting and child development, and
  • parental resilience.

Refer to Guided Pathways – Services for Safe Children for guidance on evaluating protective factors.

If the information gathered indicates that a situation or adult behavior in the household could pose a safety threat to a child, collect additional information to explore the area of concern. Make a report to the Child Abuse Hotline and conduct a separate Family Functioning Assessment of this household if the information collected reveals new or previously unreported incidents of abuse or neglect, or possible safety threats in the household. See Family Functioning Assessment – Investigation.

At any point in time, if any child in the home is observed to be in present danger, the DCS Specialist must implement a present danger plan that controls the present danger prior to leaving the child or family.

If the family’s identified needs can be met by a community-based or DCS-referred service, the family does not require DCS intervention and case management to encourage and monitor service participation, and the family is in agreement, complete an Aftercare Plan with the family following the procedures in Aftercare Planning and Services. Arrange or provide information about the identified services, and close the case.

Contact with Children and Parents/Caregivers
The assigned DCS Specialist must have monthly face-to-face contact with the child(ren) and parents, guardians and/or custodians.

More frequent face-to-face contact and/or telephone contact from the DCS Specialist between required monthly contacts may be necessary based on the case circumstances. See Contact with Children, Parents and Out-of-Home Caregivers.

Document in Case Notes, contacts with the following persons:
  • family members,
  • Department personnel,
  • members of the service team,
  • tribal social services representatives, and/or other service team members regarding the case.

Documentation of contacts should include information on dates, places, individuals involved, and the nature of the contact, and provide a factual summary of the following:
  • observations of the family's interactions, written in behavioral terms; and
  • observations of the environment.

Document all conversations with the family regarding protective factors that may be strengthened and include information on community-based or Department provided service referrals. These conversations may be documented in either the C-CSRA or in case notes.

The DCS Specialist will document all services provided to the family (via DCS or another agency/source) including:
  • type of service or service name, including:
    • services the family is already involved in prior to DCS (e.g., counseling through the RBHA, DDD services, etc.);
    • referrals by the DCS Specialist to any community-based agency (e.g., parenting classes, food boxes, etc.), and;
    • any referral to services directly provided by DCS or DES (e.g., DES childcare, Building Resilient Families, S.E.N.S.E. program, etc.);
  • date of referral, and;
  • outcome of services.

File a copy of the PS06700 and any additional addendum in the hard copy record.

File copies of all assessments, treatment records, monthly reports, and other related documents in the hard copy record.

File a copy of service referrals in the hard copy record.

Follow the Child and Caregiver Visitation Note Outline (DCS-1592) to document all face-to-face visits with the child and parent/caregiver, using the Case Notes window designated as Family Contact type.
  1. Select the "In Person" contact type radio button
  2. Highlight the names of all parties including the DCS Specialist in the “Contact With” list on the Case Notes window; and
  3. Select the "In Placement Contact" check box if the contact occurred in the caregiver's home.

If a Courtesy Case Manager is responsible for making the ongoing monthly face-to-face visits, add the case manager with ongoing responsibility for the monthly visits to the case, using the Case Creation window.


Effective Date: January 31, 2018

Revision History: November 30, 2012

Chapter 3: Section 2
Family Functioning Assessment at Ongoing

In response to allegations of abuse or neglect, the Department shall assess, promote, and support the safety of a child in a safe and stable family or other appropriate placement.

While a child is assessed as unsafe and a safety plan is active, the Department shall complete the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing to continue to assess safety and to develop a change strategy and case plan for the family.

The DCS Specialist shall complete a Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing within 60 days of a child’s removal or opening the case for ongoing services, whichever is earlier.

Without compromising child safety, coordinate services to achieve and maintain permanency on behalf of the child, strengthen the family, and provide prevention, intervention, and treatment services.

A case cannot be closed when a child is unsafe.

The DCS Specialist conducts the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing (FFA-Ongoing) to identify enhanced and diminished protective capacities that are directly related to the identified impending danger threat(s). The FFA-Ongoing answers the following questions:
  • Is the safety plan sufficiently managing impending danger threats in the least intrusive way possible?
  • What is the relationship between the identified impending danger threat(s) and currently diminished protective capacities?
  • What is the parents’, guardians’, or custodian’s perspective or awareness regarding danger threats and their relationship to diminished protective capacities?
  • What is the parent’s, guardian’s, or custodian’s readiness for change?
  • What are the areas of disagreement between the parents, guardians, and/or custodians and the Department regarding what needs to change?
  • How can existing protective capacities be built upon in order to make needed behavioral changes?
  • What change actions, services, and activities will be used to enhance diminished protective capacities?

The DCS Specialist conducts the FFA-Ongoing through contacts with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians, in order to guide a mutual understanding of what must change for the parents to regain responsibility for the care and safety of the child. See Practice Guidelines-High Quality Parent Contacts.

While the child is assessed as unsafe and the safety plan remains active, the DCS Specialist will actively manage child safety and continuously gather information to assess progress made toward enhancing diminished protective capacities and eliminating the impending danger threats identified in the Family Functioning Assessment - Investigation. The DCS Specialist gathers the information through contact with the parents, the child(ren), extended family, the out-of-home provider, case participants, and other service team members.

If a parent, guardian, and/or custodian whose whereabouts were previously unknown is located after a case has been opened for services, the DCS Specialist will gather information about the person and his or her household through interviews, in-person observations, and applicable background checks. If the information gathered indicates that a situation or adult behavior in the household could pose a safety threat to a child, collect additional information to explore the area of concern. Make a report to the Child Abuse Hotline and conduct a separate Family Functioning Assessment of this household if the information collected reveals new or previously unreported incidents of abuse or neglect, or possible safety threats in the household. See Family Functioning Assessment – Investigation.

Conduct the Family Functioning Assessment based on the child remaining in the home or the child's return to the parents, guardians, and/or custodians.

If there are indications the child is a victim of sex trafficking and/or commercial sexual exploitation, a new report should be made to the Hotline and Law Enforcement.

The FFA – Ongoing process is completed in four stages:
Stage 1: Preparation
Stage 2: Introduction
Stage 3: Exploration
Stage 4: Change Strategy and Case Planning
  • Each stage has a distinctly defined purpose in procedure.
  • There is no set amount of time for the completion of each stage. As the purposes of one stage are completed, proceed to the next stage.
  • Of the four stages, all but the first require face-to-face contact with parents, guardians and/or custodians, children, and others. A family will not always require three interviews or meetings to complete the stages of the FFA - Ongoing. Additional or fewer meetings may be needed.
  • The transition from one stage of the process to the next should evolve smoothly between identifying needs (diminished protective capacities), strengths (enhanced protective capacities), and solutions (actions, services, and activities).

Stage 1: Preparation
The DCS Specialist conducts preparation activities to identify information gaps and develop plans for the first meeting with the family following case transfer to ongoing services. During the preparation stage, the DCS Specialist:
  • becomes as informed as possible about information already known about family functioning,
  • learns about the family’s involvement with, and response to, past and current DCS and service interventions;
  • assesses the adequacy of the safety plan (For more information about safety planning, see the Safety Planning policy);
  • identifies information gaps that must be filled, and discrepancies that must be reconciled; and
  • identifies strategies for family engagement.

To the extent possible, preparation activities should be completed prior to the initial meeting with the family following case transfer. The DCS Specialist will conduct the following preparation activities:
  • Review historical information in CHILDS including prior reports and the outcome of prior case open episodes.
  • Review information gathered through the current investigation, including by reviewing the FFA – Investigation.
  • Identify any gaps in information related to impending danger, the rationale for the safety plan option chosen, and efficiency of the safety actions to control the danger.
  • Identify the household composition.
  • Identify which household members have a caregiver role and should be assessed in the Family Functioning Assessment process.
  • Identify household members or others who do not have a caregiver role, but who may provide a support to the family, including any significant other of the caregiver, extended family members, and persons with significant relationship to the child such as teachers, coaches, neighbors, other family support persons, or service providers.
  • Identify any professional records that should be obtained, or interviews conducted with persons/professionals formerly involved with the parent/caregivers, to further understand what is known, and what additional information needs to be learned.
  • Identify the specific enhanced and diminished protective capacities that are, are not, or might be impacting child safety.
  • Develop general areas of inquiry/ discussion questions based upon the assessment of relevant protective capacities.
  • If the child is a registered or eligible member of a Native American Tribe, involve the child’s tribe as soon as possible in the assessment and planning process.
    • If the child is a temporary or adjudicated court ward, and the tribe has not been notified, immediately notify the tribe of the child’s legal custody status.
    • Explore available services of the tribe that may address the safety and cultural needs of the child.
    • Assist the tribe in determining the tribe’s ability to assume custodial care or offer services or placement assistance for the tribe (See Indian Child Welfare policy for more information involving Indian Children).

The DCS Specialist will coordinate the timing, location, and circumstances of the initial meeting with the parent, guardian, and/or custodian, including the following:
  • the location of the meeting, which should be the most family-like setting possible;
  • the day and time of the meeting, based on the family’s schedule (work/school/services/visitation) and access to transportation;
  • when domestic violence has been identified as present in a family, a plan to have separate meetings with the parent, guardian, or custodian.

The DCS Specialist is responsible for overseeing the safety plan. At the point of case transfer, the DCS Specialist will make contact with the responsible adult(s) assigned to review outlined safety actions and confirm roles and responsibilities.

Stage 2: Introduction
During the introduction stage, the DCS Specialist focuses on building a positive working relationship with the parent, guardian and/or custodian by building rapport, setting the stage for establishing a partnership, providing information, and allowing the parents, guardians, and/or custodians to express themselves. Allow parents, guardians and/or custodians to express their thoughts about what has happened up to this point and their plans for future involvement with DCS. This is critical to the ability to co-construct meaningful case plan outcomes and strategies for change.

The DCS Specialist’s initial discussions with the family are intended to help transition the family from the investigation to continued case management. Introduction activities should occur with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians, and to the extent possible and in an age-appropriate manner, the child. During the initial meeting with the family:
  • Explain the role of the DCS Specialist and expectations regarding communication and contact, including expectations of the family members, and what the family can expect from the DCS Specialist.
  • Be open and clear about the agency’s objective and desire to work in partnership with the family to understand and address the reasons for the Department’s current involvement with their family, due to identified safety threats to the child.
  • Discuss and explain the role of service providers and expectations for communication between the family, service providers, and the DCS Specialist.
  • Ask about the family’s understanding and perspectives as to conditions and/or circumstances that led to current agency involvement:
    • Do the parents, guardians and/or custodians know and understand the identified safety threat(s)? If not, clearly explain the identified threat(s) and the reason for DCS involvement.
    • Determine if the parents, guardians, and/or custodians deny the threat, are in partial agreement, or are in nearly complete agreement.
    • If needed, help them understand specifically what is making the child unsafe.
    • Provide clear, honest answers to the family’s questions.
  • Review the safety plan with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians, and:
    • explain the DCS Specialist’s responsibility to manage the safety plan and provide oversight to monitor that it is being followed and sufficient;
    • determine if all the elements described in the plan are happening or not happening, and;
    • ask how the plan is working from the perspective of the child(ren) and the parents, guardians, and/or custodians.
  • If Conditions for Return have been defined, gather the parents, guardians, and/or custodians’ input as to what would need to happen to assist them with achieving the conditions.
  • Explain the difference between a safety plan and a case plan.
  • Explain what to expect during the ongoing case management and case planning process, including frequency of court hearings, case plan staffings, and time frames for permanency planning.
  • Provide opportunities for family members to discuss their concerns, ask questions, and receive answers.
  • Explain what the family can expect during the assessment that will occur in the next contacts (the Exploration phase of the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing).
    • If one or more of the parents, guardians, and/or custodians are unwilling to commit to the assessment process, the DCS Specialist should try to gain additional information and discuss the reasons they are unwilling to participate in the process.
    • The DCS Specialist should seek to find some areas of mutual agreement such as meeting their child’s needs, which can serve as a point of further discussion or allow for some collaborative planning between the parents, guardians, and/or custodians and the DCS Specialist.
  • Gather additional and clarifying information about family functioning in the areas of child functioning on a daily basis, adult functioning on a daily basis, general parenting practices, and discipline and behavior management.

Conclude the Introduction stage by seeking a commitment from parents, guardians and/or custodians to participate in the FFA-Ongoing process and in case planning. Ask for their continued participation, express appreciation for their participation, and reaffirm a desire for a collaborative partnership. Whenever possible, set the date, time, and place of the next contact.

If at any time the DCS Specialist identifies or observes the safety plan to be insufficient to control the danger, the safety plan must be immediately revised.

More than one meeting might be required to achieve the purpose of introduction activities, especially for families with a history of child welfare system involvement or multiple challenges.

Stage 3: Exploration
During the exploration phase, the DCS Specialist jointly explores with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians what must change in order for the family to achieve a safe, stable, and permanent home for the child(ren), ultimately allowing for case closure. This phase facilitates the identification of the enhanced protective capacities (strengths) and diminished protective capacities (needs) directly related to the identified safety threats. This stage concludes with the DCS Specialist assisting the parents, guardians, and/or custodians in raising self-awareness, and in recognizing the parent’s, guardian’s, and/or custodian’s motivation for change, alleviating any fears or misconceptions, and determining what actions, services, and activities the parents, guardians and/or custodians are ready and willing to participate in to increase their protective capacities.

During the exploration phase, the DCS Specialist gathers deeper information about child functioning, adult functioning, parenting practices, discipline practices, caregiver protective capacities, and the relationship of all to the identified danger threats. Refer to Family Functioning Assessment – Investigation and FFA and Safety Determination Reference Guide for additional information regarding the domains of family functioning.

The DCS Specialist will meet and have discussion with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians to identify the diminished protective capacities that have resulted in their inability to protect the child from danger and complete the following:
  • Explain the concept of protective capacities in a way they can understand, providing examples.
  • Share and discuss their protective capacity, seeking the parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s assessment of their own protective capacities.
  • Encourage them to offer their perspective as to which diminished protective capacities led to an unsafe child.
  • As necessary, help them understand specifically what makes the child unsafe by discussing with the family the current family behaviors, conditions, and circumstances that are creating danger threats and explore the following:
    • Information about how the family functions in the areas of child functioning, adult functioning, general parenting practices, discipline and behavior management.
    • What has changed in the family that creates the unsafe situation?
    • What has/hasn’t worked in the past around that change?
  • Seek to reach agreement as to which diminished protective capacities directly impact child safety. If the parents, guardians and/or custodians are unable or unwilling to offer their perspective, offer suggestions as to which protective capacities may be diminished and ask for feedback.
  • Identify family strengths, supports, and existing protective capacities that contribute to child protection. Ask the parents, guardians and/or custodians to identify strengths about themselves as individuals and in their caregiving role.
  • Explore what they might do to enhance protective capacities and improve diminished protective capacities.

Child Well-Being Indicators
The DCS Specialist continuously assesses child functioning, which includes specific indicators of child well-being. The Child Well-Being Indicators will be assessed throughout the family’s involvement with the Department, to identify child needs that must be addressed in the child’s case plan.

During the FFA – Ongoing, the DCS Specialist will use all information gathered about child functioning to evaluate each of the Child Well-Being Indicators and identify child needs that should be the focus of case plan services and interventions. The DCS Specialist will assess child functioning and the Child Well-Being Indicators by:
  • talking about child functioning, including current well-being strengths and needs, with the child’s parents, guardians and/or custodians and other involved caregivers, service providers, and the child if age appropriate; and
  • observing parent-child, sibling, and other family interactions to assess protective capacities and child needs.

Scaling Criteria
Each indicator is rated as “A, B, C, or D.” An “A” or “B” rating reflects that a child is doing well in that area. A “C” or “D” rating reflects that a child is not doing well and requires attention.
The common criteria applied to each individual rating are:
  • A = Excellent
    • Child demonstrates exceptional ability in this area.
  • B = Acceptable
    • Child demonstrates average ability in this area.
  • C = Some Attention Needed
    • Child demonstrates some need for increased support in this area.
  • D = Intensive Support Needed
    • Child demonstrates need for intensive support in this area.

The DCS Specialist will assess child functioning and the Child Well-Being Indicators by:
  • talking about child functioning, including current well-being strengths and needs, with the child’s parents, guardians, and/or custodians, other involved caregivers, service providers, and the child if age appropriate; and
  • observing parent-child, sibling, and other family interactions to assess protective capacities and child needs.

Refer to Child Well-Being Indicators Scaling Guide (DCS-1594) for the specific scaling criteria for each indicator that the DCS Specialist will use each time the FFA is updated. The Child Well-Being Indicators are defined as follows and should be assessed based on each child’s age, ability and developmental level:
  • “Emotion/trauma” means the degree to which the child is displaying a pattern of appropriate self-management of emotions.
  • “Behavior” means the degree to which the child is displaying appropriate coping and adapting behavior.
  • “Development /Early Learning” means that the child is achieving expected developmental milestones in in key child development domains.
  • “Academic Status” means the child is actively engaged in instructional activities; reading at grade level or IEP expectation level; and meeting requirements for annual promotion and course completion leading to a high school diploma or equivalent or vocational program. (This applies to school-aged children.)
  • “Positive Peer/Adult Relationships” means that the child demonstrates adequate positive social relationships.
  • “Family Relationships” means that the child demonstrates appropriate patterns of forming relationships with family members.
  • “Physical Health” means that the child is achieving and maintaining positive health status which includes physical, dental, audio and visual assessments and services. If the child has a serious or chronic health condition, the child is achieving the best attainable health status given the diagnosis and prognosis.
  • “Cultural Identity” means that important cultural factors such as race; class; ethnicity; religion; tribal affiliation; gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation; and other forms of culture are appropriately considered in the child’s life.
  • “Substance Awareness” means that the assessment of substance awareness is multi- dimensional. First, the assessment includes the child/youth’s awareness of alcohol and drugs, and their own use. Second, for children who have experienced the negative impact of parental substance misuse within their home, the assessment includes their awareness of alcohol and drugs and treatment/recovery for their parent, guardian, and/or custodians.
  • “Preparation for Adult Living Skill Development” means that the child is gaining skills and competencies in preparing for adulthood, in areas such as education, work experience, building long-term relationships and connections, managing income, and housing/home management. Also includes adolescent sexual health and awareness. (This applies only to children 14 and over.)

The DCS Specialist will complete the following activities in order to assess child functioning and the Child Well-Being Indicators outlined above:
  • Talk with the child’s parents, other caregivers involved, service providers, and the child, if age appropriate, about child functioning including current well-being strengths and needs.
  • Observe parent-child, sibling and other family interactions to assess protective capacities and child needs.

Caregiver Protective Capacities
The DCS Specialist will use all information gathered in the domains of family functioning in order to update, evaluate, and rate progress in each of the caregiver protective capacities using a four point scale. Refer to Family Functioning Assessment – Investigation for additional information regarding assessment of the caregiver protective capacities. The ratings of caregiver protective capacities are used to identify those that need to be the focus of behavioral change goals and interventions in case planning.

Scaling Criteria
Each caregiver protective capacity is rated as A, B, C, or D. An “A” or “B” rating reflects that a parent, guardian, and/or custodian is doing well in that area. A “C” or “D” rating reflects that a parent, guardian, and/or custodian requires attention in that area. The common criteria applied to each individual rating are:
  • A = Excellent – Caregiver demonstrates exceptional ability in this area.
  • B = Acceptable – Caregiver demonstrates average ability in this area.
  • C = Some Attention Needed – Caregiver demonstrates some need for increased support in this area.
  • D = Intensive Support Needed – Caregiver demonstrates need for intensive support in this area.

Refer to the Caregiver Protective Capacities Scaling Guide (CSO-1588) for specific rating criteria for the individual caregiver protective capacities.

Developing the Danger Statement
The DCS Specialist will review with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians the identified danger threats and re-evaluate if they are denying the presence of danger threats, are in partial agreement, or are in near complete agreement.

The DCS Specialist will co-construct the Danger Statement with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians when possible. The danger statement is a behaviorally based statement in very clear, non-judgmental language, which states the following:
  • What the parents, guardians, and/or custodians actions were.
  • What the impact was/is on the child(ren).
  • What the DCS Specialist is concerned about that could happen in the future.

The DCS Specialist will ensure that the Danger Statement (to the fullest extent possible):
  • Is simple enough so the youngest person in the family with the ability to comprehend can understand.
  • Is in the family’s language as it serves as the framework for effective safety planning and case planning.

Identifying Readiness for Change
The DCS Specialist will work with the parents, guardians and/or custodians to assess their readiness for change after all of the activities to gather information from the family are conducted, and the protective capacities that resulted in the identified danger threats are assessed and scaled. Knowing the stage of change a parent is currently experiencing will guide the Department’s efforts to help the parents, guardians, and/or custodians move forward through the Stages of Change. See Practice Guideline: Parent Readiness for Change for additional information on assessing a parent/ guardian’s readiness for change.

The Stages of Change are as follows:
  • Pre-contemplation: The parent, guardian and/or custodian has no perception of having a problem or a need to change and is not aware that life can be improved if he or she changes his or her behaviors.
  • Contemplation: There is an initial recognition that behavior may be a problem and ambivalence about change. A parent, guardian and/or may start to gather information about possible solutions.
  • Preparation: The parent, guardian and/or desires change and makes a conscious determination to change. A motivator for change is identified.
  • Action: Parents, guardians and/or custodians take steps to implement change.
  • Maintenance: A parent, guardian and/or custodian actively works on sustaining change strategies and maintaining long term change.

Engaging the Parents, Guardians, and/or Custodians
When a parent, guardian, and/or custodian are unable or unwilling to engage in these discussions and the change process, or there is disagreement about the reason for the Department’s involvement or what needs to change, the DCS Specialist will continue to actively seek the parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s engagement and recognition of the danger, and exploration of diminished protective capacities. Refer Practice Guidelines on High Quality Parent Contacts and Parent Readiness for Change for more information on engagement strategies.

When a parent, guardian, and/or custodian misses scheduled appointments, decreases or stops attending services and/or visitation, or shows other signs of disengaging from the case planning and change process, the DCS Specialist will make diligent efforts to engage the parent, guardian, and/or custodian in the following ways:
  • Attempt contact by phone, email, letter, and unannounced home visits. If they do not respond to other attempts at contact, try to locate them at other probable locations.
  • Talk with them to seek input about any barriers to participation in the family assessment, case planning, and change process.
  • Frequently and actively re-invite their participation.
  • Continue to work toward establishing a partnership by stating the DCS Specialist’s desire and need for their perspectives, ideas, and input.
  • Interview other persons who know them to elicit suggestions for engaging them.

Stage 4: Change Strategy and Case Planning
The DCS Specialist will work with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians in order to prioritize what must change and create an individualized case plan, and:
  • Review the relationship between the identified safety threat(s) and the diminished protective capacities.
  • Discuss what behavior, conditions, or circumstances must exist to manage or remediate the identified safety threat(s).
  • Seek agreement regarding which diminished caregiver protective capacities should be prioritized to include in the case plan.
  • Consider and identify the specific needs of each child that must be addressed in the case plan.
  • Document the expected outcomes in behavioral change terms that can be measured (see Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan for more information on developing behavioral change goal statements).
  • If an agreement cannot be achieved, be clear about what the Department expects to change in relation to the impending danger threat(s) and and how specific actions, activities, supports, and services in the case plan can be helpful to the family and ultimately the child.
  • Schedule a case plan staffing according to procedures in Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan .

Evaluating Safety Plan Sufficiency and Progress toward the Conditions for Return
The DCS Specialist, in consultation with the DCS Program Supervisor, will identify existing impending danger threat(s) within the family, the sufficiency of the current safety plan, and if applicable, the written Conditions for Return. The DCS Specialist will do the following:
  • Review the updated information about the six domains of family functioning and determine whether or not a threat of danger exists.
  • Determine whether the child is in impending danger by applying the five safety threshold criteria. All five criteria must be met for at least one identified safety threat in order to determine a child is in impending danger. For more information see Family Functioning Assessment at Investigation and FFA and Safety Determination Reference Guide.
  • Determine if the current safety plan is the least intrusive option sufficient to control the impending danger safety threat(s).
    • Review the in-home safety analysis questions to determine whether an in-home safety plan can be implemented or should continue.
    • If the safety plan is too restrictive or is not sufficient to manage the danger threat(s), immediately implement a new safety plan capable of managing the danger threat(s). Convene a Safety Planning Team Decision Making meeting. See Safety Planning and Team Decision Making for more information.
  • If applicable, review the Conditions for Return and determine if the conditions provide in sufficient detail what needs to occur for a sufficient, feasible, and sustainable in-home safety plan to be implemented. If the Conditions for Return will be changed or updated:
    • consult with the DCS Program Supervisor to discuss the recommended changes,
    • meet with the family to explain the changes (See Conditions for Return procedure for more information), and
    • provide the updated Conditions for Return in writing to all parties involved in the case.

Document the conclusions of the FFA – Ongoing for each applicable household in a separate C-CSRA as follows:
  • Section I: Reason for the C-CSRA
  • Section II. A: Assessment of the six domains of family functioning.
    • Document new and updated information collected to evaluate family functioning; including the extent of maltreatment, the circumstances surrounding the maltreatment, child functioning, adult functioning, general parenting, and disciplinary practices.
    • Utilizing the Child Well-Being Indicators template, document the ratings of the Child Well-Being Indicators for each child utilizing the Child Well-Being Indicators scaling guide.
    • Document each parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s Stage of Change and evidence to support that determination under the adult functioning domain.
  • Section II. B: Caregiver protective capacities
    • Utilizing the Caregiver Protective Capacities template, document the protective capacities for each caregiver in the home. Evaluate progress and scale each protective capacity using an A, B, C, or D utilizing the Caregiver Protective Capacity Scaling Guide.
  • Section II. C: Safety Decision and identified Safety Plan, if applicable
    • Document a brief description of the safety plan, including the location of the child and the identity of the responsible adults involved in the plan. Include information to indicate where a copy of the safety plan can be located.
    • Document the results of the in-home safety analysis.
    • If applicable, document the Conditions for Return as written on the Safety Plan form.
  • Section II. D: Continuous assessment of impending danger
    • For each child, document a determination of safe or unsafe due to impending danger:
      • For each child assessed as safe, document how that determination was made. Document any concerns that may have been present during the assessment, but did not meet the safety threshold criteria. Explain why the threshold were not met.
      • For each child assessed to be unsafe due to impending danger, document each safety threat that exists; specifically describe each threat and how it manifests in the family. Document how each observable threat meets all five safety threshold criteria: observable family condition, vulnerable child, unmanaged, severity, and imminent.

The DCS Specialist should document contacts with case participants and case associates in case notes in CHILDS.

Document relevant contacts, observations, behaviors, conditions, circumstances and activities of the family in CHILDS in a case note.

The DCS Specialist will document the Danger Statement in the Case Plan.

The DCS Supervisor or designee documents the results of the clinical supervision discussion and approval of the C-CSRA utilizing the Supervisory Case Progress Review – Ongoing (CT09402) which is located in CHILDS under Court Documents and Forms.


Court Document Directory
Related Information:
FFA At Investigation Decision Making Guide
Parent/ Caregiver Protective Capacities Scaling Template (CSO-1587)
Caregiver Protective Capacities Scaling Guide (CSO-1588)
Child Well-Being Indicators Scaling Template (DCS-1606)
Child Well-Being Indicators Scaling Guide (DCS-1594)
Parents Readiness for Change Practice Guide


A.A.C. R21-4-107Procedures for Temporary Custody (page 3255)

Effective Date: January 31, 2018
Revision History: February 12, 2016, September 22, 2016, June 12th, 2017

Chapter 3: Section 2.1
Family Functioning Assessment – Progress Update
While a child is assessed as unsafe and a safety plan is active, the Department shall continuously assess and actively manage child safety.

The DCS Specialist shall continuously gather information about family functioning, provide or arrange services and supports to enhance parental protective capacities, and assess progress toward enhancing the diminished protective capacities and eliminating the impending danger threats identified in previous Family Functioning Assessments. The DCS Specialist shall continuously gather information through contact with the parents, the child(ren), involved kin, the out-of-home care provider, and other service team members.

A Family Functioning Assessment – Progress Update shall be completed:
  • minimally every 90 days;
  • at case plan reassessment and revision;
  • when there is an indication that the child may be unsafe;
  • when circumstances indicate a substantial change has occurred or is anticipated to occur within the family, including;
    • changes in household composition (additions or departures of individuals from the household);
    • when changing the permanency goal;
    • when considering unsupervised visits;
    • when considering reunification; or
    • when considering case closure.

The FFA - Progress Update is not completed in cases:
  • that are open for in-home services to a family in which all children have been assessed as safe;
  • in which both parent’s rights have been terminated;
  • in which the child’s permanency goal is APPLA and there is no parenting time (visitation) or consideration to initiate parenting time with a parent, guardian, or custodian.

A case cannot be closed when a child is unsafe. A safety plan must remain in place until the impending danger threat is no longer active, the parents have been able to enhance protective capacity in order to manage any safety threat, and the child has been assessed as safe.

Family Functioning Assessment – Progress Update
The DCS Specialist conducts the Family Functioning Assessment (FFA) – Progress Update in order to evaluate the parent, guardian and/or custodian’s progress toward enhancing the diminished protective capacities and eliminating the impending danger threats identified in previous Family Functioning Assessments.

The FFA – Progress Update analysis shall:
  • provide an evaluation and scale progress of each child’s well-being indicators;
  • provide an evaluation and scale each parent’s, guardian’s, or custodian’s progress toward behavioral change and enhanced protective capacities;
  • inform decisions surrounding the sufficiency of the safety plan, including whether or not the Conditions for Return have been met for a child in out-of-home care or need to be changed;
  • inform the safety determination of the child(ren), including any determination that a safety threat no longer exists because the parent, guardian, or custodian has successfully enhanced the necessary protective capacities to manage the danger threat; and
  • inform the case plan, including any change to case plan goals or services, parenting time (visitation), or the permanency goal.

Based on the results of the FFA – Progress Update, the DCS Specialist will:
  • determine if the impending danger threats in the home are being sufficiently managed in the least intrusive way possible,
  • determine if the services being provided as part of the case plan to enhance parental protective capacities are effective and sufficient;
  • determine if the parent’s, guardian’s and/or custodian’s perspective or awareness of the danger threats and diminished protective capacities has shifted; and
  • engage the family and service team to make adjustments to the case plan and safety plan, as needed.

An FFA – Progress Update is not completed for the following case types:
  • Adoption;
  • Adoption Subsidy;
  • Adoption Registry;
  • Guardianship Subsidy;
  • ICPC;
  • DDD Eligibility; and
  • IV-E Eligibility.

Conducting the FFA – Progress Update
The DCS Specialist engages in ongoing communication and partnership with the family, team members, and the court (if applicable) to effectively evaluate family progress. The DCS Specialist conducts the FFA – Progress Update through high quality contacts with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians in order to guide a mutual understanding of what must change for the parents to regain responsibility for the care of the child.

The DCS Specialist will continuously gather information to understand:
  • what conditions must change to achieve lasting child safety and permanency;
  • changes in family dynamics that indicate a need for changes in safety management;
  • the extent of progress towards enhancement of child functioning and caregiver protective capacities;
  • whether the behavioral change goals and outcomes of the case plan remain appropriate or have been met; and
  • whether the strategies, services, and interventions are working effectively.

The DCS Specialist prepares for the FFA – Progress Update by:
  • reviewing the prior Family Functioning Assessment(s);
  • gathering additional and clarifying information about family functioning, including child functioning, adult functioning, general parenting practices, and discipline and behavior management through contact with:
    • parents, guardians, and/or custodians,
    • child(ren),
    • extended family members,
    • out-of-home care providers,
    • other household members,
    • collateral contacts, and
    • service providers and other team members;
  • reviewing service provider reports;
  • analyzing the information to assess progress related to:
    • the enhancement of parental protective capacities, and
    • alleviating any previously identified impending danger threat(s); and
  • assessing the presence of any additional danger threat(s).

The DCS Specialist will complete a full assessment of any addition to the household composition (for example, when a roommates or a significant other joins the household); and for a parent, guardian, or custodian whose whereabouts were previously unknown and who has been located after a case has been opened for services. The DCS Specialist will gather information about the person and their household through interviews, in-person observations, and applicable background checks. If the information gathered indicates that a situation or adult behavior in the household could pose a safety threat to a child, collect additional information to explore the area of concern. Make a report to the Child Abuse Hotline and conduct a separate Family Functioning Assessment of this household if the information collected reveals new or previously unreported incidents of abuse or neglect, or possible safety threats in the household. See Family Functioning Assessment – Investigation.

Conduct the Family Functioning Assessment based on the child remaining in the home or the child's return to a parent, guardian, and/or custodian.

Child Well-Being Indicators
The DCS Specialist continuously assesses child functioning, which includes specific indicators of child well-being. The Child Well-Being Indicators will be assessed throughout the family’s involvement with the Department, to identify child needs that must be addressed in the child’s case plan.

During the FFA – Progress Update, the DCS Specialist will use all information gathered about child functioning to evaluate progress in each of the Child Well-Being Indicators and identify child needs that should be the focus of case plan services and interventions. Refer to the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing for additional information regarding assessment of the Child Well-Being Indicators. The DCS Specialist will assess child functioning and the Child Well-Being Indicators by:
  • talking about child functioning, including current well-being strengths and needs, with the child’s parents, other involved caregivers, service providers, and the child if age appropriate; and
  • observing parent-child, sibling, and other family interactions to assess protective capacities and child needs.

Scaling Criteria
Each indicator is rated as A, B, C, or D. An “A” or “B” rating reflects that a child is doing well in that area. A “C” or “D” rating reflects that a child requires attention in that area. The common criteria applied to each individual rating are:
  • A = Excellent – Child demonstrates exceptional ability in this area.
  • B = Acceptable – Child demonstrates average ability in this area.
  • C = Some Attention Needed – Child demonstrates some need for increased support in this area.
  • D = Intensive Support Needed – Child demonstrates need for intensive support in this area.

Refer to Child Well-Being Indicators Scaling Guide (DCS-1594) for the specific scaling criteria for each indicator.

Caregiver Protective Capacities
The DCS Specialist will use all information gathered in the domains of family functioning in order to update, evaluate, and rate progress in each of the caregiver protective capacities using a four-point scale. Refer to Family Functioning Assessment – Investigation for additional information regarding assessment of the caregiver protective capacities. The DCS Specialist may change the protective capacities’ ratings identified in the FFA-Investigation. The ratings of caregiver protective capacities are used to identify those that need to be the focus of behavioral change goals and interventions in case planning.

Scaling Criteria
Each caregiver protective capacity is rated as A, B, C, or D. An “A” or “B” rating reflects that a parent, guardian, or custodian is doing well in that area. A “C” or “D” rating reflects that a parent, guardian, or custodian requires attention in that area. The common criteria applied to each individual rating are:
  • A = Excellent – Caregiver demonstrates exceptional ability in this area.
  • B = Acceptable – Caregiver demonstrates average ability in this area.
  • C = Some Attention Needed – Caregiver demonstrates some need for increased support in this area.
  • D = Intensive Support Needed – Caregiver demonstrates need for intensive support in this area.

Refer to the Caregiver Protective Capacities Scaling Guide (CSO-1588) for specific rating criteria for the individual caregiver protective capacities.

Identifying and Encouraging Readiness for Change
During the FFA – Progress Update process, the DCS Specialist will identify the parent’s, guardian’s, or custodian’s current readiness for change, using the Stages of Change. During contacts with the parent, guardian, or custodian, the DCS Specialist will make efforts to move the parent, guardian, or custodian forward through the Stages of Change. See Practice Guideline: Parent Readiness for Change for additional information.

The Stages of Change are as follows:
  • Pre-contemplation: The parent has no perception of having a problem or a need to change. The parent is not aware that life can be improved if he or she changes his or her behaviors.
  • Contemplation: There is an initial recognition that behavior may be a problem and ambivalence about change. A parent may start to gather information about possible solutions.
  • Preparation: The parent desires change and makes a conscious determination to change. A motivator for change is identified.
  • Action: Parents take steps to implement change.
  • Maintenance: A parent actively works on sustaining change strategies and maintaining long-term change.

Engaging the Parent, Guardian, and/or Custodians
When the parent, guardian, and/or custodians are unable or unwilling to engage in these discussions or the change process, or there is disagreement about the reason for the Department’s involvement or what needs to change, the DCS Specialist will continue to actively seek the parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s engagement and recognition of the danger and exploration of diminished protective capacities. Refer to Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing as well as Practice Guidelines on High Quality Parent Contacts and Parent Readiness for Change for more information on engagement strategies.

Evaluating Safety Plan Sufficiency and Progress toward the Conditions for Return
The DCS Specialist, in consultation with the DCS Program Supervisor, will identify existing impending danger threat(s) within the family, the sufficiency of the current safety plan, and if applicable, the written Conditions for Return. The DCS Specialist will do the following:
  • Review the updated information about the six domains of family functioning and determine whether or not a threat of danger exists.
  • Determine whether the child is in impending danger by applying the five safety threshold criteria. All five criteria must be met for at least one identified safety threat in order to determine a child is in impending danger. For more information, see Family Functioning Assessment at Investigation and Family Functioning Assessment - Decision Making Guide.
  • Determine if the current safety plan is the least intrusive option sufficient to control the impending danger safety threat(s).
    • Review the in-home safety analysis questions to determine whether an in-home safety plan can be implemented or should continue.
    • If the safety plan is too restrictive or is not sufficient to manage the danger threat(s), immediately implement a new safety plan capable of managing the danger threat(s). Convene a Safety Planning Team Decision Making meeting. See Safety Planning and Team Decision Making for more information.
  • If applicable, review the Conditions for Return and determine if the conditions provide in sufficient detail what needs to occur for sufficient, feasible, and sustainable in-home safety plan to be implemented. If the Conditions for Return will be changed or updated:
    • Consult with the DCS Program Supervisor to discuss the recommended changes.
    • Meet with the family to explain the changes (See Conditions for Return procedure for more information).
    • Provide the updated Conditions for Return in writing to all parties involved in the case, using the Safety Plan and Safety Plan Signature Page (CS0-1034B).

Recommending changes in Parenting Time (Visitation)
When a child is in out-of-home care, visitation and parenting time opportunities must be evaluated for quality and frequency. See Parent & Child Visitation.

Evaluation of Progress Toward Permanency
Based on the assessment of the parent’s progress towards achieving the desired behavioral change goals, the amount of time the child has been in out-of-home care (if applicable), and the child’s best interests, the DCS Specialist will, in consultation with the DCS Program Supervisor, determine whether to:
  • continue efforts to achieve the current permanency goal;
  • initiate concurrent planning activities, and/or add a concurrent permanency goal;
  • consider changing the permanency goal.

Refer to Selecting the Permanency Goal and Concurrent Planning for additional information.

When considering reunification of a child currently in out-of-home care, follow the procedures in Family Reunification. In addition to completing the FFA-Progress Update as outlined above, the DCS Specialist will:
  • Complete a criminal records check of adult household members and all adults who have been identified as having caregiving responsibilities of the child in the home as outlined in Kinship Care and including:
  • Conduct a visit to the home to observe the current conditions of the home.

For children with a permanency goal of APPLA, the DCS Specialist will complete the FFA – Progress Update:
  • minimally every 90 days when parenting time (visitation) with the parent, guardian, and/or custodian is occurring,
  • when considering whether to initiate or change current parenting time (visitation) (e.g. supervised to unsupervised), and
  • when considering changing the permanency goal to reunification.

Document the conclusions of the FFA – Progress Update for each applicable household in a separate C-CSRA as follows:
  • Section I: Reason for C-CSRA
  • Section II. A: Assessment of the six domains of family functioning.
    • Document new and updated information collected to evaluate family functioning; including the extent of maltreatment, the circumstances surrounding the maltreatment, child functioning, adult functioning, general parenting, and disciplinary practices.
    • Utilizing the Child Well-Being Indicators Template (DCS-1606), document the ratings of the Child Well-Being Indicators for each child utilizing the Child Well-Being Indicators scaling guide.
    • Document each parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s Stage of Change and evidence to support that determination under the adult functioning domain.
  • Section II. B: Caregiver protective capacities
    • Utilizing the Caregiver Protective Capacities Template (CSO-1587), document the protective capacities for each caregiver in the home. Evaluate progress and scale each protective capacity using an A, B, C, or D utilizing the Caregiver Protective Capacity Scaling Guide.
  • Section II. C: Safety Decision and identified Safety Plan, if applicable
    • Document a brief description of the safety plan, including the location of the child and the identity of the responsible adults involved in the plan. Include information to indicate where a copy of the safety plan can be located.
    • Document the results of the in-home safety analysis.
    • If applicable, document the Conditions for Return as written on the Safety Plan form.
  • Section II. D: Continuous assessment of impending danger
    • For each child, document a determination of safe or unsafe due to impending danger:
      • For each child assessed as safe, document how that determination was made. Document any concerns that may have been present during the assessment, but did not meet the safety threshold criteria. Explain why the threshold were not met.
      • For each child assessed to be unsafe due to impending danger, document each safety threat that exists; specifically describe each threat and how it manifests in the family. Document how each observable threat meets all five safety threshold criteria: observable family condition, vulnerable child, unmanaged, severity, and imminent.

Document contacts with case participants and case associates in case notes in CHILDS.

Document relevant contacts, observations, behaviors, conditions, circumstances, and activities of the family in case notes in CHILDS.

The DCS Supervisor or designee documents the results of the clinical supervision discussion using the Supervisory Progress Review (Ongoing) (CT09402) which is located in CHILDS under Court Documents.


Effective Date: January 31, 2018

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 3-Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan
The Department shall facilitate the development of an individualized, family centered, written case plan for every child, youth, and family receiving ongoing services from the Department.

The Department shall develop the written case plan with the family after completing the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing.

When the Preliminary Protective/ Initial Court Hearing is held before the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing has been completed, the Department shall develop and submit to the court a proposed case plan that identifies:
  • the permanency goal,
  • any specialized assessments known to be needed by a child or parent, guardian and/or custodian,
  • any services known to be needed by a child or parent, guardian and/or custodian, and
  • the initial parenting time (visitation) plan if the child is in out-of-home care.

At the time of the Preliminary Protective/ Initial Court Hearing, the Department may propose a permanency goal of “undetermined” when the Department is considering termination of parental rights due to the presence of aggravating circumstances.

The initial case plan for all permanency goals shall include reunification services for the parents, guardians, and/or custodians unless the Department is relieved of providing reunification services pursuant to A.R.S § 8-846.
The Department shall conduct a case plan staffing and create the initial written case plan:
  • within 60 days of the case being identified to receive in-home services; or
  • within 60 days of the child(ren)'s removal from home; or
  • within 10 working days of a child's placement with a Voluntary Placement Agreement.

The Department shall conduct a case plan staffing and reassess the case plan:
  • at least every 6 months; and
  • at specified key decision points in the life of a case, including when a change in the permanency goal is considered or there is a significant change in case circumstances.

The Department shall involve the family receiving DCS services in the development of the case plan. When a parent, guardian, and/or custodian is unwilling or unable to participate in the case plan development, the Department must continue to make efforts to engage the parent, guardian and/or custodian in the process.

For children age 14 years and older, the case plan shall include:
  • the youth's education, health, visitation, and court participation rights;
  • the right to receive a credit report annually, if available;
  • age/developmentally appropriate services and supports necessary to assist the youth to prepare for adulthood; and
  • a signed acknowledgment that the youth was provided notice of these rights and that they were explained in an age-appropriate way.

Case Plan Content
When the Preliminary Protective/ Initial Court Hearing is held before the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing has been completed, the Department shall develop and submit to the court a proposed case plan that identifies:
  • the permanency goal,
  • any specialized assessments known to be needed by a child or parent, guardian, and/or custodian,
  • any services known to be needed by a child or parent, guardian and/or custodian, and
  • the initial parenting time (visitation) plan if the child is in out-of-home care.

Develop the initial written case plan after completing the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing.
Explain the case planning process to the family during the introduction stage of the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing.

Explain the case planning process to the family during the introduction stage of the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing. During the exploration stage, engage the parents, guardians, and/or custodians to identify the diminished protective capacities that have resulted in their inability to protect the child from danger. Address these diminished protective capacities in the initial written case plan.

Arranging and Facilitating Case Plan Staffings
Preparation for the Staffing
Prior to a case plan staffing, the DCS Specialist should discuss the following with the parents, guardians, and/or custodians, and children invited to attend the staffing:
  • what a case plan is;
  • what a case plan staffing is;
  • who DCS invites to the meeting;
  • who the family may invite to the meeting;
  • what happens at the meeting, including the types of decisions made;
  • why attendance at the meeting is important; and
  • how to prepare for the meeting.

Based on information gathered and conversations with the family during the exploration stage of the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing, develop a draft danger statement and draft desired behavioral change statements.

Schedule the case plan staffing at a time and location that meets the needs of parents, guardians, and/or custodians, out-of-home care providers, and children. Schedule the case plan staffing with at least two weeks’ notice to allow attendees to make arrangements to attend. Inform service team members who cannot attend the case plan staffing in person that they may provide a written report, a verbal report, or participate by conference call. Arrange interpreter services if necessary.

Invite the following service team members to participate in the case plan staffing:
  • parents, guardians and/or custodians;
  • child, if age 12 years or older (See Notice of Rights for Children and Youth in Foster Care, CSO-1141);
  • extended family members identified as an active or potential resource/support;
  • out-of-home care provider;
  • licensing worker of out-of-home care provider;
  • service providers working with the family, such as the parent aide;
  • tribal social service representative;
  • tribal legal representative;
  • Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA);
  • child's and/or parent, guardian and/or custodian’s Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) case manager;
  • child's attorney and/or guardian ad-litem;
  • parent, guardian and/or custodian's attorney and/or guardian ad-litem; and
  • Assistant Attorney General assigned to the case.

Inform youth who are age 14 years or older that they may invite two individuals selected by the child who are not the DCS Specialist or the foster parent to the case plan staffing. It is permissible to reject an individual selected by a youth to be a member of the case planning team at any time if there is good cause to believe that the individual would not act in the best interests of the child. One individual selected by a youth to be a member of the child’s case planning team may be designated to be the child’s advisor and, as necessary, advocate, with respect to the application of the reasonable and prudent parent standard to the child.

Invitees may also include:
  • other significant individuals with whom the child may be placed or who have knowledge of or an interest in the welfare of the child;
  • DCS Specialist's supervisor;
  • school personnel;
  • law enforcement personnel including probation and parole officers; and
  • other DCS personnel or contracted staff.

Identify services, strategies, and supports to assist the parent, guardian, and/or custodian(s) and family to achieve the desired behaviors identified in the case plan. Tailor services to meet the specific needs of the family to prevent removal of the child and/or reunify the family. See Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing and Services and Supports to Achieve Permanency.

All case plans (excluding a “proposed” case plan) shall identify the following:
  • permanency goal
  • concurrent planning activities to ensure that potential or identified alternate caregivers are prepared to care for the child on a permanent basis, if needed (when the prognosis of achieving family reunification is unlikely to occur within 12 months of the child’s initial removal)
  • placement type
  • danger statement (reasons why DCS is involved with the family)
  • desired family behaviors
  • services to help the family
  • child's needs, supports, and services (medical, educational, and psychological)
  • educational stability
  • preparation for adulthood plan (for children in out-of-home care age 14 and older)
  • parenting time (visitation) plan
  • out-of-home care plan
  • adoption (actions taken to identify an adoptive family for children with a permanency goal of adoption)
  • case plan agreement

Select a permanency goal for all children, and identify an expected date of achievement. See Selecting the Permanency Goal .

A concurrent permanency goal must be established within six months of actively working with the family on both the reunification plan and concurrent planning activities. This applies to all children placed in out-of-home care with a permanency goal of family reunification when the prognosis of achieving family reunification is assessed as poor (unlikely to occur within 12 months of the child's initial removal). See Concurrent Planning

Identify the placement type for children placed in out-of-home care. Placement type options include: detention, foster home, group home, non-relative, other, relative, residential treatment, and runaway.

Developing Behavioral Change Statements
In collaboration with the parent, guardian or custodian(s), and based on the diminished caregiver protective capacities identified during the exploration stage of the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing, develop behavioral change statements that describe the new desired behaviors. The behavioral change statements are included in the written case plan and describe the behaviors that will be observed when the diminished caregiver protective capacities have been enhanced. The desired behavioral changes indicate the positive behaviors or conditions that will result from the change.
Behavior change statements provide clear direction for change. Written behavioral change statements are:
  • behaviorally stated – they describe in positive terms how the parent, guardian and/or custodians would behave in order to demonstrate an enhanced caregiver protective capacity that contributes to child safety and permanency;
  • specific – they are individualized based on the unique dynamics of the family, how impending danger is manifested, and which caregiver protective capacities are diminished;
  • timely – they are necessary for achieving progress, a priority related to what must change, and likely to contribute to timely change and additional change.
  • understandable –the description of the desired behavior and its relationship to the reason for DCS involvement should be self-evident to parents, guardians and/or custodians and other service team members who may review the case plan; and, language should be absent of jargon, straightforward, and consistent with a parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s capacity to read and understand what is stated;
  • measureable - in the sense of specifically defining what must change and/or exist related to caregiver thinking, feeling, and behaving;
  • achievable –they must be reasonable, not far-fetched, and not beyond the capacity and motivation a parent, guardian and/or custodian has or expresses; and
  • relevant - they reflect how a parent, guardian and/or custodian’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are interrelated and influence caregiver performance and the ability to behave protectively.

Identifying Services, Supports, and Tasks to Include in the Case Plan
Using information gained during the exploration stage of the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing, the DCS Specialist, parents, guardians and/or custodians, and other service team members decide together what will assist the family in making the necessary change. Explore the available intervention options with the parent, guardian and/or custodian(s) and consider their input to ensure services are culturally relevant and maximize the family’s self-determination and commitment to the process of change.

Services and supports for parents, guardians and/or custodians should be relevant to enhancing the specific diminished caregiver protective capacities targeted in the behavioral change statements. Services and supports for children should be relevant to the needs identified as a result of the rating of the child status needs indicators from the Family Functioning Assessment.

A case plan staffing is not required in order to change the services or supports provided to a family. At any time a service or support is determined to be ineffective or an additional service becomes necessary, the DCS Specialist should discuss the change with the individual receiving the service and discuss the plan to modify the service or support.

Record the danger statement in the box labeled “Reasons why CPS is involved with your family.”

Record the desired family behaviors that were finalized at the case plan staffing for all parents, guardians, and/or custodians with a case plan goal of remain with family or family reunification.

List the agreed upon services to help the family for all parents, guardians, and/or custodians with a case plan goal of remain with family or family reunification. Services must be tailored to meet the specific needs of the family, and include services for the out-of-home caregivers where appropriate, to prevent removal of the child and/or reunify the family. See Services and Supports to Achieve Permanency.

Record the child’s needs as well as supports and services for children placed in out-of-home care to ensure that the child's medical, educational, and psychological needs are addressed. Include the most recent information available regarding the child's needs and the identified services to address the needs.
  • Medical
    • name and address of the child’s health care providers;
    • record of child's immunizations;
    • known medical problems;
    • known medication; and
    • health information.
  • Educational
    • the name and address of the current school attended;
    • the child’s education status, including grade level and participation in special education services;
    • how the child will be transported to school; and
    • extra-curricular activities in which the child is currently involved;
    • before or after-school programs; and
    • any other educational support programs, including tutoring or other academic support services, in which the child is currently enrolled or needed to support the educational success.
  • Psychological/ Behavioral Health
    • name and address of the child's behavioral health care providers;
    • behavioral health diagnosis;
    • behavioral health medications; and
    • behavioral health information.

Include for each child, age or developmentally appropriate activities the child is participating or will participate in, and services or tasks to achieve this.

Educational stability
Describe Educational Stability for school-aged children placed in out-of-home care. School-aged children are entitled to remain in their original school even when they move to a foster placement in a different school district, to the extent feasible, unless it is against the parent, guardian and/or custodian’s wishes. When remaining in the original school is not feasible, the Department works with the school district to enroll the child in a new school to meet his/her education needs. See Education for Children in Out of Home Care.

Attach the most recent Key Issue case note regarding Educational Stability, which documents the following:
  • efforts made to keep the child in his/her home school;
  • why it is not in the child's best interest to remain in the home school;
  • any delay in enrolling the child in school; and/ or
  • any delay in transferring the child's educational records to the new school.

Preparation for Adulthood (Young Adult/Independent Living) Plan
Complete the Preparation for Adulthood Plan for all children age 14 and older, and for young adults age 18 and older participating in continued care through a voluntary agreement. See Independent Living Services and Supports.

For youth in out-of-home care age 14 and older, describe the plan developed with the youth, parents, guardians and/or custodians, out-of-home caregiver and others to prepare for adulthood, and include:
  • the rights of the youth to education, health, visitation, and court participation;
  • the services and supports needed to assist the child to build the skills necessary to make a successful transition to adulthood; and the right to receive a credit report annually, if available, and to receive assistance resolving any inaccuracies.

Request the youth sign the Notice of Rights, which acknowledges that the youth was provided their rights, and the rights were explained in an age-appropriate manner. See Preparation for Adulthood Services and Supports

Parenting time (visitation) plan
Describe the parenting time (visitation) plan for children placed in out-of-home care. See Parent and Child Visitation.

Out of Home Care Plan
Include the following information for children placed in Out-of-Home Care:
  • services and supports provided to the out-of-home caregiver to help him/her meet the child's needs or, when applicable, achieve a concurrent permanency goal or goal other than family reunification;
  • description of how the placement for the child is in the least restrictive (most family-like) setting available;
  • document that the placement has been provided the Out of Home Care Provider Statement of Understanding, which contains information about the "reasonable and prudent parent" standard;
  • description of how the placement is in close proximity to the home of the parent, guardian and/or custodian(s) when the case plan goal is reunification and if not, the reason(s) why;
  • how at least one of the child's caregivers speaks the same language as the child; and if not, efforts made or planned to secure a living arrangement where at least one caregiver speaks the same language as the child; and
  • description of how the placement is consistent with the best interests and special needs of the child.

For children with a permanency goal or concurrent goal of Adoption, include actions taken to identify an adoptive family. See Selecting the Adoptive Family.

When a child has a permanency goal of adoption, specify the actions that will be taken to finalize the goal, including identifying an adoptive family.

Case Plan Agreement
Explain to the service team that the case plan agreement signature sheet serves as acknowledgement that the DCS Specialist has reviewed the case plan with the family, other service team members and participants.

Ask the family and other service team members in attendance at the case plan staffing to sign the case plan agreement, and note whether they agree or disagree with the plan.

Provide a copy of the case plan to all members of the service team, whether or not they attend the case plan staffing, within five days of completing the case plan staffing.

Reassessment of Case Plan
Based on information gathered throughout the Family Functioning Assessment – Progress Update, reassess the case plan with the family and other service team members:
  • at least every 6 months; and
  • at specified key decision points in the life of a case, including when a change in the permanency goal is considered or there is a significant change in case circumstances.

Confirm that services have been initiated as scheduled, and are addressing the needs of the family. Although the case plan is reassessed and revised at specific intervals, ongoing monitoring of services occurs on a monthly basis. Changes to services may be made at any time it is appropriate to do so.

The reassessment of the case plan should determine whether:
  • desired behavioral changes have been achieved, meaning previously diminished caregiver protective capacities have been sufficiently enhanced;
  • the same services and supports shall be continued;
  • services and supports shall be changed; or
  • no available service or intervention will enable the parent, guardian and/or custodian to adequately address the safety threats within a time frame that meets the needs of the child, and a change in permanency goal should be considered.

Provide a copy of the revised case plan to all members of the family and service team within 5 days of the case plan staffing being completed.

If applicable, document the proposed case plan in the Preliminary Protective/Initial Court Hearing Report.

Review and update the Medical/Dental Condition Detail, Medication Detail, Practitioner Detail, Psych/Behavioral Condition Detail, Participant Education Detail and Participant Education Condition windows as needed.

Update the Family Relationship, Person Detail, Participant Detail and American Indian Detail windows when new/updated information when received.

Document in the Notification Directory window or in a Case Note within 10 days, the case plan invitation and list of service team members invited to the case plan staffing.

Create and document case plans in CHILDS in the Case Plan Directory. Follow the prompts to document all the necessary components of the case plan. See Case Plan Documentation Guide, DCS-1684.

Document the education placement, and supports and services currently provided and scheduled to be provided to support educational stability in case notes, Key Issues type.

For youth with a permanency goal of APPLA/Independent Living, document anticipated outcomes and tasks in the narrative box labeled Young Adult/Independent Living. Ensure the youth’s preparation for foster care discharge is reflected in the Independent Living plan.

For youth age 14 and 15, and for youth age 16 and older with a permanency goal other than APPLA/Independent Living, document anticipated outcomes and tasks related to the preparation for adulthood in the narrative box labeled Out-of-Home Care. Ensure the youth’s preparation for foster care discharge is reflected in the Out-of-Home Care plan.

Document the plan for Parenting Time (Visitation) in the Visitation Plan.

Document the supports and services to be provided to the out-of-home caregiver in the Out-of-Home Care Plan.

Document the Case Plan Effective Date, Date of Meeting Review Date, and Future Review Date in the case plan.

Document whether the participants agreed or disagreed with the case plan. If a participant is unsure, select "undetermined" and record the service team member(s) reason for disagreeing with the case plan, efforts to reach consensus and the outcome in case notes, Case Plan Staffing type.

File the hard copy of the case plan in the case record.

Document in case notes the detail of case plan staffings, including participation and input from parents, children, and other family members.

If changes in services need to occur between scheduled review dates, document these changes in a case note within 10 days.


Effective Date: January 31, 2018

Revision History: November 30, 2012, February, 12, 2016

Chapter 3: Section 3.1
Selecting the Permanency Goal
Unless the court finds that aggravating circumstances exist, consideration of permanency goals shall occur in the following order of preference:
  • Remain with Family;
  • Family Reunification;
  • Adoption;
  • Permanent Guardianship;
  • Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA).

For children receiving in-home services, the permanency goal shall be Remain with Family.

For children receiving out-of-home care services, the initial permanency goal shall be Family Reunification, unless the Department is considering termination of parental rights due to the presence of aggravating circumstances. When aggravating circumstances exist, the Department may propose an initial permanency goal of “undetermined.”

The Department shall recommend to the court that the permanency goal be changed from Remain with Family or Family Reunification to another option when, following discussion in a case plan staffing, the Department determines that:
  • reunification services are contrary to the child’s best interests:
  • aggravating circumstances exist; or
  • no available services or interventions will enable the family to address the safety and risk factors that prevent the child from living safety at home within a time frame that meets the needs of the child.

Reunification services are not required to be provided if the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that one or more of the following aggravating circumstances exist and relieves the Department of its duty to provide reunification services:
  • The child previously was removed, adjudicated dependent due to physical or sexual abuse and, after the adjudication, the child was returned to the parent or guardian and then removed within eighteen months due to additional neglect or abuse;
  • A party to the action provides a verified affidavit that states that a reasonably diligent search failed to identify and locate the parent within three months after the filing of the dependency petition or the parent has expressed no interest in reunification with the child for at least three months after the filing of the dependency petition;
  • The parent or guardian is suffering from a mental illness or mental deficiency of such magnitude that it renders the parent or guardian incapable of benefiting from the reunification services. This finding shall be based on competent evidence from a psychologist or physician that establishes that, even with the provision of reunification services, the parent or guardian is unlikely to be capable of adequately caring for the child within twelve months after the date of the child's removal from the home;
  • The parent or guardian:
    • Committed an act that constitutes a dangerous crime against children as defined in A.R.S. § 13-705; or
    • Caused a child to suffer serious physical injury or emotional injury; or
  • The parent or guardian knew or reasonably should have known that another person committed an act that constitutes a dangerous crime against children as defined in A.R.S. § 13-705.The parent's rights to another child have been terminated, the parent has not successfully addressed the issues that led to the termination, and the parent is unable to discharge his/her parental responsibilities;
  • After a finding that the child is dependent:
    • The child has been removed from the parent on at least two previous occasions;
    • Reunification services were offered or provided to the parent/guardian after removal; and
    • The parent/guardian is unable to discharge parental responsibilities;
  • The parent or guardian of a child has been convicted of:
    • A dangerous crime against children as defined in A.R.S. § 13-705; or
    • Murder or manslaughter of a child; or
    • Sexual abuse, sexual assault or molestation of a child; or
    • Sexual conduct with a minor; or
    • Commercial sexual exploitation of a minor; or
    • Sexual exploitation of a minor; or
    • Luring a minor for sexual exploitation; or
    • The parent or guardian of a child has been convicted of aiding or abetting or attempting, conspiring or soliciting to commit any of the crimes listed directly above.

Concurrent case planning shall occur for all children placed in out-of-home care with a permanency goal of Family Reunification when the prognosis of achieving family reunification is poor and unlikely to occur within 12 months of the child's initial removal. See Concurrent Planning.

The Department shall seek a permanency goal of Adoption for children who cannot be reunified with their families, unless a compelling reason to not pursue adoption exists.

The Department shall seek a permanency goal of Permanent Guardianship when the child cannot be reunified with his or her family; adoption has been considered; and the child (if age appropriate), family and Department are in agreement that guardianship is in the child’s best interest (for example, to maintain cultural, sibling and/or family connections, or when a child age 12 or older will not consent to adoption.)

The Department shall seek a permanency goal of Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA) only for youth age 16 years and older when family reunification, adoption, and permanent guardianship have been actively pursued by the Department and are determined not attainable or in the child’s best interests prior to the child reaching the age of majority. When APPLA is the permanency goal, the Department shall enter into a formal agreement with the youth to document the permanent living arrangement.

The Department shall not change the permanency goal previously approved by the court or discontinue reunification services unless ordered by the court. Pending court approval of a change in the permanency goal, the Department shall increase efforts to implement the concurrent plan. See Concurrent Planning.

Selecting the Permanency Goal
Whenever possible, prior to the case plan staffing, discuss the importance of permanency with the parents, guardians and/or custodians, and inform them of all available alternatives to achieve permanency for the child, including family reunification through successful behavioral changes, consent to adoption, consent to guardianship, and adoption through termination of parental rights. Engage the parents, guardians and/or custodians in a discussion of the alternatives to achieve permanency and obtain their input into the selection of the permanency goal.

Consider permanency goals in the order listed in policy. Select a permanency goal that is consistent with the needs of the child. Consider whether aggravating circumstances exist, any specific directions from the court, and input from the parents, guardians and/or custodians, child (age 12 years or older), and other service team members.

When selecting the permanency goal for the child, seek to maintain and support the child's relationship to his or her parents, siblings, kin, and other individuals with whom the child has a significant relationship.

Aggravating Circumstances
If certain aggravating circumstances are present, the court may relieve the Department of its duty to provide reunification services. If the court finds reunification services are not required, the court will order a permanency goal and the Department shall provide services necessary to achieve the permanency goal ordered by the court.

Remain with Family as the Permanency Goal
Select a permanency goal of Remain with Family if the child is to stay with their family and the case is open for ongoing, in-home services.

See additional information regarding in home services and case planning:

Family Reunification as the Permanency Goal
Select a permanency goal of Family Reunification as the initial goal for children receiving out-of-home care services, unless aggravating circumstances exist. See Family Reunification .

Adoption as the Permanency Goal
Select a permanency goal of Adoption when the permanency options of Remain with Family and/or Family Reunification have been ruled out, unless there is a compelling reason to not terminate parental rights.

Consider revising the goal from family reunification to adoption when in the child's best interests and any of the following circumstances exists:
  • The parent has abandoned the child.
  • The parent has neglected or willfully abused a child.
  • The parent is unable to discharge parental responsibilities because of mental illness, mental deficiency or a history of chronic abuse of dangerous drugs, controlled substances or alcohol and there are reasonable grounds to believe that the condition will continue for a prolonged indeterminate period.
  • The parent is deprived of civil liberties due to the conviction of a felony if the felony of which that parent was convicted is of such nature as to prove the unfitness of that parent to have future custody and control of the child.
  • The potential father failed to file a paternity action within thirty days of completion of service of notice or failed to file a notice of claim of paternity.
  • The parents have relinquished their rights to a child to an agency or have consented to the adoption.
  • The child is being cared for in an out-of-home placement and the Department has made a diligent effort to provide appropriate reunification services and that one of the following circumstances exists:
    • The child has been in an out-of-home placement for a cumulative total period of nine months or longer pursuant to court order or voluntary placement and the parent has substantially neglected or willfully refused to remedy the circumstances that caused the child to be in an out-of-home placement.
    • The child who is under three years of age has been in an out-of-home placement for a cumulative total period of six months or longer pursuant to court order and the parent has substantially neglected or willfully refused to remedy the circumstances that caused the child to be in an out-of-home placement, including refusal to participate in reunification services offered by the Department.
    • The child has been in an out-of-home placement for a cumulative total period of 15 of the most recent 22 months, the parent has been unable to remedy the circumstances that caused the child to be in an out-of-home placement and there is a substantial likelihood that the parent will not be capable of exercising proper and effective parental care and control in the near future.
  • The identity of the parent is unknown and continues to be unknown following three months of diligent efforts to identify and locate the parent.
  • The parent has had parental rights to another child terminated within the preceding two years for the same cause and is currently unable to discharge parental responsibilities due to the same cause.

When applicable, describe in the case plan the compelling reason why terminating the parent’s rights (TPR) is not in the child's best interest and the permanency goal will not be changed to adoption, such as:
  • the child does not consent to adoption,
  • the permanency goal is permanent guardianship, which does not require TPR, or
  • the parent is terminally ill.

Termination of parental rights either by consent (relinquishment) or by court order is necessary for every child in the care, custody and control of the Department who has a permanency goal of Adoption. See Terminating Parental Rights.

Permanent Guardianship as the Permanency Goal
Select a permanency goal of Permanent Guardianship when family reunification and adoption are unlikely and/or there is a compelling reason to not to terminate parental rights. See Permanent Guardianship.

APPLA as the Permanency Goal
For youth age 16 years old and older, select a permanency goal of APPLA when family reunification, adoption, and permanent guardianship have been actively pursued and are determined not achievable prior to the youth reaching the age of majority. A permanency goal of APPLA does not preclude the Department from providing services that will support family reunification, adoption, or permanent guardianship should a change in circumstances arise, such as the identification of a potential permanent guardian.

APPLA as a permanency goal shall not be recommended for children who have regular unsupervised visitation with their parent(s).

Document the discussion during the case plan staffing for the selection or revision of the permanency goal using the Case Notes window, Staffing case note type, and in the next Progress Report to the Juvenile Court or Permanency Hearing Report to the Juvenile Court following the case plan staffing.

When APPLA is the permanency goal, document in case notes the intensive ongoing efforts that have occurred to return the youth home or secure a permanent placement with a fit and willing relative (including adult siblings), an adoptive parent, or a legal guardian, including efforts to utilize search technology (including social media) to find biological family members.

When the permanency goal is APPLA, select Independent Living as the CHILDS permanency goal type. The selection of Independent Living encompasses all permanent planned living arrangements. Document the actual or planned permanent living arrangement, i.e. with a kinship or licensed caregiver, in the Out-of-Home Care section of the case plan.

Document in case notes the services provided and outcomes, as well as any barriers to successful outcomes and the strategies employed to address barriers. Summarize this information in the court report for each six month periodic review hearing and/or permanency hearing.

Document the permanency goal for each child involved in the case within the case plan, in CHILDS Main Menu under Case Plan Directory.

Chapter 3: Section 3.2 Concurrent Planning
Concurrent permanency planning shall occur for all children in out-of-home care with a permanency goal of family reunification when the prognosis of achieving family reunification is unlikely to occur within 12 months of the child’s initial removal.

An assessment of the prognosis of family reunification shall be completed within 45 days of the child’s initial removal.

If there is a poor prognosis for reunification, a planned set of concurrent planning activities will be implemented to ensure that potential or identified alternate caregivers are prepared to care for the child on a permanent basis if needed. These concurrent planning activities will assist in selecting the final concurrent permanency goal.

Within six months of actively working with the family on both the reunification plan and concurrent planning activities, a final concurrent permanency goal must be established.

Based on the results of the Family Functioning Assessment, review the family’s strengths, caregiver protective capacities, resources, and prognosis indicators. This information will be used to complete an assessment of the likelihood of family reunification within 12 months of the child’s initial removal.

Complete the Reunification Prognosis Assessment Guide (DCS-1607) for both parents, guardians and/ or custodians no later than 45 days from the child's initial removal.

When the Reunification Prognosis Assessment Guide (DCS-1607) is completed and the prognosis of achieving family reunification is assessed as unlikely to occur within 12 months of the child’s initial removal, a planned set of concurrent planning activities will be implemented to:
  • identify and assess potential caregivers;
  • place the child with suitable caregivers; and
  • confirm that the caregivers are prepared to care for the child on a permanent basis if needed.

At critical decision points in the life of the case (initial and subsequent case plan staffings, progress review, case plan reassessment, etc.), discuss and stress the importance of permanency with the parents, and inform the parents, guardians and/or custodians:
  • of all available alternatives to achieve permanency for the child, including family reunification through successful change in behaviors or conditions that caused the child to be unsafe or at risk of future maltreatment; consent to adoption; consent to guardianship; and adoption through termination of parental rights; and
  • that if significant progress toward the behavioral changes listed in the case plan is not made by the time of the Permanency Hearing, the Department may recommend, or the court may order the permanency goal be changed from family reunification to another permanency goal, such as adoption, permanent guardianship, or another planned permanent living arrangement.

As appropriate considering the child's age and developmental capacity, and for all youth age 12 or older, at critical decision points in the life of the case (initial and subsequent case plan staffings, progress review, case plan reassessment, etc.) ensure the youth is:
  • informed of his/her role and rights in participating in the case plan and court proceedings;
  • informed about the Department's goal of achieving permanency for the youth in a safe home;
  • informed of all available alternatives to achieve permanency for the youth, including family reunification through the parent’s successful change in behaviors or conditions that caused the youth to be unsafe, consent to adoption, consent to guardianship, and adoption through termination of parental rights;
  • made aware that individualized services addressing the reasons for child protective involvement are made available to families;
  • informed about their parents', guardians’ and/or custodians’ activities and progress toward reunification, unless returning home is not a possibility;
  • helped to identify significant adults with whom relationships should be sought and maintained; and
  • encouraged to maintain optimal contact with the birth family and kin, or others with whom the youth has a close relationship. (The DCS Specialist and the youth will determine what optimal connection with their birth family will look like including frequency of visits, visitation on special occasions, letter writing and sharing of pictures, e-mailing, etc.).

Encourage the participation of parents, children, and, when appropriate, extended family members in the concurrent permanency planning process.

Once a need for a concurrent permanency plan has been identified, simultaneously and actively pursue the Family Reunification permanency goal and implement a planned set of concurrent planning activities including:
  • interviewing the child, parents, grandparents, other extended family members, and other persons who have a significant relationship with the child to identify potential permanent caregivers for the child;
  • assessing potential caregivers for the child by completing the assessment procedures in Kinship Care;
  • ensuring that all potential caregivers and all adult household members are fingerprinted for a criminal records check;
  • ensuring that a Central Registry check is completed on all potential caregivers and all adult household members;
  • ensuring that the identified caregivers are aware of the need for concurrent planning and the child’s need for a permanent placement in the event that reunification is not achieved;
  • transitioning the child into the home of the identified caregivers if the child is not already placed;
  • encouraging the caregivers to pursue foster home licensing; and
  • providing services to support the child’s placement with the caregivers.

If a potential caregiver(s) has not been identified, complete an exhaustive search for such a home, following the procedures outlined in Finding Missing Parents and Families. Also see the Relative Search Best Practice Guide for best practice options, and consider convening a family meeting such as a TDM or CFT.

If a potential permanent caregiver is located out-of-state, initiate the home study process via ICPC.

If an exhaustive search for potential permanent caregivers has been completed and no potential placement has been identified, or all identified potential caregivers have been assessed and ruled out, consider placement of the child with a licensed foster family who:
  • is willing to work toward reunification, and
  • if necessary, will provide a permanent home for the child if reunification is not achieved.

When the identity and whereabouts of the parents, guardians, and/or custodians is known, provide them with written notification of the concurrent planning activities. If the parents, guardians, and/or custodians are not available or missing, a copy of the case plan including concurrent planning activities should be provided to their attorney and to the parents, guardians and/or custodians at the earliest opportunity. If the child is subject to the Indian Child Welfare Act, provide a copy of the plan to the child’s and parent’s, guardian’s and/or custodian’s tribe, and the child’s Indian custodian.

The identification and assessment of alternate caregivers for a concurrent permanency goal of adoption shall only include individuals with whom the permanency goal of adoption can be finalized.

During contacts with the parents, guardians and/or custodians, continue to:
  • stress the importance of permanency for the child;
  • discuss all available alternatives to achieve permanency for the child, including family reunification through successful participation in services, consent to adoption, consent to guardianship, and adoption through termination of parental rights; and
  • review progress toward the behavioral changes listed in the case plan.

Complete a Family Functioning Assessment – Progress Update every 90 days, including a review of the services and supports to achieve reunification. Modify services and supports with the parents, guardians and/or custodians as necessary.

Within six months of actively working with the family on both the reunification plan and concurrent planning activities, a final concurrent permanency goal must be established.

Based on the circumstances of the case and consistent with the child’s best interests, consider and select the concurrent permanency goal in the following order (See Selecting the Permanency Goal):
  • adoption;
  • permanent guardianship;
  • APPLA.

At critical decision points in the life of the case (each case plan staffing, progress review, case plan reassessment, etc.), reassess the prognosis for successfully achieving family reunification using theReunification Prognosis Assessment Guide (DCS-1607).Review and revise as needed the concurrent permanency plan and the related services and supports.

Using the Case Notes window, document discussions with each parent, guardian and/or custodian and child regarding the importance of permanency, the available alternatives to achieve permanency, and the possibility the permanency goal may change if significant progress toward the behavioral changes is not made by the time of the Permanency Hearing.

When a concurrent goal is identified, document the concurrent permanency goal for each child using Concurrent Goal box of the Case Plan in CHILDS.

Document the concurrent planning activities (supports and services) to support the concurrent permanency plan using the Out-of-Home Care section of the Case Plan in CHILDS.

Document the reassessment and any modifications to the concurrent planning activities using case notes, Staffing type.

Document written notification to the parents of the concurrent permanency plan by obtaining their signature on the Case Plan Agreement page of the case plan and/or by filing a copy of the written correspondence to the parents in the hard copy case record.

Document the search for a potential permanent kinship foster family home as described in Finding Missing Parents, Relatives and Other Significant Persons.

Document the assessment of a potential permanent kinship foster family home as described in Kinship Care .

DCS Supervisor:
Document the review and approval of the initial and subsequent assessments of the prognosis for achieving family reunification using case notes, Key Issues type or in the Supervisory Case Progress Review, CT09402.

DCS Regional Program Administrator:
Document the review and approval of APPLA as the concurrent permanency plan using case notes, Key Issues type.

Chapter 3: Section 3.3
Planning For Services and Supports to Achieve Permanency
The Department shall provide services and supports necessary to achieve the case plan goals in the family centered case plan.

The Department shall arrange, provide, and coordinate services that protect children, and provide programs and services that achieve and maintain permanency on behalf of the child, and to strengthen the family.

The Department shall arrange, provide, and coordinate prevention, intervention, and treatment for abused and neglected children.

The Department shall provide services to:
  • all parents (whose parental rights have not been terminated), guardians, and/or custodians that are tailored to achieve the necessary behavioral changes;
  • the child(ren) that:
    • are individualized for his/her safety,
    • promote stability and well-being;
    • address the child’s current medical, dental, education, and behavioral health needs; and
  • the out-of-home caregiver, to assist the caregiver to meet each child's placement needs and to achieve the permanency goal.

The Department shall ensure that the services provided are:
  • least intrusive and least restrictive to the family;
  • consistent with the needs of the child recognizing that the health and safety of the child is the primary concern;
  • delivered in a culturally appropriate manner, and;
  • provided in the home or as close as possible to the home community of the child or family requiring assistance.

When the permanency goal is remain with family or family reunification, the case plan shall:
  • identify services and supports aimed at achieving the desired behaviors required to address the safety threats that caused the child to be removed from the home and/or prevent the child from living safely at home without the Department's involvement; and
  • specify the responsibilities of the Department, other professionals, the parent, the child, and/or other family members as applicable, to achieve the outcomes that will enable the family to safely care for the child without Department involvement.

When the permanency goal is adoption, guardianship, or APPLA, the case plan shall:
  • identify services and supports aimed at achieving the specified permanency goal and case plan outcomes, and
  • specify the responsibilities of the Department, other professionals, the parent, the child, and/or other family members as applicable, to reach the outcomes and achieve the permanency goals.

When the permanency goal is APPLA, the Department shall conduct and document the results of intensive, ongoing, efforts to return the child home or secure a placement for the child with a fit and willing relative (including adult siblings), a legal guardian, or an adoptive parent. These efforts shall include the use of social media and other search technology to find biological family members for the children.

Every child in out-of-home care shall have an individualized parenting time (visitation) plan as a component of his or her case plan. The plan shall describe a schedule of frequent and consistent visitation between the child and the child's parents, siblings, other relatives, friends, and any former foster parent, especially those with whom the child has developed a strong attachment.

Every youth in out-of-home care age 14 and older shall have a case plan that includes a written description of the programs and services that will help to prepare the youth for adulthood.

The Department shall regularly monitor and evaluate the parents' progress toward achieving the behavioral changes and case plan outcomes.

The Department shall inform the parents that:
  • a permanency hearing will be held within six months of the removal from the home for children three years and younger, and within 12 months of the removal for children over three years of age; and
  • substantially or willfully refusing to participate in reunification services may result in a court order to terminate parental rights.

Services and Supports
Throughout the case, determine the services or supports that are most appropriate to achieve the necessary behavioral changes, case plan outcomes, and permanency goal in consultation with the family, child (12 years and older), and other service team members.

When APPLA is selected as the permanency goal for a youth age 16 or older, the Department must conduct intensive and ongoing efforts to return the youth home or secure a placement for the youth with a fit and willing relative (including adult siblings), a legal guardian, or an adoptive parent.

Efforts to return a child home shall include a thorough assessment of safety threats that prevented the parent(s) from caring for the child without the involvement of the Department. See Family Reunification.

Efforts to secure placement with a fit and willing relative, legal guardian, or an adoptive parent shall include child specific recruitment efforts such as:
  • the use of State, regional, and national adoption exchanges, including electronic exchange systems, to facilitate orderly and timely in-state and interstate placements, and
  • search technology (including social media) to find biological family members for the children.

Depending on the needs of the child and family, services or supports may be provided by:
  • the DCS Specialist or other Department staff,
  • contract providers,
  • extended family members or those with whom the family has a strong connection, or
  • community resources and/or volunteers.

Services and supports should be scheduled or otherwise arranged to complement the work and personal schedules of family members.

Services and Supports to Achieve Remain with Family or Family Reunification
In consultation with the family, child (12 years of age and older), and other service team members, the DCS Specialist shall determine services and supports that are most appropriate to achieve the desired behavioral changes.

After the caregiver protective capacities are understood and well-defined, identify services that will assist in facilitating necessary change, achieving the desired behavioral changes, enhancing specific diminished protective capacities, and helping the parents regain and sustain primary responsibility for their child’s safety. Services such as parenting classes, substance abuse treatment, or intensive family services may be utilized when appropriate. Services may also include support and assistance from individuals in the family network, community, or other resources.

Using information gained during the Family Functioning Assessment – Ongoing, including the assessment of caregiver protective capacities and determining the child’s needs, the DCS Specialist will engage the parents/guardians/custodians to:
  • decide what interventions/services will assist the family in making necessary changes; and
  • explore culturally relevant, individualized intervention/service options to maximize the family’s self-determination and commitment to the process of change.

Services for Children and Youth
Prior to and during the case plan staffing, provide service team members comprehensive information on the needs of the child (including the child’s physical/dental health, emotional/behavioral health, educational status, and other support needs) and the services and support needs of the out-of-home care provider.

Elicit the comments and recommendations of the service team members and seek to reach consensus on:
  • the behaviors and services required to meet the child's needs, including the needs of children age 14 and older to build skills necessary to prepare for a successful adulthood (See Services and Supports to Prepare Youth for Adulthood );
  • for children who have been identified as victims of sex trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, the specific services that have been implemented to address this issue;
  • the behaviors and services or supports required to maintain the out-of-home caregiver's ability to care for the child;
  • actions necessary to assure the child's safety in out-of-home care; and
  • If applicable, services to achieve a concurrent permanency goal or a goal other than family reunification, and steps to be taken to achieve the goal, such as efforts to:
    • identify an adoptive family or other permanent living arrangement for the child, including child-specific recruitment efforts;
    • place the child with an adoptive family, a relative, or a permanent guardian; or
    • finalize the adoption or permanent guardianship.

Court Ordered Services
If the court orders services supplemental to the services of the Department:
  • inform other team members of the name of the service provider(s);
  • request all documentation/reports from the service provider(s) at least monthly;
  • invite the service provider(s) to meetings regarding the child and family, including team decision making meetings and case plan staffings; and
  • share all documents and information with the provider(s) as permitted under law. See Safeguarding Case Records.

Facilitating the Change Process and Monitoring Services
The DCS Specialist’s role in facilitating change is critical to the effectiveness of the case plan and family success and should include:
  • continually encouraging the parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s self-awareness regarding issues affecting child safety;
  • seeking to facilitate readiness necessary to promote change (enhancing caregiver protective capacities), and;
  • respecting and reinforcing self-determination and personal choice.

During in-person contacts, the DCS Specialist assists the parent, guardian, and/or custodian to move through the stages of change. Discussions should focus on the following:
  • progress being made toward addressing what must change associated with enhancing diminished caregiver protective capacities;
  • internal and external barriers to change;
  • the parent, guardian, and/or custodian’s readiness to participate in case plan services and to make necessary changes;
  • clarification and/or adjustment to behavior change statements;
  • use of existing caregiver protective capacities to support change;
  • relationship between the parent, guardian, and/or custodian and DCS;
  • relationship between the parent, guardian, and/or custodian and case plan service providers;
  • treatment service effectiveness; and
  • needs of children (in-home and in-placement) and parent, guardian, and/or custodian involvement in addressing the needs of children.

The DCS Specialist should discuss with case plan service providers:
  • efforts being made with the parent, guardian, and/or custodian toward meeting the behavioral change statements;
  • service effectiveness in enhancing diminished caregiver protective capacities;
  • where the parent, guardian, and/or custodian is in the Stages of Change;
  • how the caregiver is progressing in making necessary changes, and;
  • how the service provider can assist the parent in making the behavior changes outlined in their case plan.

The DCS Specialist will have contact with the parent, guardian, and/or custodian; children; treatment service providers; and responsible adults identified in the safety plan at least monthly. Refer to Contacts with Children, Parents and Out-of-Home Caregivers for additional information.

The DCS Specialist will solicit input from family and other service team members regarding the effectiveness of the current services, including whether they are necessary and helpful.

The DCS Specialist will gather information to assess whether there has been any change in the attitudes, behaviors, or perceptions of the parent, guardian, and/or custodian regarding safety threats and diminished protective capacities.

The DCS Specialist will engage the family and other service team members to identify necessary changes to services and supports, and consult with the DCS Program Supervisor as needed to implement changes in services or supports necessary to achieve the desired behavioral changes.

The DCS Specialist will clearly communicate any change in services and provide necessary information to the recipient of the service, the service provider, and, as appropriate, other service team members.

The DCS Specialist will convene a case plan staffing and involve the family in discussions about changes to the plan if there is a significant change in case circumstances or a change in permanency goal is considered.

For all permanency goals, the DCS Specialist will monitor case progress every 30 days to:
  • review progress toward case plan outcomes;
  • follow-up with service provider(s);
  • follow-up with the person receiving services to assess progress; and
  • determine whether there is a need for adjustment(s) to services and supports.

If specified tasks have not been completed, the DCS Specialist will review the tasks to identify possible barriers such as:
  • whether the tasks were clearly communicated;
  • the expectations and obligations of the child and family (review whether the child and family have multiple systems involved in their lives, each with separate and possibly competing tasks);
  • cultural needs of the family and possible challenges with the provision of services; and
  • whether the supports and/or service providers are able to timely fulfill the responsibilities specified in the case plan.

The DCS Specialist will take actions necessary to facilitate continued case progress, including:
  • clarify tasks or expectations;
  • modify tasks; or
  • arrange for the use of different resources or service providers.

The DCS Specialist will immediately respond to and address any complaints or problems in the delivery of services.

If necessary, the DCS Specialist will convene a case plan staffing to discuss case progress and initiate changes in the case plan.

Parenting Time (Visitation) Plan
All case plans for children in out-of-home care must include a contact and visitation plan between the child and the child's parents, family members, other relatives, siblings, former foster parents, and individuals with significant relationships to the child to preserve and enhance relationships and attachments to the family of origin. Refer to Parent and Child Visitation for additional information.

Document in Case Notes:
  • contacts with family members, Department personnel, out-of-home care providers, members of the service team, tribal social services representatives, and/or other interested parties regarding the case; and
  • observations of the family's interactions and environment, written in behavioral terms and using professional judgment or fact.

Documentation of contacts will include information on dates, places, individuals involved, and the nature of the contact.

Document the initial selection of services in the case plan.

For cases involving children three years of age and younger at the time of removal, document in Case Notes that you have informed the parents of the following:
  • A permanency hearing will be held within six months of the child's removal from the home.
  • Substantially neglecting or willfully refusing to participate in reunification services may result in a court order to terminate parental rights at the permanency hearing.

For cases involving children identified as victims of sex trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, document the specific services implemented to address this issue.

File hard copy medical, educational, and mental health records in the hard copy case record.

Document the child's special needs and medical, educational, and mental health status and needs using the Special Needs detail, Medical/Dental Condition detail, Medication detail, Psych/Behavioral Condition detail, Examination detail, Practitioner detail, Participant Education detail, Participant Education Condition detail and Hospitalization detail windows as appropriate.

Document the plan for frequent and consistent visitation between the child and the child's parents, siblings, family members, other relatives, friends, and any former placement in the Visitation Plan of the case plan.

Document progress made toward achieving outcomes specified in the case plan using the case notes window.


Effective Date: January 31, 2018

Revision History: November 30, 2012, February 12,2016, June 29th, 2017

Chapter 3: Section 3.4
Out of Home Care Planning, Health Care Planning, Contact and Parenting Time (Visitation) Plan 
Every child in out-of-home care shall have an individualized Out-of-Home Care Plan that specifies the following and includes the most recent information available regarding:
  • the name and address of the child’s school;
  • the child's educational status including child’s grade level, academic performance, special education services if applicable, attendance and any other relevant education information;
  • indication of whether the child is attending school in their home school district; and if not the plans to help the child transition into the new school setting;
  • any special needs of the child;
  • the child's placement type (and for youth age 16 and older with a goal of APPLA, the actual or desired permanent living arrangement);
  • services provided to the child and or out-of-home caregiver to meet the child's needs;
  • ways that the child will maintain contact with his family and extended family while in placement;
  • actions to assure the child's safety in out-of-home care;
  • indication of whether the child is placed:
    • in close proximity to a parent's home, and if not why not,
    • in the least restrictive placement consistent with the child's special needs and best interests,
    • with siblings in out-of-home care, whenever possible, (if applicable)
    • with a caregiver who speaks the same language;
  • for any child placed substantially distant from the parent's home or out-of-state, the reason the placement serves the needs of the child in the most appropriate and effective way;
  • with a relative, or the efforts to identify a relative or an individual with whom the child has a significant relationship where the child might be placed; and
  • outcomes and tasks to achieve a concurrent permanency goal or a permanency goal other than family reunification, such as efforts to identify and place the child in a permanent placement.

Every child in out-of-home care shall have an individualized Health Care Plan as a component of the case plan. This plan shall contain the most recent information available regarding the child’s health status including:
  • name and address of the child’s healthcare providers;
  • the child’s immunizations;
  • the child’s known medical problems;
  • the child’s known medication;
  • any other relevant health information; and
  • actions to assure the child’s health needs are met.

Every child in out-of-home care shall have an individualized Parenting Time (Visitation) Plan as a component of his or her case plan.

During face-to-face visits and other contacts with the child's parents and/or extended family, the out-of-home caregiver, and other service team members, request information to assess the child’s:
  • physical health and dental status and need;
  • educational status and needs;
  • emotional and behavioral health status and needs;
  • for youth age 14 and older, needs related to building the skills necessary to prepare for adulthood; and
  • the need for services and support to maintain the provider's ability to meet the child's needs.

At the time of initial placement into out-of-home care, and when significant examinations or treatments have occurred, request medical, educational, and mental health records on the child.

To develop comprehensive Out-of-Home Care and Health Care Plans, complete the following steps at the time of each case plan staffing:
  • Review information on the child's status and needs related to physical health, education, emotional and behavioral health, obtained through ongoing contacts with family and service team members and through hard copy records.
  • Using information provided by the out-of-home caregiver and other sources, document the child's health status, educational status, and the child's special needs by updating the following windows: Special Needs Detail, Medical/Dental Condition Detail, Medication Detail, Psych/Behavioral Condition Detail, Examination Detail, Practitioner Detail, Participant Education Detail, Participant Education Condition, and Hospitalization Detail.

Prior to and during the case plan staffing, provide service team members comprehensive information on the child’s status including the child’s physical/dental health, emotional/behavioral health, educational status and other support needs, and the services and support needs of the out-of-home caregiver. Elicit the comments and recommendations of the service team members, and reach consensus, whenever possible, on:
  • the outcomes, tasks and services required to meet the child's needs;
  • the outcomes, tasks and services or supports required to maintain the out-of-home caregiver's ability to care for the child;
  • the frequency of face-to-face visits and telephone contact by the DCS Specialist required to meet the child's and provider's needs;
  • actions necessary to assure the child's safety in out-of-home care;
  • outcomes and tasks to achieve a concurrent permanency goal, if applicable; and
  • steps to be taken to achieve the permanency goal if the permanency goal is not family reunification, such as efforts to:
    • find an adoptive family or other permanent living arrangement for the child, including child specific recruitment efforts;
    • place the child with an adoptive family, a relative, a legal guardian, or in another planned permanent living arrangement; and
    • finalize the adoption or legal guardianship.

Print the updated Medical Summary Report and attach it to the case plan prior to distributing the case plan to the family and service team members. Ensure that the Medical Summary Report includes the most recent information available regarding the child’s health and education. Ensure the out-of-home caregiver receives an updated Medical Summary Report on the child in his or her care at least once every six months. (Access the Medical Summary Report through the File menu of the Case Summary window, LCH 057).

In consultation with the supervisor, implement changes in tasks or services necessary to meet the child's needs or maintain the out-of-home caregiver’s ability to care for the child. It is not necessary to convene a case plan staffing unless there is a significant change in case circumstances that may impact upon goals, services and needs, or a change in permanency goal is considered.

Complete extensive and documented searches for extended family members, other relatives, and other significant persons as placement resources for children in out-of-home care.

Use the Arizona Parent Locator Service to assist in locating missing parents, relatives and other significant persons. Complete the DCS Family Locate Referral, CSO-1310A and process according to operating procedures. See Locating Parent and Families

Develop the Parenting Time (Visitation) Plan in accordance with guidelines in Parent & Child Visitation.

Using the Case Plan, Out of Home Care box, describe whether:
  • the child is placed in close proximity to at least one parent;
  • the child is placed in the least restrictive environment consistent with his or her special needs and best interest;
  • the child is placed with siblings in out-of-home care, if applicable;
  • at least one of the child's caregivers speaks the same language as the child;
  • efforts have been made to identify a relative placement; and
  • whether the child is attending his or her home school district.

Document services and supports provided to all out-of-home caregivers to address the needs of children in their care in the Case Plan, Out of Home Care box.

Document supports and services related to special needs, educational, psychological and behavioral needs in the Case Plan, Childs Needs, Supports and Services box.

File hard copy medical, educational, and mental health records in the hard copy case record.

Document the child's special needs and medical, educational and mental health status and needs, using the Special Needs Detail, Medical/Dental Condition Detail, Medication Detail, Psych/Behavioral Condition Detail, Examination Detail, Practitioner Detail, Participant Education Detail, Participant Education Condition, and Hospitalization Detail windows.

Document the plan for frequent, consistent parenting time (visitation) between the child and the child’s parents, siblings, family members, other relative, friends and any former placement in the Case Plan, Visitation Plan box.

If the permanency goal is not family reunification, document steps taken to achieve the permanency goal using the Out of Home Plan, including child specific recruitment efforts to:
  • find an adoptive family or other permanent living arrangement for the child;
  • place the child with an adoptive family, a relative, a legal guardian or in another planned permanent living arrangement; and
  • finalize the adoption or legal guardianship.

Document efforts to identify extended family members or other significant persons as placement resources using the Case Notes window.


Effective Date: January 31, 2018

Revision History: November 30, 2012

Chapter 3: Section 3.5
Long Term Foster Care
The Department shall establish long term foster care as another planned permanent living arrangement (APPLA) only when the permanency options of adoption and guardianship are not in the best interests of a child, the child is expected to remain in out-of-home care at least until the age of majority and the foster home provider has made a commitment to continue as a permanent supportive adult in that child’s life.

The Department shall establish a formalized agreement between the agency, foster home provider and child to support the continuity and stability of the placement.

When a child’s planned permanent living arrangement is long term foster care, the Department shall maintain contact with the child’s parents or extended family, whenever possible, to:

  • Inform and involve the family in decisions about their child where feasible.
  • Stay informed of changes in the family situation that might indicate a need to re-evaluate the permanency goal of long-term foster care, unless such contact would compromise the safety of the child.

Considering Foster Care
Consider the following questions in deciding upon a planned living arrangement of foster care:

  • Is the child expected to remain in out-of-home care until the age of majority?
  • Is there a compelling reason why the foster home provider cannot or will not pursue adoption or guardianship of the child, and is it in the child's best interest to remain with the provider?
  • Have you documented a compelling reason that adoption or guardianship is not in the child's best interest?
  • Have the benefits of adoption and guardianship been explored with the child?
  • Is the child over 12 years of age and unwilling to consent to an adoption?
  • Has the foster care provider verbalized their commitment to continue as a permanent supportive adult in that child’s life?
  • Has the foster care provider verbalized their commitment to ensure the child maintains connections with their immediate and extended family?

Pursuing Foster Care Plan
Obtain the Regional Program Administrator designee's approval prior to pursuing a plan of foster care as a planned living arrangement.

Formalize the plan through the Long Term Foster Care Agreement, 1026A.

Request the court to grant physical custody of the child to the out-of-home provider.

Continue to provide all case planning and case management services, as described in Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan.

Support continued contact between the child and his or her parents, siblings and extended family members, unless such contact would be detrimental to the child.

Whenever possible, maintain contact with the child’s parents or extended family, to:

  • Inform and involve the family in decisions about their child where feasible.
  • Stay informed of changes in the family situation that might indicate a need to re-evaluate the permanency goal of long-term foster care, unless such contact would compromise the safety of the child.

Document the selection of long term foster care as the chosen living arrangement in the Permanency Goal window.

Document the formalization of long-term foster care, using the Long Term Foster Care As a Planned Living Arrangement Agreement.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 4
Contact with Children, Parents and Out-of-Home Caregivers
The Department shall maintain continued contact with children, parents, and if applicable, an out-of-home caregiver for all open cases to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of the child and to promote the achievement of the Permanency Goal.

While a case is open for services, the Department shall have face-to-face contact with the child(ren) and his/her caregiver at least once every month. The majority of face-to-face contacts with the child and the caregiver must occur in the child’s placement. If the child is verbal or able to communicate through other means (such as through writing, an augmentative communication device, sign language, etc.), part of at least one contact per month shall be alone with the child.

If the Permanency Goal is Family Reunification or Remain with Family, the Department shall have face-to-face contact with all parents at least once per month, including any alleged parents, parents residing outside of the child's home, and incarcerated parents. Exceptions to monthly face-to-face contact with parents may be made on a case-by-case basis based on the unique circumstances of the family.

The Department shall consult with the out-of-home caregiver, the child, if verbal or able to communicate through other means (such as through writing, an augmentative communication device, sign language, etc.), and other service team members as appropriate to determine if the child and/or caregiver requires more frequent face-to-face contact.

If any participant involved with an ongoing case provides the Department with verifiable proof of enrollment in the Arizona Confidentially Program, (ACP) the Department must ensure that the participant's address remains confidential and is redacted from all information in the case record.

Required Contact with Children and Caregivers (Parent/Out-of-Home Caregiver)
If a child is placed in out-of-home care by staff other than the assigned DCS Specialist the assigned DCS Specialist must have telephone contact with the out-of-home caregiver and the child (if the child is able to communicate by phone) within 24 hours of placement; and face-to-face contact with the child and out-of-home caregiver, in-placement within fifteen (15) calendar days of placement. Thereafter, the assigned DCS Specialist must have monthly face-to-face contact with the caregiver and child.

The assigned DCS Specialist, or other, designated DCS Specialist who is assigned ongoing responsibility for the monthly contact, discusses and assesses the following with the child(ren) and his/her caregivers:
  • the safety of the child;
  • the child's and the caregiver's relationship;
  • the ability of the caregiver to meet the child's needs;
  • the safety of the physical home environment such as any observable hazardous conditions (no electricity, no water, exposed wiring, dangerous objects, harmful substances, external locks on bedroom doors, etc.) that may immediately threaten the child’s safety;
  • the case plan including the Permanency Goal, identified behavioral changes and services, and progress toward the Permanency Goal;
  • the developmental progress of the child;
  • the child's educational, physical health, and emotional and behavioral health status and needs;
  • the ability of the child to participate in age and developmentally appropriate extracurricular, enrichment, cultural, and social activities;
  • the child's medical and dental examinations, including required examinations within the first 30 days of removal and ongoing EPSDT visits, including standard medical tests and immunization updates as appropriate;
  • the appropriateness and adequacy of services and supports provided to and for the child; and
  • the appropriateness and adequacy of services and supports provided to and for the caregiver to maintain the caregiver's ability to care for the child.

See the Child and Caregiver Visitation Field Guide (DCS-1591) for information on interviewing the child and caregiver during monthly face-to-face contacts.

While a monthly in-placement contact is preferred, there are occasions when the face-to-face contact with the child may occur outside of the placement setting. Conduct at least half of the monthly contacts with the child and the caregiver in the child's placement. If the child is verbal or able to communicate through other means (such as through writing, an augmentative communication device, sign language, etc.), spend part of at least one visit per month alone with the child.

More frequent face-to-face contact and/or telephone contact from the DCS Specialist between required monthly contacts may be necessary based on the case circumstances.

If a child is placed out of the home, review the placement packet regularly for accuracy.

If a child is placed in a therapeutic congregate care setting (therapeutic group home, residential treatment facility, etc.), monthly contact is required in addition to a review of treatment goals, appropriateness of placement, the need for continuation of the placement, and discharge planning at least once every three (3) months. (See Arranging Residential Treatment for more information on activities required to review a child’s placement in a residential treatment setting.)

Required Contact with Children Remaining in the Home When a Sibling is Placed Out of the Home:
When the Permanency Goal for the child in out-of-home care is Family Reunification, conduct ongoing monthly contact with any children remaining in the home even when these children are assessed as safe. Include these child(ren) in the initial Family Functioning Assessment (FFA) as well as any subsequent FFA.

When the Permanency Goal for the child in out-of-home care is not Family Reunification, monthly contact with the child(ren) who remain in the home and are assessed as safe is not required. Once the Family Functioning Assessment – Investigation is complete, document the child to be safe in the CSRA, end-date the safe child's participant role, and add the safe child as a “sibling.”

If, during the course of providing services to a child in out-of-home care and his/her family, there is reason to believe that a child remaining in the home may be unsafe in the home, additional contact and actions may be needed to assess and manage safety. See Present Danger Assessment and Planning.

Required Contact for a Child Placed Out-of-Region
If the child is placed out of the region under a courtesy supervision agreement, the courtesy supervision DCS Specialist may make the monthly face-to-face contact with the child and caregiver instead of the assigned DCS Specialist.

Required Contact for a Child Placed Out-of-State
If the child is placed out-of-state through an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC), the assigned ICPC Case Manager in the receiving state makes monthly face-to-face contact with the child and caregiver.

If the child is placed out-of-state for therapeutic purposes without supervision being provided through an ICPC agreement, the assigned Behavioral Health Specialist will provide monthly updates to the DCS Specialist. The assigned DCS specialist maintains monthly telephone contact with the child. This procedure pertains to out-of-state placements in a residential treatment center, inpatient psychiatric facility, rehabilitation program, or similar program.

Required Contact with Parents
If the Permanency Goal is Remain with the Family or Family Reunification, during the monthly face-to-face contact with the parent discuss and assess identified safety threats, risks, parent protective capacities, and the parent’s successes or barriers in making the behavioral changes identified in the case plan. Discuss any change in services or supports the parent may need to achieve the case plan goals.

Obtain prior supervisory approval for exceptions to monthly face-to-face contact with the parents when the Permanency Goal is reunification or remain with family, Ongoing exceptions to monthly face-to-face contact shall be reviewed with the parents, team members and the supervisor at the time the case plan is developed and reassessed. An exception may be considered when a parent is incarcerated, or when a parent is out-of-region or out-of-state. If an exception to monthly face-to-face contact with a parent is approved, maintain a minimum of quarterly telephone contact or written correspondence with all parents whose whereabouts are known and whose rights have not been terminated.

This telephone contact or written correspondence must provide the parent the following information:
  • name, address, and phone number of the DCS Specialist;
  • a description of services the parents must complete prior to return of their child;
  • dates, locations, and contact information for any upcoming staffings and hearings;
  • information on the well-being and status of the child, including type of placement, health status, and any significant events, progress, or concerns; and
  • the consequences of not participating in reunification services.

If the Permanency Goal is not Remain with Family or Family Reunification, conduct quarterly contact with the parent until the court has ordered a change in Permanency Goal. Contact may be face-to-face, written, or by telephone.

Address Confidentiality Program
If a participant notifies the Department of enrollment in the Address Confidentially Program (ACP), the DCS Specialist must notify the DCS Privacy and Security team at Privacy@AZDCS.Gov to confirm the participant is currently enrolled. See Address Confidentiality Program for more information.

Follow the Child and Caregiver Visitation Note Outline to document all face-to-face visits with the child and caregiver, using the Case Notes window designated as Child Contact type.
  1. Select the "In Person" contact type radio button
  2. Highlight the names of all parties including the DCS Specialist in the “Contact With” list on the Case Notes window; and
  3. Select the "In Placement Contact" check box if the child and out-of-home care caregiver were seen together or separately in the caregiver's home.

Document the review of the child's Placement Packet in the Case Notes window.

Update CHILDS to reflect information provided by the out-of-home caregiver on the child’s needs and status using the detail windows associated with:
  • CHILDS Medical Summary report
  • Special Needs Detail, Medical/Dental Condition Detail
  • Medication Detail
  • Immunization detail
  • Psych/Behavioral Condition Detail
  • Examination Detail, Practitioner Detail
  • Participant Education Condition
  • Participant Education Detail
  • Hospitalization Detail windows

File completed Child Placement Packet forms in the hard copy record.

If an ICPC Case Manager or Courtesy Case Manager is responsible for making the ongoing monthly face-to-face visits, add the case manager with ongoing responsibility for the monthly visits to the case, using the Case Creation window.


Effective Date: August 9th, 2017

Revision History: February 12, 2016, November 12, 2013, September 30, 2013, November 30, 2012

Chapter 3: Section 5.1
Voluntary In-Home Services

The Department of Child Safety (DCS) will offer voluntary services for those families in which:
  • a DCS report has been received;
  • steps have been taken to assure, to the greatest extent possible, that all children are currently safe and will remain safe in the home; and
  • a DCS Investigation and Family Strengths and Risks Assessment have indicated that one or more children in the home is at risk of abuse and neglect.

Whenever possible, it is best to provide services on a voluntary basis, where the family is willing to access services that can improve the outcomes for the family. While the availability of services may be limited due to resource constraints, it is important to try to gain family support for voluntary involvement with the agency.

Services may be provided directly by DCS staff, by contract or through referral to other organizations or community agencies.

When a decision has been made to provide voluntary services to a family it is important and required that Child Safety Specialists have face-to-face contact with parent(s) residing in the same household and children in the home at least once a month in order to determine:
  • whether the children continue to remain safe in the home; and
  • the services and supports are being effective in alleviating the risk of abuse and neglect.

Decision Making
Determine whether Voluntary Services are appropriate
  • Are there community or extended family resources available that can help the parent address these concerns without DCS involvement? Is the parent willing to use them?
  • In conversations with the caregiver, do they acknowledge that there a need for support for their family?
  • Based on your conversation with the caregiver, does he/she appear both willing and able to make changes in behavior and/or home environment to reduce the potential for harm to the children?
  • Has the parent received services from the Department in the past? If so, what was the result?
  • Is the parent willing to accept voluntary services from DCS?
  • What steps can be taken to ensure that the children will remain safe while voluntary services are provided?

Once a case is identified to receive voluntary services, a case plan must be developed within 60 from that date. Convene a case plan staffing to develop the case plan. All members of the service team shall be invited to participate in the case plan staffing. Parents, children age 12 or older, and out-of-home care providers shall be members of the service team. To every extent possible, and when appropriate, extended family members may also participate as members of the service team.

The service team, particularly the family, should be actively involved in all aspects of case planning to include:
  • assessment and identification of family strengths, protective capacities, and risks;
  • identification of behavioral changes required to address the identified risks;
  • identification of services and supports necessary to achieve the identified behavioral changes; and
  • assessing the family’s progress.

Provide or refer the family for services and supports identified in the case plan to address risk factors that must be resolved in order for the family to care for the child safely. These services may be provided:
  • as outlined in your region’s operating procedures,
  • through referral to other organizations or community agencies, and
  • through other sources such as faith-based and family support networks.

For each child with a case plan goal of “remain with family,” determine if the child meets the requirements for foster care candidacy as outlined in Determining if a Child Meets the Federal Requirements for Foster Care Candidacy If the child meets the requirements of foster care candidacy ensure that the following question on the case plan permanency goal window is answered as follows:
Potential Candidate for Foster Care? Yes [X]

Request Non-Title XIX Behavioral Health Services using the Request for Services, PS-067 in the Court Document Directory.

Request Title XIX Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Services for eligible children and adults through the Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA).

At least every six months, reassess the family’s ability to safely care for their child in the home. Determine whether the parent(s) is engaged in services and supports, and whether those services and supports identified in the case plan are promoting the desired behavioral changes. This reassessment is completed through the Modification of Services and Supports in the case plan .

It is critical that workers are particularly thorough in documentation of all services provided to the family. If removal of a child later becomes necessary, this documentation is the basis for the federally-required judicial determination that reasonable efforts were made to prevent the child's removal from home. (P.L. 96-272)

Document the initial selection of services and supports by completing Child Safety and Risk Assessment and Case Planning .

For each revised case plan, document the selection of services and supports by completing the Case Plan.

Document the case plan reassessment by completing the Case Planning Windows .

Document all contacts with parents and family members using the Case Notes window, designated as the appropriate type. Document face-to-face contacts by selecting the In Person Contact type radio button and highlighting, in the Contact With list, the names of all parties present.

Ensure the Service Authorization Request window and Service Authorization Provider Match windows are completed.

File a copy of the PS-067 in the hard file.

Document the decision to provide voluntary services by completing the Determination of Case Status Window


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 5.2
Voluntary Placement
Voluntary placement with the Department is time-limited placement for a child and may be provided as an alternative for the family to keep their child safe. A case plan shall be developed with the family to resolve safety threats in order for the child to live safely at home.

Voluntary placement shall be with a licensed out-of-home care provider or a relative (the child’s grandparent, great grandparent, brother or sister of whole or half blood, aunt, uncle or first cousin) or person with significant relationship. The Department shall give preference to placement with an adult relative or person with significant relationship before a licensed out-of-home care provider, provided the adult relative or person with significant relationship meets all of the Department’s requirements.

A parent’s, guardian's or custodian's decision to place a child in voluntary placement with the Department does not constitute grounds for abandonment, abuse or dependency nor may it be used in a judicial proceeding as an admission of criminal wrong-doing. [ARS §8-806(G)]

Voluntary Placement Agreements shall not:
  • exceed 90 days, [ARS §8-806C];
  • be consecutive (“back-to-back”) placement agreements;
  • be utilized more than twice within 24 consecutive months, [ARS §8-806(C)];
  • be accepted for a child without the written, informed consent of the parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian [ARS §8-806(E)]; and
  • be accepted for a child who is age 12 or older and not developmentally disabled without the written informed consent of the child, unless the Department determines that voluntary placement is clearly necessary to prevent abuse. [ARS §8-806(F)

For an American Indian child, the "Indian custodian" (e.g., the parent or guardian) consent must be:
  • executed in writing and recorded before a judge; and
  • accompanied by the judge's certification that the terms and consequences of the consent were fully explained in detail and fully understood by the “Indian custodian” and that the explanation was either understood in English or interpreted into a language that the custodian understood. (25 U.S.C. § 1901, et seq.)

The Voluntary Placement Agreement, CSO-1043 may be used when:
  • the parent, guardian, or custodian initiates contact with the Department to request voluntary placement of the child with the Department;
  • it has been determined that the child is in present danger or impending danger and that there is no in-home or other less intrusive present danger or safety plan option that will be sufficient to control the danger and allow the child to remain safely at home;
  • the child can be sufficiently protected while in voluntary placement;
  • based on the Family Functioning Assessment, the identified safety threats that prevent the child from living at home safely can be remedied within 90 days or less;
  • the permanency goal is family reunification;
  • the parent, guardian, or custodian is willing to voluntarily place the child in the custody of the Department, giving the Department the authority to place the child in the home of a licensed out-of-home care provider, an adult relative, or a person with a significant relationship with the child;
  • the parent, guardian, or custodian is willing and able to cooperate with a case plan and abide by the terms of the voluntary placement agreement; and
  • if the child is age 12 years or over and not developmentally disabled, the child and is willing to consent to voluntary placement, unless placement is clearly necessary to prevent abuse.

Consult with the DCS supervisor to ensure that the case circumstances meet the Department's criteria for voluntary placement.

If a Voluntary Placement Agreement will be implemented, inform the parents, guardians, or custodians:
  • about the safety threats that require an out-of-home safety plan and removal from the home;
  • that they will have the right to an attorney and a hearing before a juvenile court judge if they do not to agree to a voluntary placement, and the Department chooses to remove the child(ren) from the home and file a dependency petition;
  • that by signing the Voluntary Placement Agreement the parent, guardian, or custodian is placing the child in the Department’s custody who will then have the authority to place the child with a licensed out-of-home care provider, an adult relative, or a person with a significant relationship with the child;
  • that without the Department's approval, the parent, guardian, or custodian may not remove the child from the out-of-home placement while the Voluntary Placement Agreement is in place;
  • that a parent, guardian, or custodian may revoke a Voluntary Placement Agreement by providing written notice to the DCS Specialist; and that upon receipt of the notice, the DCS Specialist will, within 72 hours, excluding weekends and holidays:
    • return the child to the custody of parent, guardian or custodian; or
    • file a dependency petition if there is reason to believe that the child would be unsafe if he or she returns home;
  • that the parent, guardian, or custodian retains parental rights and responsibilities under the voluntary placement agreement with the Department, including the:
    • legal custody of the child,
    • right to reasonable visitation,
    • right to consent to medical treatment, and
    • right to participate in educational decisions and act as the special education parent (See Education for Children in Out-of-Home Care);
  • that his/her decision to place a child in voluntary placement does not constitute grounds for abandonment, abuse, or dependency nor may it be used in a judicial proceeding as an admission of criminal wrong-doing;
  • that after a child has been in out-of-home placement for 60 days, the time in out-of-home care will be included in the amount of time the Court considers when determining whether to terminate a parent's rights if:
    • a dependency petition is filed,
    • the child is made a ward of the court, and
    • the dependency action results in the termination of parental rights based on length of time the child has been in out-of-home placement.

When the determination is made that voluntary placement with the Department is appropriate:
  • explain the terms of Voluntary Placement Agreement to the parent, guardian, or custodian and to any child who is over age 12 years and not developmentally disabled, and;
  • determine, in cooperation with the parent, guardian, or custodian, the length of placement up to 90 days and specify this on the form.

Complete the Voluntary Placement Agreement, CSO-1043. Have the parent, guardian, or custodian and child, if appropriate, sign the form.

If the child who is age 12 years or older and not developmentally disabled refuses to sign the Voluntary Placement Agreement, and it has been determined that voluntary placement is clearly necessary to prevent abuse, document the reasons for proceeding with the placement in the case record using the Case Notes window.

Distribute the Voluntary Placement Agreement as follows:
  • Give one copy to the parent, guardian, or custodian.
  • Give one copy to the child, if age 12 years or older and not developmentally disabled.
  • Keep the original in the child's hard copy record.

Kinship Placement
Follow the Implementation procedures in Kinship Care to determine whether the person meets the requirements for placement. The following are not required for a voluntary placement agreement with a relative:
  • References;
  • Formal home study; and
  • Kinship Placement Notification letter.

Complete the following activities prior to placement with kinship caregiver:
  • Complete a search of the Central Registry, CHILDS Case Management Information System, and other states or jurisdictions (if applicable) for current or prior involvement with Department of Child Safety on all individuals in the home over 18 year of age.
  • Complete a criminal history records check with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) using the Justice Web Interface (JWI) for all adults residing in the home.
    • When a person does not have a social security number, the DPS Criminal Records Check shall still be completed using information currently in CHILDS (including assigned pseudo social security numbers). In this situation, additional searches are necessary, including a public records search or information available through local law enforcement.
  • Complete a Safety Plan and Signature Sheet and (Provide each caregiver and safety monitor (when applicable) a copy of these completed forms.
  • Visit the home to ensure that the home environment has no observable safety hazards using the Home Safety Checklist for Kinship Foster Caregiver Household (CSO-1014).
  • Determine if there is any information that would preclude the relative from providing a safe, nurturing environment for the child.
  • Complete the Kinship Placement Agreement and Notification of Resources. Relative(s) must read and sign the form.
  • Ensure the relative(s) and all individuals in the home over 18 years of age complete the Self-Disclosure Statement for Kinship Foster Caregiver Household, CSO-1130A and complete a fingerprint based background check.
    • Within 15 working days of the completed DPS check, require all adult household members to complete a fingerprint based background check. Provide Fieldprint instructions to all adults upon placement consideration or emergency placement. If needed, provide assistance in submitting the fingerprints. Additional Department resources can be provided to assist adults that are unable to submit fingerprints to Fieldprint.
    • If any adult household member fails to complete the fingerprint based background check, the child cannot be placed in the home.
    • A person who is denied a Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card may still be considered as a kinship placement, if the offense preventing approval of the Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card is appealable to the Board of Fingerprinting.
    • The DCS Specialist should gather all relevant information and consult with his/her supervisor for approval to continue placement of the child(ren) in the home.

Place the child in a licensed out-of-home care placement or with a kinship caregiver that meets the child’s individualized assessed needs. See Selecting an Out-of-Home Care Provider.

Follow the procedures outlined in Voluntary Placement of an Indian Child when the child is or may be American Indian.

Team Decision Making (TDM) and Voluntary Placement Agreements
A Present Danger TDM meeting will be held within 48 business hours if the Voluntary Placement Agreement has been implemented as a protective action in a present danger plan.

A Safety Planning TDM meeting will be held when the Family Functioning Assessment has been completed and a determination has been made that the child is unsafe due to an impending danger threat, and a parent has signed a Voluntary Placement Agreement.

In addition to any TDM meeting that was held at the initiation of a Voluntary Placement Agreement, a Safety Planning TDM meeting must be held within no less than 30 days from the expiration of the Voluntary Placement Agreement, and/or the parent’s request to rescind the Voluntary Agreement.

A Safety Planning TDM meeting is not required when a child has been determined to be safe.

Case Management of Voluntary Placement Agreements
Develop an individualized case plan within 10 working days of placing a child in voluntary placement with the Department. The case plan must address the:
  • safety threats that prevent the child from living safely at home;
  • provisions for contact and visitation between the child and family; and
  • the services necessary to promote the safety of the child on the planned return date to the parent, guardian, custodian, or alternative placement.

For policy and procedures of developing a case plan see Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan.

Meet with the family within 30 days of taking a child into voluntary placement (and monthly thereafter) to review the case status, progress toward the permanency goal, and continued appropriateness of voluntary placement. If, at any time in the 90 days, either of the following are true, then the child must be returned to his/her home:
  • Family circumstances have changed such that the Conditions for Return have been met, and the results of the in-home safety analysis indicate an in-home safety plan would be sufficient to control the danger.
  • Family circumstances have changed such that the results of the Family Functioning Assessment indicate there is no longer present or impending danger, and the child is assessed as safe.

Monitor the child’s out-of-home placement through monthly face-to-face contact with the child and caregiver, in the caregiver’s home, to ensure that the child is safe.

Follow procedures found in Locating Children on Runaway Status if the child runs away from the voluntary placement. In addition to these procedures:
  • Convene a case conference, within seven days, to include the parent, guardian or custodian and the out-of-home care provider to discuss continuance or termination of the Voluntary Placement Agreement.
  • Do not end date the Removal Status or terminate CMDP coverage unless the Voluntary Placement Agreement is terminated.

Expiration of the Voluntary Placement Agreement
Within 10 working days prior to expiration of the Voluntary Placement Agreement:
  • Reassess the child’s safety using the Family Functioning Assessment-Progress Update.
  • Convene a case plan staffing to determine whether:
    • the child may be safely returned home; or
    • the parent, guardian, or custodian has arranged an alternate safe placement with a relative, non-custodial parent, or other custodian; or
    • filing an In-Home Intervention, or In-Home Dependency Petition or Out of Home Dependency Petition is necessary to ensure the child's safety.

Before the child returns home or is placed in an alternate safe placement:
  • ensure that the child is provided an opportunity to talk about his/her feelings about going home or going to an alternate placement;
  • determine the follow-up services needed by the parent, guardian, custodian, or alternate caregiver to meet the child’s needs;
  • inform the parent, guardian, custodian, or alternate caregiver about available financial and non-financial services and eligibility requirements;
  • assist the parent, guardian, custodian, or alternate caregiver to complete the necessary applications for services; and
  • access needed services through Department or community resources.

Document reasons the voluntary placement is appropriate, and the explanation of the terms and conditions of the Voluntary Placement Agreement using the Case Notes window.

Ensure that the child is enrolled in CMDP by completing the Removal Status window with the date of placement with the licensed out-of-home care provider or relative as the Removal Start Date.

Document the case plan staffing using the Case Notes window designated as Staffing type.

When needed, document the reasons for proceeding with placement when a child who is age 12 or over and not developmentally disabled refuses to sign the Voluntary Placement Agreement using the Case Notes window.

Document the meeting with the parent, guardian, or custodian held 30 days after placement and every 30 days thereafter to review the case status using the Case Notes window designated as Parent/ Caretaker Contact type.

Using the Child and Caregiver Visitation Note Outline document all face-to-face visits with the child and caregiver, using the Case Notes window designated as the appropriate type.

  • Select the "In Person" contact type radio button.
  • Highlight the names of all parties including the DCS Specialist in the “Contact With” list on the Case Notes window.
  • Select the "In Placement Contact" check box if the child and out-of-home care caregiver were seen together or separately in the caregiver's home.

If the child runs away from Voluntary Placement, document all information related to the runaway of a child including the DR number, notification of all parties and specific attempts to locate the child using the Case Notes window.

Following the child’s return to the parent, guardian, or custodian or alternate caregiver, end date the removal on the Removal Status window and update the Legal Status window.


Effective Date: October 15, 2017

Revision History :November 30, 2012, February 14,2014, March 9, 2015

Chapter 3: Section 5.3
Terminating Voluntary Services

Voluntary services shall be terminated when:
  • the family is able to care for its children safely without involvement of Department of Child Safety; or
  • the family no longer wishes to participate in voluntary services and risk factors are not severe enough to warrant a dependency action; or
  • a dependency action must be filed to ensure the safety of the child.

A Voluntary case may be closed when:
  • The parent recognizes the factors that caused the child to be at risk of harm.
  • The parent has taken steps to change the behavior or situation that places the child at risk.
  • These steps are sufficient to lead you to believe that the child will be safe at home in the foreseeable future.
  • The parent is involved with extended family members, community support networks or service providers who will be able to help the family maintain these changes over time.
  • The parent knows how and where to access help if problems arise in the future.
  • The child been placed, as arranged by the parent, guardian or custodian, in an alternate, safe, permanent, legal placement with a relative, on-custodian parent, or other custodian.
  • The follow-up services needed by the relative, non-custodial parent or alternate caregiver to continue to meet the child's needs have been established.

Prior to case closure:
  • Ensure that the parent, guardian, custodian or the caregiver is aware of available financial and non-financial services and eligibility requirements.
  • Assist the parent, guardian, custodian or caregiver to complete the necessary applications for services.
  • Access needed services through Department or community resources.
  • Ensure that the parent has extended family members or community support networks that can assist him or her if difficulties arise.
  • Ensure that the parent knows how and under what circumstances to seek help in the future.

Terminate voluntary services and file a dependency petition when:
  • The child would be unsafe at home or in a placement made by the parent and that no additional supports or interventions can assure the child's safety.
  • The parent is unwilling or unable to take concrete actions to change the behavior or situation that led to DCS involvement with the family.
  • There is a family member, community support network or service provider who can assist the family in keeping the child safe only through court intervention.

Conduct a case plan staffing to assess the progress made in addressing the risk factors that led to DCS involvement with the family. If the assessment indicates that:
  • identified safety and risk factors have been adequately addressed, outcomes have been achieved and the child appears to be safe at home, close the case.
  • the family refuses to participate in voluntary services and grounds for a dependency action do not exist, close the case.
  • the child appears to be unsafe in his or her current situation, follow the procedures for filing an In-Home Intervention, or In-Home Dependency Petition or Out of Home Dependency Petition to ensure the child's safety.

Document the decision to terminate voluntary Department of Child Safety and close the case.

Document the case plan staffing using the Case Notes window designated as Staffing type


Effective Date::November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 6.1
In-Home Intervention  
The Department may recommend the filing of a petition requesting In-Home Intervention when:
  • The Family Functioning Assessment (FFA) indicates that the child is safe or an in-home safety plan is in place.
  • The child is at a moderate or higher level of risk of harm and short-term services (up to one year) are required to resolve the identified risk factors.
  • There is reason to believe that the parent, guardian or custodian will only follow through with services with court oversight.
  • Child has not been taken into temporary custody.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 6.2
In-Home Dependency: Filing  
The Department shall consider providing services through an in-home dependency petition when:
  • A child is assessed as safe at the time, but is at high risk of abuse or neglect; and
  • There is indication that the child’s parent or guardian or custodian will not comply with voluntary protective services needed to establish and maintain the child’s safety and well-being; OR
  • There is rapid escalation in severity of safety or risk factors that indicates the child may be at immediate or serious risk of harm; and
  • Safeguards can be established to maintain the child’s continued safety and well-being in the home.

The Department shall ensure that intervention is provided to remedy the risk factors that prevent the parent from safely caring for his/her child without of court supervision and Department intervention.

An in-home dependency petition shall not be considered when the child’s safety and well-being can not be maintained in the home or protective services are unlikely to remedy the risk factors that place the child at high risk of abuse or neglect.

Decision Making
If the decision is made to open a case and a petition is to be filed, there are three options: petitioning for in-home intervention, filing an in-home dependency petition or filing an out of home dependency petition.

Consider filing an in-home dependency petition when the answer to all of the following questions is YES:
  • Does the child safety assessment indicate that the child is safe?
  • Is the child at high risk of abuse or neglect?
  • Does the parent fail to acknowledge the potential for abuse or neglect of the child and/or the need for protective services?
  • Have voluntary protective services been offered or provided and the parent refused or failed to follow through with services or a plan to ensure the child’s safety?
  • Does the risk assessment indicate recurrence or increase in the level and/or types of risk to the child?
  • Will Department and court supervision assist or ensure that the parent can protect the child and maintain a safe, nurturing environment?

In addition to the above questions, the following questions should be considered:
  • Does the parent understand the consequences of non-compliance with in-home protective services?
  • Is the parent or another person in the home subject to supervision by another entity (such as a state or tribal court, probation, mental health) and additional monitoring is necessary to ensure the child’s safety and well-being

Do not consider an in-home dependency petition when the child’s health and safety can not be maintained in the home or protective services are unlikely to remedy the risk factors that place the child at high risk of abuse or neglect.

Consider filing an in-home dependency petition when the child’s safety can be maintained in the home and one or more of the following risk factors have been identified:
  • Substance abuse;
  • Domestic violence;
  • Current or prior history of severe or serious injuries to a child in the home;
  • Chronic, more severe or additional types of risk to the child, or
  • The parent’s failure or inability to obtain treatment for a life-threatening medical condition.

Review and discuss the case circumstances with your supervisor.

Consult with the Office of the Attorney General to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support an in-home dependency petition. If so advised by the Attorney General’s Office, file the dependency petition in accordance with Filing an Out-of-Home Dependency Petition.

Provide notice of the filing of the in-home dependency petition to the parent (including the non-custodial parent), guardian or custodian by serving the parent, guardian or custodian the In-Home Dependency Notice, CSO-1031A. Prepare the report to Juvenile Court for the Preliminary Protective Hearing in accordance with Filing an Out-of-Home Dependency Petition

Assess the type and level of protective services needed to ensure the child’s safety and to remedy the identified risk factors. More intensive services such as Arizona Family Preservation Services, Arizona Families FIRST, Parent Aide and DCS Child Care services should be considered.

In consultation with the service team, determine the level of supervision needed to ensure the child’s continued safety in the home. If possible, identify extended family member or community resources to assist in monitoring the child’s safety and to support the family’s participation in services. At a minimum, visit the child and the family in the family’s home at least once a month.

Develop and implement the case plan in accordance with Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan.

Document consultation with the supervisor using the Case Notes window, designated as Supervisory Contact type.

Document consultation with the Attorney General’s Office using the Case Notes window, designated as AG Contact type.

File a copy of the In-Home Dependency Notice and the Dependency Petition along with any court orders or minute entries resulting from the dependency hearing in the case record.

Document the child’s legal status as In-Home Dependency in the Legal Status window.

Ensure child has proper removal status to indicate that child is in the home.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 6.3
In-Home Dependency: Services  
When the court has granted a dependency petition, the Department shall provide services that minimize intrusion into family life to the greatest extent possible while ensuring the health and safety of the child.

With the court's approval, the Department may provide in-home services under a dependency if such services can adequately ensure the child's health and safety while the family addresses safety threats that necessitate Department of Child Safety (DCS) involvement.

Case planning and case management requirements described in Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan shall apply to families receiving in-home services under a dependency petition.

DCS Specialists shall have face-to-face contact with the child and parent(s) in the home at least once a month :
  • to monitor the safety plan and ensure child safety; and
  • to work with the family on addressing safety threats that prevent them from caring for the child safely without DCS involvement.

To provide in-home services to families under a dependency:
  • Review court orders carefully to make sure that all requirements of the court are met.
  • Develop a proposed case plan jointly with the family. Meet all requirements related to periodic reassessment and revision of case plans.
  • Review and update the Family Functioning Assessment (FFA)if necessary, whenever the case plan is revised.
  • Complete the Family Relationships window.
  • Visit the child and family in the family home at least monthly .
  • Review all service provider reports
  • Provide services and/or refer the family to services that will address risk factors that prevent the family from ensuring the child's health and safety without DCS involvement.
  • Monitor the family's progress in achieving the outcomes specified in the case plan.

When providing in-home services under a dependency, do not:
  • Present the case for review by the Foster Care Review Board;
  • Develop an Out-of-Home Care Plan or Visitation Agreement;
  • Complete any other tasks associated solely with out-of-home placement.

Document all contacts and visitation with the child(ren) and family members using the Case Notes window, designating the appropriate type. Document face-to-face contacts using the Case Notes window and by selecting the In Person Contact Type radio button.

Highlight the names of all parties present using the Contact With list on the Case Notes window. Select the "In Placement Contact" when the child and parent are seen together or separately in the parent's home.

Document the decision to provide in-home services under a dependency petition using the Determination of Case Status window.

Document the Proposed Case Plan by completing the following windows associated with the Case Plan Directory: Permanency Goals, Case Plan Tasks and Case Plan Agreement. Confirm the information on the Notification window.

Document the periodic reassessment of the case and the revised case plan by completing the following windows associated with the Case Plan Directory.

If new safety or risk factors have been identified since the last assessment, use the FFA.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 7.1
Parent & Child Visitation

The Department shall facilitate visitation and ongoing contact between a child in out-of-home care and the child’s parents, family members, their relatives and individuals with significant relationships to the child to preserve and enhance relationships with and attachments to the family of origin. Contact may be by telephone, mail and/or in-person visitation.

The Department must determine whether there is a court order from a Superior Court criminal case that prohibits contact between the child and his/her parent or guardian before facilitating contact.

If the placement of siblings together is not possible for all or any of the siblings, the Department shall make efforts to maintain frequent visitation or other ongoing contact between all siblings unless documented evidence that visitation or ongoing contact would be contrary to the child’s or a sibling’s safety or well-being.

The Department shall facilitate contact by telephone, mail and visitation between a child in out-of-home care and the child’s friends and any former foster parent unless such contact is documented as contrary to the child’s or a sibling’s safety or well-being.

The Department may recommend that visitation or contact between a child in out-of-home care and the child’s parents, family members, other relatives, friends, and any former foster parents be restricted only when visitation or contact is contrary to the child’s safety or well-being.

All case plans for children in out-of-home care shall include a contact and visitation plan which is developed with involvement of family members and the child, if age appropriate, or documentation of why contact and visitation is contrary to the child’s safety and well-being.

Frequency, duration, location and structure of contact and visits shall be determined based primarily upon the child's need for safety and for family contact with safety being the paramount concern. Visitation and other contact by telephone and mail shall not be used as a reward or as a punishment for the child or any family member.

Visitation shall take place in the most natural, family-like setting possible and with as little supervision as possible while still ensuring the safety and well-being of the child.

The Department shall make every reasonable effort to not remove a child, who is in out-of home care, from school during regular school hours for appointments, visitation or activities not related to school.

Decision Making
In determining a contact and visitation plan, consider these factors:
  • Superior Court criminal case orders:
    • Any order from a Superior Court criminal case that prohibits contact between the child and his/her parent or guardian before facilitating contact.

  • Initial and continuous Family Functioning Assessment (FFA):
    • the safety threats currently present in the family;
    • when, where, and with whom the safety threats are present;
    • whether the child(ren) would be vulnerable to the safety threats during unsupervised visitation;
    • whether there are safety actions that can control the safety threats during supervised or unsupervised visitation.

  • Child-specific factors:
    • importance of contact with family and extended family members;
    • best interests of the child;
    • placement locations of siblings;
    • chronological and developmental age;
    • requests for and reaction to visits;
    • therapeutic needs; and
    • school and activity schedules.

  • Family (parents, family members, and other relatives) factors:
    • family's behavior and abilities that are specifically detrimental to the child;
    • family's request for and reaction to visits ;
    • family's work, school or activity schedule;
    • family relationships and interactions; and
    • parent's progress toward case plan task that directly relate to the safety and well-being of the child;

  • Caregiver factors:
    • level of involvement in visiting;
    • willingness to assist with visitation;
    • work, school or activity schedule;
    • impact of visitation on other children in the placement.

  • Significant persons (friends and former foster parent) factors:
    • length and quality of relationship with the child;
    • person's contribution to the child's positive growth and development;
    • person's wishes for visitation and contact with the child;
    • person's motivation for visitation and contact with the child;
    • person's behavior during visitation and contact with the child;
    • person’s awareness of the needs of the child; and
    • consequences for the child if visitation and contact is not maintained.

Based on these factors, determine the type, frequency, duration, and location of contact and visits. Determine if visits or other contact should be highly structured, moderately structured, or relaxed. For more information, see Visitation Supervision Continuum

Before facilitating contact between the child and his/her parent or guardian,
  • Ask the parent or guardian is there is any court order from a Superior Court criminal court that prohibits contact between the child and his/her parent or guardian.
  • Search the Arizona Supreme Court Public Access to Court Information for any cases involving the parent or guardian. Enter the first and last name of the parent or guardian, his/her month and year of birth, and select "All Searchable Courts". If your county does not post Superior Court criminal case information on the website, contact your county's Superior Court directly to determine whether there is a criminal case court order that prohibits contact between the parent of guardian and the child.
  • If any case is identified, determine whether the case is a Superior Court Criminal Court. You may also be able to view minute entries for the case.

Do not facilitate contact between the child and his/her parent or guardian if an order from a Superior Court criminal case prohibits such contact.

Involve family members, the child, if age appropriate, and caregivers in developing the contact and visitation plan. In particular, assist the child and the parents to identify extended family and significant persons as potential placement options or non-placement support persons.

Give parents a copy of Visitation Guidelines for Parents, CSO-1138A and discuss it with them.

Strive for weekly contact and visitation with parents and between siblings not placed together. Adapt the frequency as necessary to meet the child's safety and well-being needs. Make every reasonable effort to schedule and arrange transportation to visitation between the child and his/her family including parents and siblings during non-school hours. Whenever possible, use service providers who are able to transport and facilitate/ supervise visitation during non-school hours.

Comply with any court orders regarding contact and visitation.

Ensure that all persons included in the contact and visitation plan are entered as case participants using the most appropriate case role.

Consider information provided by service providers and caregivers concerning the progress of parents towards addressing safety and risk factors as well as the specific needs of the child.

Medical Marijuana
The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act Arizona Medical Marijuana Act) enables a person (a qualifying patient), who is registered with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), to legally obtain, under Arizona law, an allowable amount of marijuana and possess and use the marijuana for its therapeutic effects in treating and alleviating symptoms associated with a debilitating medical condition. However, the possession, sale or transportation of marijuana is still a crime under Federal law.

The DCS Specialist and his/her supervisor may not restrict or deny contact or visitation between the child and a parent who is a qualifying patient because the parent uses and/or cultivates marijuana for his/her medical use.

In order to recommend against contact or visitation with a child by a parent, who is a qualifying patient, the DCS Specialist and his/her supervisor must assess the parent’s behavior and determine whether that behavior creates an unreasonable danger to the child's safety or well-being.

If contact and visitation are determined to be contrary to the child's safety or well-being and the child cannot be protected through a supervised or structured visit, contact the Attorney General's Office to request that a motion be filed to restrict or prohibit contact. Restriction or denial of contact or visitation between the child and the child’s siblings, parents, relatives, friends, former foster parents may occur only by court order.

Increase the frequency and duration of contact and visits as progress toward case plan tasks that directly relate to safety and well-being of the child are achieved. Provide maximum opportunity for parent-child contact responsibility during reunification phase visits.

If a child objects to contact and visitation, consult your supervisor.

If conflicts arise around contact and visitation:
  • Consider the child's safety and well-being as the paramount concern in conflict resolution.
  • Assure the family members and siblings' rights to contact and visitation over the needs or preferences of out-of-home care providers.
  • Give weight to the contact and visitation plan that best supports the case plan, even if the plan is less convenient or requires additional agency resources.
  • If conflicts are unresolved, explore other avenues for seeking resolution, such as mediation or the court system

Document the contact and visitation plan in the Visitation window.

If the siblings are unable to be placed together, document frequent contact or visitation between siblings in the Visitation section in the Case Plan.

When a decision is made that contact and visitation is contrary to the child's safety and well-being, document the reasons in a Case Note in CHILDS.

Document the need for contact and visitation restrictions in the Visitation section of the Case Plan.

Document contact between the child and the child’s siblings, family members, other relatives, friends, and any former foster parents using the Case Notes windows.

Document the supervision of contact and visitation using the Summary of Supervised Visitation, CSO-1091A. File the form in the hard copy record


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 7.2
Parent Aide Services
To the extent that resources allow, the Department shall utilize the services of parent aides to provide a range of supportive services aimed at preserving, stabilizing and reuniting families.

Parent aide services shall be provided at the discretion of the Department in conjunction with needs identified in the family's case plan.

Parent aide services may be provided by Department of Child Safety (DCS) staff or by a contract provider.

Parent aides shall not manage family finances or administer medication.

Parent aides shall not serve Temporary Custody Notices to parents or other caretakers.

A family shall not receive parent aide services for more than 180 days unless there is a review of the continued need for service.

Considering Parent Aide Services
Consider using parent aide services when a family assessment indicates that a family needs assistance in the areas of:
  • parenting skills;
  • home management, including budgeting, nutrition, time management and personal care skills related to the case plan ;
  • transportation; or
  • supporting the visitation process.

Meet with the assigned parent aide to discuss the case. Be specific about the permanency goals and services identified in the case plan. Provide the parent aide a copy of the case plan.

Introduce the parent aide to the family and be sure that the family understands what services will be provided.

Review the parent aide's monthly report to assess case progress and determine if a case plan revision may be necessary. Consult with the parent aide, as necessary. Include the parent aide as a member of the service team.

In an emergency, make a verbal request for a parent aide from the parent aide supervisor. Complete the Service Authorization and Provider Match Process within two working days.

Consult with your supervisor if it appears that services may need to be extended beyond 180 days.

Notify the parent aide of termination of parent aide services or case closure.

Notify the family verbally or in writing of the discontinuation of parent aide services. Meet with the family and parent aide at least five working days prior to discontinuation of services to review progress and identify areas in which further assistance is needed.

Complete PS-067, Request for Services and route according to region procedures. Make certain to outline clearly with whom parent aide is to work and the tasks to be accomplished.

Ensure authorization for the service is completing according to region operating procedures.

Keep a copy of the PS-067 in hard copy record.

Maintain the parent aide's monthly reports in the hard copy record.

Document approval for an additional service authorization from your supervisor using the Case Notes window, Supervisory type.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 7.2
Parent Aide Services
To the extent that resources allow, the Department shall utilize the services of parent aides to provide a range of supportive services aimed at preserving, stabilizing and reuniting families.

Parent aide services shall be provided at the discretion of the Department in conjunction with needs identified in the family's case plan.

Parent aide services may be provided by Department of Child Safety (DCS) staff or by a contract provider.

Parent aides shall not manage family finances or administer medication.

Parent aides shall not serve Temporary Custody Notices to parents or other caretakers.

A family shall not receive parent aide services for more than 180 days unless there is a review of the continued need for service.

Considering Parent Aide Services
Consider using parent aide services when a family assessment indicates that a family needs assistance in the areas of:
  • parenting skills;
  • home management, including budgeting, nutrition, time management and personal care skills related to the case plan ;
  • transportation; or
  • supporting the visitation process.

Meet with the assigned parent aide to discuss the case. Be specific about the permanency goals and services identified in the case plan. Provide the parent aide a copy of the case plan.

Introduce the parent aide to the family and be sure that the family understands what services will be provided.

Review the parent aide's monthly report to assess case progress and determine if a case plan revision may be necessary. Consult with the parent aide, as necessary. Include the parent aide as a member of the service team.

In an emergency, make a verbal request for a parent aide from the parent aide supervisor. Complete the Service Authorization and Provider Match Process within two working days.

Consult with your supervisor if it appears that services may need to be extended beyond 180 days.

Notify the parent aide of termination of parent aide services or case closure.

Notify the family verbally or in writing of the discontinuation of parent aide services. Meet with the family and parent aide at least five working days prior to discontinuation of services to review progress and identify areas in which further assistance is needed.

Complete PS-067, Request for Services and route according to region procedures. Make certain to outline clearly with whom parent aide is to work and the tasks to be accomplished.

Ensure authorization for the service is completing according to region operating procedures.

Keep a copy of the PS-067 in hard copy record.

Maintain the parent aide's monthly reports in the hard copy record.

Document approval for an additional service authorization from your supervisor using the Case Notes window, Supervisory type.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 7.4
Transportation Services
The Department will transport children safely.

The Department will share responsibility for routine transportation of children in out-of-home care with providers as specified in the child's case plan or Child’s Placement Summary Agreement.

The Department will take adequate steps to assure the safety of children who require non-routine travel

To the extent that resources allow, the Department may provide bus passes to assist in meeting the transportation needs of older youth, parents, guardians and custodians to complete services and supports identified in the family’s case plan, and in the youth's Independent Living Plan.

Bus passes for transportation shall be provided at the discretion of the Department.

If bus passes are unavailable to complete the services and supports identified in the case plan or in the youth's Independent Living Plan, the Department shall work with the youth, parent, guardian, or custodian and other community providers to obtain alternative transportation to complete the services and support identified in the case plan or Independent Living Plan.

When a Child Needs Routine Transportation
Use a child passenger restraint system for any child under five years of age or who is under eight years of age and who is not more than four feet nine inches tall, or the vehicle restraint system, which includes both the lap and shoulder belt if the vehicle is equipped with shoulder belts, for any child over four and under 16 years of age.

Clarify expectations related to transportation with foster care providers.

Arrange for the foster care providers to provide transportation for routine health care and activities.

Contact CMDP to arrange non-emergency transportation for medical services when foster care providers cannot transport the child.

Contact the Regional Behavioral Health Authority for transportation if it is medically necessary for non-emergency mental health or substance abuse treatment services.

When a child requires non-routine travel
Determine if the child will travel alone, with the DCS Specialist , or with a non-agency escort, based upon the age, development and special needs of the child.

Confer with the receiving agency and/or caregiver.

Obtain approval of the Program Manager or designee according to region procedures.

Obtain a court order, if the child will:
  • travel out of state for more than 30 days, or
  • travel out of the country.

When the child is traveling alone
Make arrangements with the state-contracted travel agency or commercial transportation company.

Prepare a Payment Voucher, using the Find Invoice window, according to regional procedures.

Provide the transportation company with an affidavit specifying:
  • the child's identification;
  • the names and phone numbers of the DCS Specialist and supervisor;
  • the legal status of the child and court order;
  • the travel arrangements and destination;
  • the name of the person to meet the child;
  • the responsibility for the child's medical care; and
  • the emergency contact name and phone number.

When the child is traveling with the DCS Specialist
Create a transportation plan, specifying transportation arrangements, a placement plan and a description of the DCS Specialist 's role and responsibility. If applicable, prepare a justification to accompany the child out of state.

Following regional procedures, submit the transportation plan to the DCS Program Administrator for approval at least ten working days prior to departure.

When the child is traveling with a non-agency escort
Use an adult who has a positive relationship with the child and has references to verify his or her reliability.

Create a travel plan for supervisor approval, including the following affidavit information:
  • the child's identification;
  • the names and phone numbers of the DCS Specialist and supervisor;
  • the legal status of the child and court order;
  • the travel arrangements and destination;
  • the escort’s name and contact information;
  • the responsibility for the child's medical care; and
  • the emergency contact name and phone number.

Prepare relevant information regarding the child's special needs (general health, medical needs, prescription drugs, and special diet) for the escort, and maintain this information in a separate, sealed envelope.

Send the travel plan to the destination prior to departure.

Arrange for payment of transportation costs of child and escort as well as per diem expenses, according to regional procedures.

Bus Pass Retention and Distribution
The following procedures are to be used for the retention and distribution of bus passes for older youth, parent, guardian or custodian related travel :
  • The Regional Contract Manager will retain the Bus Pass Log – RO (CSO-1095) used to record bus passes distributed to the Program Manager (PM).
  • The PM obtains bus passes from the Regional Contract Manager. The PM signs the Bus Pass Log – RO (CSO-1095) specifying the number of bus passes received the sequence of the unique identifiers for the bus passes, and the date of receipt.
  • The PM will retain bus passes that have not been distributed to the DCS Unit Supervisors (DCSUS) in a locked secure location (such as a locked desk or filing cabinet) and retain the keys.
  • The PM will determine the number of bus passes distributed to the DCSUS.
  • The DCSUS will sign the Bus Pass Log – PM (CSO-1093) specifying the number of bus passes received unique identifiers for the bus passes, and the date of receipt.
  • The PM will retain the logs used to record the number of bus passes distributed to each DCSUS and the date of the distribution.

The DCSUS is responsible for distributing the bus passes to the Child Safety Specialists. The DCS Specialist should adhere to the following procedures for documenting bus pass distribution:
  • The DCS Specialist obtains bus passes from the DCSUS or designee. In the absence of the immediate supervisor, the DCS Specialist may obtain bus passes from an alternate supervisor, the PM or their designees.
  • The DCS Specialist completes the Bus Pass Log – DCSUS (CSO-1093) retained by the DCSUS. The log is to include the unique identifier for the bus passes, CHILDS case number, number of bus passes distributed, the DCS Specialist 's signature, and the date of distribution. The log and the bus passes are retained in a locked secure location (such as a locked desk or filing cabinet) and the DCSUS retains the key.
  • The DCS Specialist will distribute the bus passes to the client.
  • The client will sign and date the Bus Pass Affidavit (CSO-1092) which specifies the CHILDS case number and the unique identifier for each bus pass received.
  • The DCS Specialist will give the signed Bus Pass Affidavit (CSO-1092) to the DCSUS or designee from whom the passes were received.
  • The Affidavits will be kept with the corresponding DCSUS (CSO-1094) log until the quarterly review has been completed.
  • After the quarterly review, the affidavits should be filed in the client hard copy record.

File the Bus Pass Affidavit (CSO-1092) in the hard copy record after the
Quarterly review is complete.

DCS Performance Improvement and Accountability
Quarterly reviews will be conducted by the DCS Performance Improvement and Accountability unit. The review will consist of the following:
  • Security – seeing where the bus passes and logs are stored
  • Reconciliation – reviewing the logs, affidavits and passes to ensure that all passes are accounted for
  • Policy and procedures – reviewing affidavits and logs to ensure that they are completed accurately and thoroughly

Additional Transportation Services
To the extent financial resources allow, additional transportation services may be available through regional operating procedures in order to complete the goals of the case plan, or Independent Living Plan for a youth, parent, guardian, or custodian. Consult your local regional operating procedures for more information.

Additionally, if a parent, guardian, or custodian is enrolled with other Department of Economic Security programs, the local Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA), or the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), transportation services may be available through those programs. Discuss options with the parent,
guardian, and custodian.

Transportation services may also be available through community resources as well. For more information see under Transportation.


Effective Date: September 16,2013

Revision History: November 30, 2012
Chapter 3: Section 8.1
Medical Services for Children in OOH Care
The Department shall ensure that children in out-of-home care receive necessary medical, dental, and behavioral health services.

Meeting the health care needs of children in out-of-home care is a responsibility shared among parents, the Department, out-of-home care providers, medical providers under the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Care Program (CMDP), and behavioral health providers under the Regional Behavioral Health Authorities (RBHA).

The Department shall not place children from birth to age five in homes where the foster parents have not immunized other children living in the home.

When a parent’s rights have not been severed, the Department shall, to the greatest extent possible, consult with the child’s biological parents when making health care decisions for a child in the Department’s custody

If the Department has temporary custody of a child, or has legal custody pursuant to a court order, the Department may consent to the following:
  • evaluation and treatment for emergency conditions that are not life threatening;
  • routine medical and dental treatment and procedures including early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment services, and services by health care providers to relieve pain and treat symptoms of common childhood illness or conditions;
  • surgery;
  • blood transfusions;
  • general anesthesia; and
  • testing for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus.

For surgery, general anesthesia, or blood transfusion, the Department shall, if possible obtain consent from the parent or guardian. For children placed under a Voluntary Placement Agreement, unless there is an emergency, the Department shall obtain the consent of the parent or guardian for surgery, general anesthesia, or blood transfusion. If there is an emergency and the child needs immediate hospitalization, medical attention or surgery, the DCS Specialist or out-of-home care provider may consent.

The Department may not consent to abortions; see Pregnancy Care Services and Abortion.

The Department shall confirm that prior to a child participating in a clinical trial, all required consents are obtained and an independent advocate is appointed for the child.

Health Insurance
A child is eligible for CMDP health services if he or she is:
  • placed in out-of-home care through a Voluntary Placement Agreement;
  • in the custody of the Department in an out-of-home placement:
    • in the home of a court approved relative or person with a significant relationship with the child (the parent may reside in the home of the relative, but the child may not be placed with that parent);
    • in an adoptive home prior to the finalization of the adoption;
    • in an independent living program; or
    • In runaway status and the Department retains custody.

If the child has other health insurance coverage, CMDP will be the secondary payor and will pay for all co-pays and deductibles.

Obtain information about any health insurance coverage for a child by requesting:
  • information about the parents’ health insurance coverage for the child from the parents; and
  • court assistance if the parents are uncooperative and unwilling to provide health insurance coverage information for their child(ren).

When a child is no longer eligible for CMDP coverage, send the child's medical identification card to CMDP at Site Code C010-18.

Initial and Ongoing Health Care Assessment and Services
Gather available information, including but not limited to clinical and medical reports on the child from previous medical, dental, and behavioral health care providers.

Complete the following at the time of placement:
  • Provide the out-of-home care provider a completed Notice to Provider (Out-of-Home, Educational, and Medical), and a current Medical Summary Report. Confirm that the out-of-home care provider has access to the CMDP Member Handbook.
  • Arrange for the child to have a complete medical examination that meets Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) requirements prior to the initial placement, if possible (utilizing the parent's resources), or within 30 days after initial placement in out-of-home care. (An examination for injuries conducted at a shelter care facility does not substitute for a complete medical examination.) The EPSDT examination will include immunizations as necessary.
  • Inform the out-of-home care provider of the need to schedule a dental assessment to be completed within 30 days of placement for children ages one year and older.
  • Inform the out-of-home care provider of the need to pursue any recommended follow-up care and referrals from a health care provider (medical, dental, or behavioral). Refer toBehavioral Health and Substance Abuse Services for Children and Young Adults .

Obtain the child's immunizations history by accessing the Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS) and document immunizations the child has received. The Primary Care Provider (PCP) or CMDP can assist in obtaining the child’s immunization history through ASIIS. Provide known immunization history to the out-of-home provider prior to the child’s initial medical appointment. Inform the out-of-home provider of the need to follow up with any immunization recommendations made by the health care provider.

If possible, request parental consent prior to immunization. All children in out-of-home care must be immunized except when:
  • a parent objects based solely on religious grounds, or
  • the immunization is medically contraindicated.

If a parent objects to the immunization of his/her child, determine the basis of the objection:
  • If the parent objects on any grounds other than religious grounds, the child may be immunized unless medically contraindicated.
  • If the parent objects to immunization based upon religious grounds:
    • consult the CMDP Medical Director to determine if this child’s specific need for immunization is greater than that of the average child;
    • consult the assigned Assistant Attorney General (AAG) before proceeding with the immunization; and
    • if it is determined that the child will not be immunized, direct the out-of-home care provider to not have the child immunized.

Consent for Treatment
When making health care decisions, consult with the parent, if possible. Obtain a parent’s consent, if possible, for surgery, general anesthesia, blood transfusion, or unusual medical procedure. If it is not possible to obtain written consent from a parent, document verbal consent in CHILDS. If it is not possible to obtain written or verbal parental consent, provide a copy of the Temporary Custody Notice or other court order granting custody to the Department to the medical providers.

A minor may request and consent to an emergency medical examination and treatment if the hospital, upon examination, determines that emergency treatment is necessary. If it is determined that emergency treatment is not necessary, then Department/parental consent is required, if possible.

A minor may consent to medical care or treatment for venereal disease.

Parental consent (written and notarized) or court order is required for a child in out-of-home care to receive an abortion. For more information, refer to Sexual Development Education and Family Planning Services and Pregnancy Care Services and Abortion.

Inform the out-of-home provider that he/she is authorized to consent to:
  • evaluation and treatment for emergency conditions that are not life-threatening;
  • routine medical treatment and procedures;
  • immunizations, unless the parents object based on religious beliefs;
  • routine dental treatment and procedures;
  • Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services (e.g., developmental and behavioral health intakes, screenings, treatment and procedures);
  • services by health care providers to relieve pain or treat symptoms of common childhood illness or conditions; and
  • testing for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Prohibited Consents by Out-of-Home Care Providers
Inform the out-of-home care provider that they are prohibited from consenting to:
  • general anesthesia;
  • surgery;
  • clinical trials, including clinical trials for HIV/AIDS treatment;
  • blood transfusions;
  • abortions.

Emergency Consent by an Out-of-home Care Provider
Inform the out-of-home care provider that he/she may provide emergency consent if required by the hospital and the emergency room physician or medical provider advises that immediate treatment is necessary and delay of treatment (in order to notify the Department) is potentially harmful to the child.

Inform the out-of-home care providers that they must:
  • maintain a current record of the foster child’s medical care on the Child’s Health and Medical Record, in the child’s Placement Packet; and
  • contact the DCS Specialist regarding:
    • any injury that exceeds three days or recurs regularly;
    • any illness that exceeds three days or recurs regularly;
    • any service for which the medical service provider requires written consent from the legal guardian or legal custodian;
    • any service for which the medical service provider requires prior authorization;
    • any recommended service or treatment, if there is a question about coverage under CMDP;
    • any service that requires prior authorization, according to Fostering a Medical Home: CMDP Handbook for Foster Care Providers;
    • any service that would ordinarily require prior authorization but was provided in an emergency;
    • all visits to health care providers for non-routine services; and
    • inability to transport the child to medical appointments or to arrange other alternative appropriate transportation.

When parental rights have not been severed, and it is safe to involve the parent in decisions about the child’s medical and behavioral health care:
  • consult with the parent(s) prior to seeking medical treatment or services unless an emergency situation exists; and
  • encourage the foster parent to include the parent(s) in the child’s medical and behavioral health appointments.

Note: Contact CMDP at CMDP Nurse for prior authorization if a child needs to go out-of-state for medical treatment.

Medical Marijuana
The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act enables a person (a qualifying patient), who is registered with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), to legally obtain, under Arizona law, an allowable amount of marijuana and possess and use the marijuana for its therapeutic effects in treating and alleviating symptoms associated with a debilitating medical condition.

Marijuana is not covered by CMDP. Children who come into care with medical marijuana cards must be immediately evaluated by a primary care provider and behavioral health provider with expertise in chronic pain disorders, substance abuse, and/or mental health. As there is no physiologic withdrawal from marijuana, other appropriate therapeutic recommendations shall be followed.

Contact a CMDP Nurse for further instructions and assistance in locating providers with expertise in this area.

Clinical Trials
When in receipt of a request for a child to participate in a clinical trial:
  • Contact the assigned AAG and the CMDP nurse upon receiving a request for a child in out-of-home care to participate in a clinical trial. Federal law protects the rights of children in foster care when they are subjects of clinical research. Federal law mandates that the rights of these children be protected through the appointment of an independent advocate and by gaining consent from a guardian.
  • Inform all applicable parties that CMDP (Medicaid) does not pay for clinical trials.

HIV Testing of Children While in Out-of-Home Care
Refer to HIV/AIDS: Testing, Diagnosis, and Services for detailed information on HIV testing, testing criteria, age criteria, and consents.

Child Death While in Department Custody
In the event of a child's death while in an out-of-home placement, work with the parents/legal guardian to locate appropriate funeral arrangements for the child. With the approval of the Deputy Director of Field Operations, the Department may fund funeral expenses when there are no other resources available. Respect the parent’s/legal guardian’s wishes in their decision on how to care for the remains of the child's. Do not release the child’s remains until the manner of death is established and an autopsy has been completed, if needed. If the parents/legal guardians request that a recommended autopsy not be performed, consult with the Assistant Attorney General assigned to the case.

If the parents/guardians are unavailable to assist in making a decision for the child's remains, the county fiduciary office will provide burial services for the child.

If a request for organ donation is received, defer to the parent’s/legal guardian’s to make a decision, unless:
  • the parents or guardians are deceased;
  • there is an investigation related to the child’s death;
  • the parents' rights have been terminated by voluntary relinquishment or by order of the court; or
  • the court has rescinded the appointment of the legal guardian of the child.

DCS staff may not consent to the donation of a child’s organ(s) on behalf of a parent/legal guardian. If the parent/legal guardian wishes to donate the child’s organ(s), obtain the written consent of the parent or legal guardian authorizing the donation of a child’s organ(s) and document in CHILDS.

When a request for organ donation is received and the rights of the parents/legal guardian have been terminated by death, voluntary relinquishment, or court order, consult with the Assistant Attorney General to obtain a court order authorizing the donation of the child’s organ(s). Consider the following when making a decision to submit a request for a motion authorizing an organ donation:
  • possible need for an autopsy of the child;
  • concerns of any involved extended family; and
  • statement on the child's driver license (if applicable) or any other declaration made by the child regarding organ donation.

Child’s Health Care Insurance
Enter the parent's healthcare insurance coverage information for the child in the Health Coverage Detail window.

Medical & Dental Condition Window (LCH 066)
This window includes information entered by CMDP and lists all the child's diagnoses provided by the child’s healthcare provider when a bill is submitted to CMDP.

Medical Exam Detail Window (LCH 070)
This window lists:
  • all of the child's medical appointments (such as EPSDT well-visits, office visits, hospitalizations, and emergency room visits);
  • the date of service;
  • the healthcare provider;
  • all immunizations based on the date they were administered;
  • Information on EPSDT visits will list referrals (e.g., BH services, pediatric cardiology, AzEIP, etc.).

Information will also include whether or not a developmental or behavioral health screen was done during the EPSDT well-visit.

Review all medical or dental information in CHILDS and update as needed. CMDP will also enter medical and dental information to CHILDS.

Use Case Notes to document immunization review and information from ASIIS or from the CMDP Nurse.

Medical Summary Report
The medical summary report pulls information from the following medical windows: Medical/Dental Condition Detail, Medication Detail, Psych/Behavioral Condition Detail, Practitioner Detail, Examination Detail, Special Needs Detail and Hospitalization Detail. Confirm information is complete when obtaining the medical summary report. File all reports and evaluations received from medical providers in the hard copy case file, including EPSDT examination reports and recommendations and completed Child's Health and Medical Record.

Document the parent’s objection to immunizations based on religious grounds and any court determination in Case Notes using Key Issues type.


Effective Date: August 9th, 2017

Revision History: November 30, 2012, September 30,2013

Chapter 3: Section 8.2
Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Services for Children and Young Adults 
The Department shall seek to ensure that all children and young adults served by the Department receive medically necessary, trauma informed behavioral health and substance abuse services.

The Department shall utilize the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) or Tribal Regional Health Authority (TRBHA) systems to obtain Title XIX covered services to address behavioral health and substance abuse service needs for eligible children and young adults.

For children who have a Children’s Rehabilitative Services (CRS) qualifying medical diagnosis and receive coverage for treatment of that medical diagnosis through CRS, the Department shall utilize CRS covered TXIX eligible medically necessary behavioral health services.

The Department shall make all requests for behavioral health services for Title XIX eligible children and young adults in out-of-home care to the assigned RBHA, TRBHA or CRS, when applicable.

The Department may utilize CMDP funded behavioral health services for CMDP eligible children and young adults in extended foster care who are not TXIX eligible.

The Department shall utilize the AHCCCS Covered Behavioral Health Services Guide to identify medically necessary services through CMDP for children and young adults who are not TXIX eligible.

Comprehensive Medical and Dental Plan (CMDP) Behavioral Health Unit (BHU)
The CMDP BHU provides consultation and technical assistance to Department staff, Child and Family Team (CFT) members (including parents, guardians and/or custodians, out-of-home caregivers, behavioral health providers and other system partners), facilitates collaboration between the Department and behavioral health providers, and contributes to the Department’s reasonable efforts to provide necessary behavioral health services to children and families.

To receive assistance from the CMDP BHU, contact the CMDP BHU at: or CMDP at (602)351-2245 and request to be connected to the Behavioral Health Unit. Contact the CMDP BHU to request technical assistance in securing behavioral health services and addressing concerns about the timeliness, sufficiency, or quality of behavioral health services.

Before securing behavioral health services for children through a DCS contract consult with the CMDP BHU.

Title XIX Eligibility Determination
The Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA), Tribal Regional Health Authority (TRBHA), and Children’s Rehabilitation Services (CRS) are federally funded to provide behavioral health services to children and young adults who are Title XIX (Medicaid) eligible. DCS is not funded to provide behavioral health services for Title XIX eligible children and young adults. Title XIX eligible children and young adults must receive necessary behavioral health services through the assigned RBHA, TRBHA, or CRS, as applicable.

Ensure that eligibility information in CHILDS is accurate and current, including the Legal Status, Removal Status and Placement Location Directory windows. The DCS/CMDP Title XIX Eligibility Unit uses this information to determine Title XIX eligibility, on a case-by-case basis, for children in out-of-home care.

Most children in out-of-home placement are Title XIX eligible; however, Title XIX requires a case-by-case eligibility determination.
All children and young adults determined eligible under Title IV-E or SSI (Supplemental Security Income) are automatically eligible for Title XIX. In addition, children in out-of-home care who are U.S. citizens or qualified non-citizens are eligible for Title XIX if the child does not have substantial income.

To determine if a child in out-of-home placement is Title XIX eligible, refer to the Eligibility Directory window in CHILDS or contact the DCS/CMDP TXIX Eligibility Unit at 602-351-2245.

If a child is a ward of the court on an in-home petition, determine if the child’s parent, guardian and/or custodian has private health insurance. If the family does not have private health insurance, refer the family to the Department of Economic Security (DES) to apply for insurance through AHCCCS. Determine if the young adult has health insurance through AHCCCS-Young Adult Transitional Insurance (YATI) and assist the young adult to enroll if needed. (See Services and Supports to Prepare Youth for Adulthood.)

Title XIX Behavioral Health Services
Determine which RBHA or TRBHA to contact as follows:
  • If the child is a court ward in out-of-home placement, contact the RBHA or TRBHA serving the location of the child’s court jurisdiction. For a young adult, assist the person to contact the RBHA serving their current residence.
  • If the child is not a court ward, contact the RBHA or TRBHA serving the current residence of the child’s parent or legal guardian.
  • In a crisis situation involving a child or young adult, contact the crisis line for the RBHA or TRBHA serving the area where the child or young adult is at the time of the crisis for emergency services.

Within 24 hours of removal submit a Rapid Response Referral and a copy of the Temporary Custody Notice or court orders for each child in out-of-home placement to the local RBHA. The RBHA provider will complete an assessment within 72 hours of receiving the Rapid Response Assessment Referral. Coordinate with the out-of-home caregiver as the caregiver may have already made a referral to the RBHA.

For children in out-of-home care, it is recommended that the DCS Specialist accompany the child and the parent, guardian, and/or custodian or out-of-home care provider to the intake and assessment appointments if possible, to provide information and pertinent records, and sign the consent to treatment document. If the DCS Specialist is unavailable to attend the appointment, the parent, guardian, and/or custodian or out-of-home care provider may sign the consent.

Monitor and ensure that the Title XIX enrolled eligible child or young adult is obtaining services in a timely manner. The RBHA is required to provide timely access to services. See Standard Timeliness of Behavioral Health Services (DCS-1285).

Include the RBHA or TRBHA provider on the FC-064-A, Attachment A, for reports to the Juvenile Court. Provide copies of reports to the court and the DCS case plan to RBHA or TRBHA provider.

Notify the RBHA provider of all case plan staffings.

Child and Family Teams, Adult Recovery Teams and Individualized Service Plans
Participate in the Child and Family Team (CFT) or for young adults, the Adult and Recovery Team (ART) process to assist with initial and ongoing assessment and service planning activities to meet the unique needs of children and young adults. Every child and young adult receiving behavioral health services will have an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) developed by the CFT (or an ART for a young adult), which is facilitated by the RBHA or CRS provider for behavioral health services. Participate in the development of the ISP. See Twelve Principles to Develop the Individualized Behavioral Health Plan.

The ISP identifies:
  • measurable goals and objectives;
  • dates by when achievement of those goals and objectives is expected;
  • specific services and activities intended to assist the client in achieving those goals; and
  • names of providers involved in the delivery of services.

While participating in the service planning activities make reasonable efforts to confirm that services are:
  • trauma informed;
  • based on the family strengths and culture; and
  • directly relate to the family plan and the behavioral health safety/crisis plan.

See Title XIX Covered Services (DCS-1287A).

Questions that will assist in developing good ISP are:
  • What are the specific services being provided to meet the child and family’s individual behavioral health needs?
  • Why will these services meet the child and family’s behavioral health needs?
  • When will the services begin?
  • What is the behavioral health safety/crisis plan if the child’s behavior becomes worse, disrupts or becomes a danger to self or others?

For children and young adults, the following documents and assessment information will be considered in the development of the ISP:
  • behavioral health assessments and any screening instruments or assessments used such as Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs);
  • the parent and/or guardian history and assessment;
  • recent crisis assessment, recent or historical psychiatric evaluation, and medication list;
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan and/or school records;
  • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP);
  • DCS case plan;
  • juvenile probation or parole plan;
  • medical plan from the primary care physician;
  • DES/Division of Developmental Disabilities’ individual service plan;
  • historical assessments, evaluations, services, outcome of services; and
  • any other plans of care designed to meet the needs of the child or young adult.

Accessing Services Out-of-Region
When a child enrolled for Title XIX services moves out-of-region and the child’s case and court venue are not transferred between regions, the current RHBA will continue to provide services. The CFT should begin planning for the transition of services to a behavioral health provider in close proximity to the new placement location. Upon the Department’s request, the Behavioral Health Provider will notify the RBHA of the planned transition to new providers. The RBHA is responsible for securing the appropriate array of services for the youth. The DCS Specialist will notify the RBHA, through the CFT, that the child is moving to a different region, as soon as it is known.

When a child enrolled for Title XIX services moves out-of-region and the child’s case and court venue are transferred between regions, facilitate transfer of Title XIX services by:
  • providing notification to the RBHA and request an inter-RBHA transfer within two work days of confirming the child’s case and court venue will be transferring between regions;
  • providing a copy of the court order indicating the change of court venue to the current RBHA;
  • continuing to coordinate with the referring RBHA for case management and provision of service until the child or young adult is enrolled in the receiving RBHA;
  • participating in the RBHA discussion regarding transfer of services, if requested; and
  • notifying the CMDP Eligibility Unit to change the court of jurisdiction when the child or young adult moves to the new region.

Coordinate with the current RHBA for any continuation of services, and with the new RHBA for any new or additional services. The referring RBHA will be responsible for the delivery of any needed behavioral health services for 30 days after they initiate the inter-RBHA transfer. Contact the sending RBHA customer service desk and ask to speak with the Inter-RBHA transition specialist for any questions regarding the inter-RBHA transfer process.

At no time in the inter-RBHA transfer process should services be disrupted due to administrative issues. If this occurs, elevate the issue to either the CMDP BHU or to the AHCCCS Customer Service Line: 1-800-867-5808 or 602-364-4558.

Out-of-Home Caregiver Rights and XIX Behavioral Health Services
The out-of-home caregiver (foster home, kinship home, kinship foster care, a shelter provider, a receiving home or a group foster home) of a child who is eligible under Title XIX or XXI of the Social Security Act, who identifies behavioral health services are not in place or that a child in their care has urgent need for behavioral health services, may directly contact a RHBA for a screening and evaluation of the child.

The out-of-home placement may consent to evaluation and treatment for routine behavioral health services. This does not include inpatient psychiatric acute services, residential treatment services, therapeutic group homes, and Home Care Training to Home Care Client.

The out-of-home caregiver cannot refuse to consent for treatment for medically recommended services.

The out-of-home caregiver cannot terminate behavioral health services.

The out-of-home caregiver can call the crisis line for the county in which they reside for any behavioral health emergency regardless of eligibility.

For children in out-of-home care, upon completion of the initial evaluation by the RBHA, if services based on the evaluation are not received within twenty-one (21) days, the out-of-home caregiver may access services directly from any AHCCCS registered provider regardless of whether the provider is contracted with the RBHA.

For children in out-of-home care, the out-of-home caregiver may contact the child’s RBHA designated point of contact to coordinate crisis services for the child if the RBHA is not being responsive to the situation.

The out-of-home caregiver may request the RBHA to place a child in residential treatment because the child is displaying threatening behavior, and the RBHA or CRS shall respond to the request within seventy-two hours.

For a child who moves with their out-of-home caregiver to another RBHA region, the out-of-home caregiver may choose to have the child continue any current treatment and/or seek any new or additional treatment in the new RBHA region of residence.

The out-of-home caregiver shall immediately notify the Department of any changes in behavioral health services.

Court Ordered Behavioral Health Services
When behavioral health services have been court ordered and have not been provided by the RBHA or CRS, contact the CMDP BHU and schedule a Clinical Case Review (CCR) to determine next steps. Prior to the CCR, request the child’s pertinent behavioral health information to support the CCR process and provide this information to the BHU.

Behavioral Health Services that are Changed, Denied and/or Terminated by the RBHA/Provider
If there is a concern about a behavioral health service being denied, changed or terminated, discuss the concerns with the DCS Program Supervisor. If it is determined that services may have been inappropriately changed, denied or terminated, contact the CMDP BHU at or 602.351.2245. The CMDP BHU will review the circumstances and determine the actions necessary to secure services for the child.

Appeal Process
If a RBHA or CRS provider has reduced, terminated, suspended or denied behavioral health services, the Behavioral Health Unit can appeal the decision. To continue RBHA or CRS funding of services, the appeal must be filed within ten days of the termination notice. For reimbursement, the appeal must be filed within 60 days.

For questions about the Appeals Process contact the Behavioral Health Unit or the Statewide Behavioral Health & Appeals Coordinator. Email: and begin the subject line with “APPEAL”

Out-of-Home Behavioral Health Treatment Services
Out-of-Home Behavioral Health Treatment Services are covered by Title XIX. Assist in securing these services when they are determined to be medically necessary, based on prior authorization or continued authorization stay criteria. These services include inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility (BHIF), Behavioral Health Residential Facility (BHRF) and Home Care Training to Home Care Client (HCTC).

A child should always be treated in the least restrictive, most home-like setting possible to meet their behavioral health needs. Out-of-Home Behavioral Health Treatment Services are only medically necessary if community-based interventions are not sufficient to meet the child’s needs.

If a child meets medical necessity criteria for a therapeutic out-of-home treatment service that is denied by the RBHA or CRS provider, follow the procedure outlined below:
  • If the RBHA or CRS provider denies the request for service, obtain a written denial/ Notice of Action (NOA).
  • Contact the CMDP Behavioral Health Unit, which will assist in determining the next steps.

Placement in a behavioral health treatment facility is a short-term service that requires support of the child prior to discharge from the facility. The CFT Facilitator through the RBHA is required to share the discharge plan with the RBHA. A safe and appropriate discharge plan includes both behavioral health services and a placement that will meet the child’s needs when he or she leaves the behavioral health treatment facility. The CFT Facilitator should begin discharge planning prior to admission and continually assess the child’s current clinical presentation to ensure services and placement are arranged proactively.

The Behavioral Health Unit will support the DCS Specialist to take the following actions:
  • Coordinate with the DCS Specialist or Program Supervisor and the behavioral health provider to discuss the NOA and the recommended services.
  • Determine if the recommended services meet the child’s needs or if additional information is needed regarding the child’s clinical presentation and behaviors.
  • Attempt to reach consensus on the ISP through the CFT process. If these actions result in agreement, continue addressing the child’s needs through the CFT process.
  • If agreement about the services cannot be reached, file an appeal.

If a child needs out-of-state treatment at a Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility (BHIF, also known as Residential Treatment Center), complete an ICPC referral. See Referral to ICPC. See Medical Services for ICPC Children for information on coordinating coverage for the child’s medical and behavioral health care needs.

Inpatient Psychiatric Acute Services
When a child needs services through Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization, please refer to Arranging Psychiatric Assessment and Inpatient Acute (Hospitalization) Services.

Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility (BHIF) Services, also known as Residential Treatment Centers (RTC)
When a child needs services through a BHIF, also known as RTC, refer to Arranging Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility (BHIF) "Residential Treatment Center (RTC)”

Behavioral Health Services for Children who are Not Eligible for Title XIX
To access behavioral health services through CMDP for Non-Title XIX eligible children:
  • initiate the 72 hour urgent response process;
  • contact the Behavioral Health Clinical Coordinator or for a list of behavioral health providers available through CMDP;
  • set up an intake appointment with the behavioral health provider of your choice.
  • expect the full array of behavioral health services to occur; and
  • participate in the CFT process, including assessment of needs and development of the ISP.

Make DCS case records available to CMDP and the service provider, as necessary.

If there are any difficulties related to eligibility or payment of behavioral health services, contact the CMDP BHU at

Prior Authorization
Consult with the DCS BHU for assistance in obtaining CMDP Prior Authorization for behavioral health services. Services that require prior authorization by CMDP include:
  • inpatient admission to a hospital;
  • Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility (BHIF, also known as residential treatment center [RTC]);
  • Behavioral Health Residential Facility (BHRF, also known as therapeutic group homes [TGH]);
  • Home Care Training (HCTC, also known as therapeutic foster care); and
  • specialized evaluations, such as neuro-psychological; neuro-psychiatric evaluations.

Behavioral Health Services for Young Adults in Extended Foster Care
CMDP will continue coverage for behavioral health services for young adults 18-20 years old in DCS extended foster care who are not Title XIX eligible. Contact the Behavioral Health Unit for assistance in enrolling the youth with a behavioral health provider.

Timely and Appropriate Behavioral Health Services
If there are concerns regarding the provision or timeliness of behavioral health services provided to the child or family, or receipt of service reports, elevate the concerns to the local RBHA. If the issues remain unresolved, contact the CMDP Behavioral Health Unit.

Update the Legal Status, Removal Status, and Placement Location Directory windows in CHILDS.

File a copy of the assessment, CFT or ART notes, Individual Service Plans, treatment summaries, evaluation documentation, Termination Notices, Notice of Action, and other pertinent information about services and progress received from the RBHA in the hard copy case record.

Document Child and Family Team or Adult Recovery Team meetings in a Case Note in CHILDS.

Document activities to facilitate continued access to services when a child moves to a new RBHA area in a Case Note in CHILDS.

Document results of a Clinical Case Review in a Case Note in CHILDS


Effective Date: November 17, 2017

Revision History: November 30, 2012, March 14, 2017

Chapter 3: Section 8.3
Adult Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Services  
The Department of Child Safety (DCS) shall seek to ensure that all adults served by DCS receive appropriate substance abuse treatment services. Substance abuse treatment services are coordinated and provided through a statewide continuum of substance abuse services including:
  • referral;
  • screening;
  • assessment;
  • substance abuse treatment, i.e., education, outpatient, intensive outpatient and residential;
  • service coordination;
  • aftercare; and
  • additional supportive services to support the family in recovery from substance abuse.

The Department shall seek to ensure that all families served by DCS receive appropriate behavioral health services. The DCS Specialist shall refer adults to the appropriate RBHA provider for an assessment.

The Department shall utilize the Department of Health Service, Division of Behavioral Health Services, Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) system to obtain Title XIX covered services in order to address behavioral health and substance abuse service needs for eligible individuals.

All requests for behavioral health services for Title XIX eligible individuals must be made to the RBHA.

The DCS Specialist shall monitor the appropriateness and timeliness of services being provided by the RBHA provider services to all individuals (adults and children) and advocate for client service needs.

Substance Abuse Services
When meeting with a family where substance abuse may be a concern, utilize Substance Abuse Behavioral Indicator Checklist and Guide and Instructions to Assessing Risk Factors for Substance Exposed Newborns. Utilize the information gathered to complete the strengths and risks assessment tool. If the tool indicates that parental substance abuse is a barrier to maintaining or reunifying the family, initiate a referral for substance abuse assessment or treatment from Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T., or another substance abuse resource. Refer to Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T. CSO-1118A, for a description of services and expected time frames for outreach, assessment and treatment available through Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T.

Refer the parent, guardian or custodian directly to the contracted provider for the continuum of services by sending to the provider a completed Request for Services (PS-067), and any other supporting documents, or relevant corroborating information to assist in the treatment planning process.

The Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T. contract provider will coordinate the receipt of services through Title XIX and Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T.

Ensure that the parent, guardian or custodian signs the Authorization to Disclose Health Information (CSO-1038A), so that substance abuse assessment and treatment information can be shared among interested persons. See What Child Safety Specialists Should Know About Substance Abuse Confidentiality for more information on confidentiality related to substance abuse assessment, treatment and client records.

Participate in ongoing case conferences, service planning activities and Individual Service Plan (ISP) development facilitated by the provider or RBHA. These ongoing coordination activities will help to maximize successful client interventions. Participation may be telephonic if unable to attend in person.

Monitor progress to ensure timely services.

Include the contracted substance abuse provider, or Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T. provider or RBHA provider on the FC-064-A, Attachment A, for reports to the Juvenile Court. Provide copies of the DCS Specialist ’s written report to the court to RBHA provider and/or Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T. provider. Do not include the FC-064 (Foster Care Plan and Progress Report), FC-064-A (Attachment A) or other provider reports.

Review the provider’s monthly reports to assess case progress and determine if a case plan revision is necessary.

Consult with the service provider or other treatment team members as necessary.

Documentation for Substance Abuse Services
File a copy of the completed Authorization to Disclose Health Information in the hard copy case record.

Document in the Family Functioning Assessment (FFA), any parental substance abuse that affects the safety of the child and is a barrier to maintaining or reunifying the family.

File a copy of the Request for Services (PS-067) in the hard copy case record.

Maintain the referral, assessment, provider’s monthly report, service planning documents, or other information received in the hard copy case record.

Document the progress made toward achieving outcomes specified in the case plan using the Case Notes window.

Behavioral Health Services
To access Title XIX services for adults, ages 18 and older including young adults in extended foster care:
  • Assist the client in applying for general mental health or SMI services through his or her local RBHA.
  • Accompany the client to the intake appointment, when requested. Ensure that the parent, guardian or custodian signs a consent for release of assessment and treatment information so that information can be shared among interested persons.

While clients are receiving Title XIX Behavioral Health Services:
  • Maintain primary case management responsibility and make DCS records available to the behavioral health provider, complying with confidentiality requirements;
  • Participate in all RBHA treatment staffings and Individual Service Plan (ISP) development.
  • Participation may be telephonic if unable to attend in person.
  • Follow the Case Management Hierarchy.
  • Monitor progress to ensure timely services.

The DCS Specialist shall ensure that a copy of the assessment and other pertinent information on services and progress reports from the RBHA or behavioral health provider are filed in the hard copy case record.

Include the RBHA provider on the FC-064-A, Attachment A, for reports to the Juvenile Court. Provide copies of the DCS Specialist ’s written report to the court to RBHA provider and/or Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T. provider. Do not include the FC-064 (Foster Care Plan and Progress Report), FC-064-A (Attachment A) or other provider reports.

Notify the RBHA provider of all case plan staffings


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 8.4
Non-Title XIX Behavioral Health Services  
The Department of Child Safety (DCS) shall seek to ensure that all children and families served by DCS receive appropriate behavioral health and substance abuse services.

The Department may utilize DCS-funded services for clients who are not eligible for Title XIX behavioral health and substance abuse services.

In some cases, DCS may cover specific services for individuals that are Title XIX eligible, but have been denied that specific service by the Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) provider.

DCS shall utilize the following contracted behavioral health services for clients when indicated:
  • individual therapy/counseling,
  • group/family therapy/counseling,
  • evaluation and diagnosis,
  • in-home moderate services,
  • in-home intensive services,
  • substance abuse assessment, and
  • substance abuse treatment.

Regions may also contract with individuals or agencies for professional consultation, including:
  • developing and monitoring treatment plans,
  • screening children and families to determine their needs,
  • conducting assessments or clinical interviews,
  • staff training,
  • participation in case staffings, and
  • providing technical assistance to providers of counseling and assessment services.

If a psychological evaluation (assessment) is requested, specify the appropriate level.

Access services according to the documentation procedure described below.

Monitor the provision of services and provide information to the service provider.

Contact the provider if:
  • The provider does not provide the required initial treatment plan within 30 days of the initial counseling session.
  • The treatment plan does not reflect the case plan goal and objectives.
  • The provider does not provide the required monthly treatment report.

Consult the Regional Mental Health Specialist or designee if there are concerns regarding the provision of services or reports.

Continue to request all other services through the Title XIX RBHA provider.

To access DCS funded Behavioral Health Services for clients who are not eligible for Title XIX behavioral health and substance abuse services complete the Request for Services PS-067 and route according to Regional procedures .

File a copy of the PS-067 in the hard copy record.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 8.5
Arranging Placement in a Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility
The Department shall seek placement in a behavioral health inpatient facility (BHIF) for a child who is assessed as needing a structured treatment setting with 24 hours a day supervision and an intensive treatment program or detoxification services.

The Department shall obtain court approval for placement in a behavioral health inpatient facility for a dependent child.

When a dependent child requires placement in a behavioral health inpatient facility, the Department shall participate in planning and decision making involving the child's treatment and discharge.

Decision Making
To determine whether to pursue placement in a behavioral health inpatient facility (formerly called residential treatment center) for a dependent child, consider whether one or more of the following conditions exist:
  • an outpatient assessment, inpatient psychiatric assessment or inpatient psychiatric acute care services (hospitalization) has recommended placement in a BHIF;
  • the child has a mental health diagnosis and the team believes (and has data to support) residential care as an effective intervention;
  • the child demonstrates a need for structure and supervision beyond that which is possible in a group home setting;
  • the child has a documented need for a therapeutic environment, and the needs of the child cannot be met in a less restrictive level with additional supports; or
  • the child has special education requirements that can only be met in a highly structured setting and the child’s existing school setting cannot meet the child’s needs with additional supports for the child and/or educators.

If the child is dually adjudicated, inform the other agency provider of all notices, motions, hearings or other proceedings related to placement in a BHIF.

Attend all hearings regarding the placement in a BHIF and provision of services.

If an outpatient assessment, inpatient psychiatric assessment or inpatient psychiatric acute care service recommends placement in a BHIF and the child is Title XIX eligible, obtain Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) authorization for the service.

Contact the assigned Assistant Attorney General to discuss filing a motion for placement in a BHIF.

Contact all parties, including the child's attorney, and determine each party's position on the motion for placement in a BHIF. A hearing on the motion is not required if all parties agree with the motion.

Complete the Motion for Placement, CT03300, and Addendum to the Juvenile Court, found in Court Document Directory. The motion must include the following:
  • A Written Statement From The Medical Or Clinical Director/ Designee Of The Residential Treatment Service Facility (CSO-1362) or the director's designee that the facility's services are appropriate to meet the child's needs.
  • Provide the Motion for Placement, Addendum Report and all of the following documents to the assigned Assistant Attorney General:
    • A written psychological, psychiatric or medical assessment recommending placement in a BHIF. The court, on a finding of good cause, may waive the written assessment. If the court does not waive the written assessment, the assessment shall include at least the following:
    • the reason why placement in a BHIF is in the child's best interests;
    • the reason why placement in a BHIF is the least restrictive treatment available;
    • the reason why the child's behavioral, psychological, social or mental health needs require placement in a BHIF; and
    • the estimated length of time that the child will require placement in a BHIF.

Personally admit or arrange for another DCS representative familiar with the case to admit the child to the BHIF, completing all necessary paper work including authorization for treatment, and providing information on the child’s background, legal status, and reasons for the admission.

Ensure that the BHIF is aware of Department policies and procedures regarding contact between the child, the child’s parents and siblings, family members, other relatives, friends and any former foster parents.

Provide the BHIF with the names and addresses of all parties including the child's attorney and guardian ad-litem.

If the child remains placed in a BHIF for at least 60 days or longer, the court will review the child’s continuing need for placement in a BHIF every 60 days from the date of the treatment order, see 60 Day Review of Residential Treatment (CSO-1361). The BHIF must submit a written progress report to the court at least five days before the review and to all parties including the child’s attorney and guardian ad-litem.

The progress report shall include recommendations and all of the following:
  • the nature of the treatment provided, including any medications and the child's current diagnosis;
  • the child's need for continued placement in a BHIF, including the estimated length of the services;
  • a projected discharge date;
  • the level of care required by the child and the potential placement options that are available to the child on discharge; and
  • a statement from the medical or clinical director of the BHIF or the director's designee as to whether placement in a behavioral health inpatient facility are necessary to meet the child's needs and whether the facility that is providing the services to the child is the least restrictive available alternative.

To notify the court of the child's discharge from the behavioral health inpatient facility:
  • Obtain or request a copy of the discharge summary including a statement of services being provided to the child and the child's family from the BHIF. Contact the assigned Assistant Attorney General to discuss the child's discharge to a group care facility, an unlicensed provider, or to the parent or guardian, and complete the following:
    • the Motion for Placement, CT03300, found in the Court Document Detail, including the attached Addendum Report to Juvenile Court; and
    • obtain the parties' position on the motion for change of physical custody.
  • Provide the Motion for Placement, Addendum Report and the discharge summary to the assigned Assistant Attorney General.

Document all court hearings using the Hearing Documentation window.

Document participation in treatment staffings using the Case Notes window designated as Case Conference type.

Update CHILDS to reflect the change in the placement needs of the child in the Special Needs Detail, Medical/ Dental Condition Detail, Medication Detail, Psych/ Behavioral Condition Detail, Practitioner Detail, Examination Detail, Participant Education Condition, Participation Education Detail, Hospitalization Detail, and Child Assessment and Special Rate Evaluation windows.

Document the child’s placement in a BHIF using the Placement/ Location Detail window, or completion of the Service Authorization Request, Service Authorization Approval and Service Authorization Provider Match windows.

Update the Address and Phone Number window to reflect any change in placement of the child.

Document Assistant Attorney General approval of all motions is case notes, AG Contact type.


Effective Date: November 17, 2017

Revision History: November 30, 2012

Chapter 3: Section 8.6
Psychiatric Assessment or Inpatient Psychiatric Acute Services
The Department shall seek inpatient psychiatric acute care services (hospitalization) for a child who is a danger to self or others or may suffer from a mental disorder.

The Department shall obtain court approval for an inpatient psychiatric assessment or acute care services (hospitalization) of a dependent child.

When a dependent child requires inpatient psychiatric acute care services (hospitalization), the Department shall participate in planning and decision making involving the child's treatment and discharge.

When a dependent child requires inpatient psychiatric acute care services (hospitalization), the Department shall engage the child’s family and if appropriate the child’s temporary caregiver in the planning process.

Considering Inpatient Psychiatric Assessment
To determine if an inpatient psychiatric assessment is needed, consider whether any of the following circumstances exist:
  • The child displays risk of harm to self or others or there is an emergent or continuance of recent, recurring or intermittent episodes of risk of danger to self or others as evidenced by:
    • suicidal ideation, behavior or intent, or
    • homicidal or significant assaultive ideation, behavior or intent, or
    • physiologic jeopardy, or
    • self-injurious behaviors.
  • A psychiatrist, psychologist or physician has determined the child requires an inpatient assessment due to a mental disorder or other personality disorder or emotional condition.
  • The local RBHA crisis team has recommended an inpatient assessment.

Providing Inpatient Assessment
If the child is dually adjudicated, inform the other agency provider of all notices, motions, hearings or other proceedings related to the provision of inpatient psychiatric acute care services.

If an outpatient assessment recommends an inpatient assessment or psychiatric acute care services and the child is Title XIX eligible, obtain RBHA authorization.

If the child is not Title XIX eligible or the RBHA has denied authorization admission, obtain CMDP Behavioral Health Unit authorization.

Consult with the RBHA or CMDP, as appropriate, to determine the hospital and the arrangements for transportation of the child and any further instructions.

Personally admit the child to the hospital, completing all necessary paperwork and providing information on the child’s background, legal status, and reason(s) for the admission.

Contact the Attorney General’s Office to discuss the motion for psychiatric inpatient assessment.

Complete the Motion for Placement, CT03300 found in the Court Document Detail including the attached Addendum Report to the Juvenile Court within 24 hours of the child’s admission excluding weekends and holidays. The Addendum Report must include all of the following information for inclusion in the motion:
  • name and address of the inpatient assessment facility;
  • name of the psychiatrist, psychologist or physician who will perform the inpatient assessment;
  • the date and time the child was admitted to the inpatient facility; and
  • a short statement explaining why the child needs an inpatient assessment. (A written report from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician is not required for this motion).

Obtain the written report of the inpatient psychiatric assessment from the psychiatrist, psychologist or physician within 72 hours of admission, excluding weekends and holidays. Determine what services, if any, are recommended.

Provide the Motion for Placement and the Addendum Report to the assigned Assistant Attorney General.

If the inpatient psychiatric assessment does not recommend inpatient acute services:
  • Immediately pursue the level of care recommended by the psychiatrist, psychologist or physician.
  • Immediately arrange to discharge the child from the hospital.

Admitting a Child for Psychiatric Acute Care Services
If the inpatient assessment recommends inpatient acute care services:
  • Obtain RBHA or CMDP authorization, and determine the hospital and arrangements for transportation of the child, if not already hospitalized.
  • Contact the Attorney General’s Office to discuss the motion for psychiatric acute care services.
  • Complete the Motion for Placement, CT03300, found in the Court Document Detail including the attached Addendum Report to the Juvenile Court. The motion must be filed within 24 hours of completion of the inpatient psychiatric assessment or the child will be discharged from the facility. The motion shall include all of the following:
    • a copy of the written report of the results of the Inpatient Assessment Report or Outpatient Assessment Report which addresses:
      • the reason why inpatient psychiatric acute care services are in the child's best interests;
      • the reason inpatient psychiatric acute care services are the least restrictive available treatment;
      • a diagnosis of the child's condition that requires inpatient psychiatric acute care services and list of medications; and
      • the estimated length of time the child will require inpatient psychiatric acute care services (hospitalization).
    • A Written Statement from the Medical Director/ Designee of the Proposed Inpatient Psychiatric Acute Care Facility, CSO-1362 that the facility's services are appropriate to meet the child's mental health needs.

Provide the Motion for Inpatient Psychiatric Acute Care Services, written report of the results of the inpatient assessment or outpatient assessment, and the written statement from the medical director or designee to the assigned Assistant Attorney General.

Attend the hearing on the motion for inpatient psychiatric acute care services, held within 72 hours of the filing of the motion.

Pending the hearing on the motion for inpatient psychiatric acute care services, the child may remain at the inpatient assessment facility, if already hospitalized.

Upon admission of a child to an inpatient psychiatric acute care facility for inpatient treatment:
  • Participate in weekly hospital staffings, including discharge planning, in person, by telephone, or through a substitute DCS representative familiar with the case.
  • Notify the CMDP Behavioral Health Unit of any disagreements among professionals regarding the need for continued treatment or discharge planning

If the child is expected to remain hospitalized for 60 days or longer, the court will review the child’s continuing need for inpatient psychiatric acute care services at least every 60 days after the date of the treatment order. See 60 Day Review of Residential/ Psychiatric Treatment Services, CSO-1361. At least five days before the review, the facility will submit a written progress report to the court and to all parties, including the child’s attorney and guardian ad-litem. The progress report shall make recommendations and include the following
  • a description of the treatment provided, including any medications and the child’s current diagnosis;
  • the child’s need for continued inpatient psychiatric acute care services, including the estimated length of the services;
  • a projected discharge date;
  • the level of care required by the child and the potential placement options available to the child on discharge; and
  • a statement from the medical director of the inpatient psychiatric acute care facility or the director’s designee as to whether inpatient psychiatric acute care services are necessary to meet the child’s mental health needs and whether the facility that is providing the inpatient psychiatric acute care services to the child is the least restrictive placement available.

Provide the facility with the names and addresses of all parties including the child’s attorney and guardian ad-litem.

If a copy of the written progress report has not be received at least five days prior to the hearing to review the child’s continued need for inpatient psychiatric acute care services, contact the facility and notify the assigned Assistant Attorney General.

Arranging Discharge from an Inpatient Psychiatric Acute Care Facility
Within 15 days after the child’s discharge, obtain a copy of the discharge summary. Ensure the summary includes recommendations for placement and services.

Contact the assigned Assistant Attorney General to file a notice of discharge with the Juvenile Court. The notice, which must be filed with the court within 20 days after discharge of the child, shall include the following:
  • a statement of the child’s current placement;
  • a statement of the mental health services that are being provided to the child and child’s family; and
  • a copy of the discharge summary prepared by the mental health professional.

Contact the assigned Assistant Attorney General to file a motion for change of physical custody, if necessary. If the child is being discharged to a placement that is different from the placement prior to the hospitalization, or a group care facility, an unlicensed provider, or a parent, guardian and/or custodian, complete the following:
  • the Motion for Placement, CT03300 found in the Court Document Detail, including the attached Addendum Report to the Juvenile Court, and
  • obtain the parties' position on the motion.

Provide the applicable documents to the assigned Assistant Attorney General.

Document all court hearings using the Hearing Documentation window.

Document participation in hospital staffings using the Case Notes window designated as Case Conference type.

Update CHILDS to reflect the change in the placement needs of the child in the Special Needs Detail, Medical/ Dental Condition Detail, Medication Detail, Psych/ Behavioral Condition Detail, Practitioner Detail, Examination Detail, Participant Education Condition, and Hospitalization Detail, and Child Assessment and Special Rate Evaluation windows.

Document the child’s hospitalization using the Placement Location Detail window.

Update the Address and Phone Number window to reflect any change in placement of the child.

Document Assistant Attorney General approval of all motions in case notes, AG Contact type.

Chapter 3: Section 8.7
HIV/AIDS Testing, Diagnosis, and Services

The Department shall ensure that all HIV/AIDS positive children under its care shall receive appropriate medical care and treatment and that their rights shall not be violated.

Services shall not be denied to any child on the basis of their HIV/AIDS status.

The Department shall not remove a child from his or her home solely because he or she is at high risk for HIV/AIDS infection, is HIV/AIDS positive, or has caregivers who are HIV/AIDS positive.

Children who are HIV/AIDS positive and are in need of out-of-home care shall receive services in the least restrictive setting that meets the assessed needs of the child.

Out-of-home caregivers shall be fully informed of a child's HIV/AIDS status and high risk behaviors. The Department shall provide access to information and support to out-of-home caregivers to facilitate their ability to safely provide care for HIV/AIDS positive children.

Testing a child for HIV/AIDS status must be recommended by a health care provider, deemed medically necessary, and performed to identify the child's medical needs. Testing of infants, children, and youth shall take place only when one of the following exists:
  • upon recommendation of the health care provider, when the child or youth displays symptoms or the child or youth or parent presents high risk factors;
  • a child is born to a mother who is known to be HIV/AIDS positive during pregnancy;
  • there is a history of intravenous drug use by the child or youth; or
  • a youth age 12 or over requests testing.

The Department shall share information regarding the HIV/AIDS status of children in out-of-home care and other related medical information only on a need-to-know basis.

Placement for a Child who is HIV/AIDS Positive
To determine the most appropriate out-of-home placement for a child who is HIV/AIDS positive, consider the:
  • best interests of the child;
  • provider's ability to provide specialized care;
  • provider's ability to respect the child's right to confidentiality;
  • impact of the child's placement on other children in the home; and
  • least restrictive, most family-like setting that will meet the needs of the child.

When considering placement in a group care facility, consult the child’s physician and consider the:
  • level of risk of transmission of HIV/AIDS to other residents through sexual contact or exchange of bodily fluids;
  • ability of the HIV/AIDS positive child to manage his or her aggressive and/or sexual behaviors;
  • maturity and ability of other residents to protect themselves and to manage their own behaviors;
  • ability of the setting to protect the HIV/AIDS positive child from opportunistic infections; and
  • setting’s capacity to provide or to arrange for intensive medical services as medical needs increase.

Placement of a Child who is HIV/AIDS Positive with a Relative, Significant Other or Out-of-Home Caregiver:
  • Allow a potential caregiver with other children in the home to determine whether they will consider an HIV/AIDS positive child for placement or for continued placement.
  • Coordinate supportive services for the caregiver and child.
  • Develop agreements with the foster family regarding payment rates and other issues arising from the special care needs of the HIV/AIDS positive child, if necessary.
  • Confirm that care providers receive training on working with a child in their care who has HIV/AIDS.
  • Closely monitor the child's care and the caregiver's ability to be responsive to the child's medical and psychosocial needs. Discuss with the caregiver the child’s medical appointments, recommendations, and any follow-up needed.

Case Planning for a Child who is HIV/AIDS Positive
Provide all case planning and case management services for HIV/AIDS positive children as described in Family Centered Case Plan, with the following additions:
  • Convene a case plan staffing to discuss the needs of the child:
    • before the child is placed into care, or within seven working days of an emergency placement, or
    • within the first 30 calendar days of opening an in-home services case.
  • Visit the child and caregiver in the placement at least twice during the first month after the initial placement of the child.

HIV/AIDS Testing of a Child in Out-of-Home Care
HIV testing is available to all children who are eligible for CMDP services. HIV testing must be deemed medically necessary and ordered by a qualified physician or practitioner to determine the diagnosis and identify the child's medical needs. An out-of-home care provider can consent for testing. When HIVAIDS testing may be medically necessary, assist the caregiver by completing the following:
  • Personally communicate to the child's health care provider any factors that would place the child at risk for HIV/AIDS exposure, including intravenous drug use, sexual abuse, and voluntary risk behavior of either the mother or the child.
  • Provide information to the out-of-home care provider to assist them to obtain the physician's order for testing, such as information about medical providers in their area.
  • To the extent possible, consult with each biological parent of the child whose parental rights have not been terminated, when making decisions about HIV testing for a child in the Department’s custody.

Complete the following additional steps for youth age 12 and over.
  • Obtain counseling for the youth from the local health department or another professional.
  • Allow the youth age 12 or older to consent to his or her own HIV/AIDS testing if the youth meets the criteria for testing. No additional consent is required, nor does the parent need to be informed, if the minor requests testing.
  • Request court approval for a child age 12 or older, when the child meets the testing criteria and testing is determined to be medically necessary, but the child refuses to give consent for testing.

Obtaining Medical Treatment for a Child with HIV/AIDS
Support HIV/AIDS treatments ordered by a physician for dependent children.
Ensure the child receives HIV/AIDS treatment from someone considered an expert in this field. For a list of these healthcare providers, contact the CMDP Nurse.

Participation in HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials
If a request is received for a child in out-of-home care to participate in a clinical trial, immediately notify the supervisor, Program Administrator or designee, and the Assistant Attorney General (AAG). (Persons making the request may include the DCS Specialist, a child’s parent, out-of-home care provider, GAL, CASA, child, child’s attorney or physician).
  • Obtain court approval for participation in clinical trials or protocols when it is the physician's opinion that the proposed protocol is beyond what is accepted as standard in the medical community.
  • Obtain prior authorization from the Program Administrator or designee and written consent from the parent or guardian (as appropriate, see above), GAL, and child, if the child can give informed consent.
  • Obtain the following information and forward to the AAG:
    • the child’s medical records;
    • information about the proposed treatment;
    • the name, address and phone number of the sponsoring health institution conducting the research; and
    • the names of the child’s treating physician and medical personnel responsible for or supervising the proposed clinical trial.
  • Confirm the child has been appointed an independent advocate.

Child Care Services for a Child who is HIV/AIDS Positive
When considering child care services for a child who is HIV/AIDS positive:
  • Assist the caregiver to make a referral to the Department of Economic Security (DES) Child Care Administration (CCA). (See Child Care Services)
  • Advise the caregiver of available child care homes and center placement options.
  • Advise the child care provider of the child's HIV/AIDS status only if this status impacts the child's daily care needs, the safety and well-being of the child or the safety of other children and/or adults in the facility. Any disclosure of medical information is limited to a clear need to know basis.
  • Consider a setting which minimizes exposure of the child's bodily fluids to others if a child exhibits high risk behaviors such as lack of control of body secretions or biting, or who has any type of draining lesion.
  • Place a foster child who is HIV/AIDS positive and does not exhibit symptoms or high risk behaviors in any child care setting

Adoption Planning for a Child who is HIV/AIDS Positive
For HIV/AIDS positive children whose permanency plan is adoption, follow procedures specified in Presenting the Child’s Information to the Prospective Adoptive Parents, with the following additions:
  • For the purposes of recruitment, identify the child as "medically at risk."
  • Consider the adoptive family's ability to meet the child's medical and mental health needs.
  • When a child has been diagnosed with AIDS, consider the following when assessing the family's ability to meet the needs of the child:
    • the family's ability to deal with loss;
    • the family's expectations regarding terminally ill children;
    • the flexibility of the family's schedule to accommodate medical and/or counseling appointments;
    • the family's ability to accept the limitations on their lifestyle that a potentially terminally ill child would present.
  • Fully inform prospective adoptive parents who have been determined to be appropriate for placement of an HIV/AIDS positive child of the child's medical condition and needs. Provide information contained in the physician's report detailing medical condition, prognosis and care.
  • Arrange for specialized training to families expressing a willingness to consider HIV/AIDS positive children for adoption.
  • Give the adoptive parents a written list of HIV/AIDS related resources and support services.

Document that an out-of-home caregiver has been informed of a child's positive HIV/AIDS status in the Case Notes window designated Out of Home Care Provider.

Document consents or court approval for HIV/AIDS testing, treatment and/or participation in a clinical trial in the appropriate Case Notes window .

Document any consultation with physicians regarding the child's condition and/orplacement needs, as well as the physician's approval for testing using the Case Notes window designated as Collateral Contact type and, if applicable, in the Examination Detail window and the Practitioner Detail window. Use the Explain Box to document HIV/AIDS test results.

Document the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS on the Medical/Dental Condition Detail window.

Document supervisory approval of testing and notification of request for child’s participation in a clinical trial using the Case Notes window designated Supervisory Contact type.

Document AAG notification of requests for a child’s participation in a clinical trial using the Case Notes window designated AG Contact type.

Document PM approval and notification of requests for a child’s participation in a clinical trial using the Case Notes window designated as Management Contact type.

Document staffings using the Case Notes window designated as Staffing type.


Effective Date: August 9th, 2017

Revision History: November 30, 2012

Chapter 3: Section 8.8
Sexual Development Education and Family Planning Services  
Child Safety Specialists and out-of-home caregivers share with the schools the responsibility of educating and preparing children in out-of-home care to function as self-sufficient, competent adults.

Child Safety Specialists and caregivers, in collaboration with the child’s own parents, schools, public health and community agencies, provide education and training concerning sexual development and sexuality to children in out-of-home care.

Sexual development and sexuality learning programs for children must be appropriate to the age and development level of the children. The programs should include:
  • Personal and family values regarding sexuality;
  • Religious and cultural issues regarding sexuality;
  • Self-respect and its relationship to sexual behaviors and character development;
  • Physiological information;
  • Personal hygiene related to sexuality;
  • Long-term and permanent relationships with partners, spouses and friends;
  • Family planning information including abstinence;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV/AIDS; and
  • Recognizing, preventing and avoiding sexual abuse and the impact of sexual abuse and other sexual victimization on sexual development.

Child Safety Specialists will facilitate the provision of appropriate medical, counseling, psychological or psychiatric services, including human sexuality and family planning information emphasizing abstinence, to children who are wards of the court, committed to the care, custody and control of the Department.

The Department shall assure that appropriate medical, counseling, psychological and/or psychiatric services, including human sexuality and family planning information emphasizing abstinence, are provided to children who are wards of the court, committed to the care, custody and control of the Department.

Tasks related to human sexuality, sexual development, and family planning, emphasizing abstinence, will be included in the case plans of children receiving independent living skills preparation services.

The Department supports the promotion of abstinence.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 8.9
Pregnancy Care Services  
Meeting the health needs of children is a responsibility shared among parents, Child Safety Specialists, out-of-home care providers and medical providers under the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Care Program (CMDP).

Assessments or counseling provided to a pregnant child will be non-directive, neutral and will include the options of parenting the infant, planning for adoption or legal guardianship, temporary alternative care of the infant, or termination of the pregnancy.

The Department shall include the parents of the pregnant child in the provision of services and consideration of options in relation to the confirmed pregnancy when agreed upon by the child and determined to be in the child’s best interests.

The alleged father of the infant should be involved in decision-making and counseling, when appropriate.

Services to a Child Who Believes She is Pregnant
To determine whether involvement of the child’s parents in pregnancy care decisions is appropriate, consider these questions:
  • Are the whereabouts of the parents known?
  • Are the parents involved in the case?
  • Does the child oppose the involvement of the parents?
  • What is the nature of the parent-child relationship?
  • Are the parents supportive of the child?
  • Would involvement of the parents endanger the child’s safety or welfare?
  • What is their legal relationship to the child? Has there been a Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) on either parent?

Ensure information and services are provided by using the Providing Pregnancy Care Services section of the Checklists for Child Safety Specialists: Providing Family Planning Services.

Prior to arranging a medical examination to confirm the pregnancy, discuss with the child:
  • Does the out-of-home care provider know that the child believes she is pregnant?
    • If not, assist the child to inform the out-of-home care provider of her possible pregnancy.
    • If yes, does the child feel comfortable with the out-of-home care provider’s involvement in arrangements for services?
  • Involvement of the child’s parents in pregnancy care decisions.
  • Does the child have a support person, such as a CASA, Special Friend, or a religious or spiritual advisor with whom she would like to speak?
  • Who should be informed about the potential pregnancy?
  • Who would she like to accompany her to the medical appointment?
  • Which medical provider will be used?
  • Who will make the appointment with the medical provider?
  • What transportation arrangements are needed to get to the appointment?

Refer or arrange for a medical examination to confirm the pregnancy using a CMDP-registered health care provider or a provider registered with the child’s AHCCCS health plan. Arrange the medical examination to occur no more than five work days from notification of the possible pregnancy.

If the child is not pregnant, refer or arrange for her to receive family planning information and consultation using:
  • Information on abstinence from the Department of Health Services, school based education programs, or other community resources; and
  • A CMDP-registered health care provider; or
  • A provider registered with her AHCCCS health plan.

Discuss with the child:
  • Does she agree with the out-of-home care provider's involvement in the arrangements for the medical appointment?
  • Does she want someone to go to the family planning appointment with her and if so, who?
  • What transportation arrangements are needed to get to the appointment?

If the relationship with the alleged father is against the law or if the pregnancy is or may be due to rape or incest, confirm with the out-of-home care provider that law enforcement has been notified. It is acceptable, and may be preferable, for the out-of-home care provider to notify law enforcement if the out-of-home care provider has first hand knowledge of the child’s relationship with the alleged father. If a report has been filed, obtain the report number. If law enforcement declines to take a report, document the date and time law enforcement was notified. If a report has not been filed, notify law enforcement or ensure the out-of-home care provider does so within 24 hours of being notified of the possible pregnancy.

Services to a Child Whose Pregnancy Is Confirmed
To determine whether involvement of the alleged father in planning for the unborn infant is appropriate, consider these questions:

  • What is the nature of the relationship between the alleged father and the pregnant child?
  • Did the relationship violate state law due to differences in ages or other factors?
  • Is the pregnant child willing and able to identify and contact the alleged father?
  • Would involvement of the alleged father endanger the pregnant child’s safety or welfare?

Ensure information and services are provided by using the Services to a Child Whose Pregnancy Is Confirmed section of the Checklist for Child Safety Specialists: Providing Family Planning Services.

The Caregiver Must:
If the examination confirms that the foster child is pregnant, and the caregiver is aware of the results of the examination, it is the responsibility of the caregiver, notify the DCS Specialist within one work day, unless the DCS Specialist is already aware of the results.

Caregivers must decide whether their foster child’s pregnancy and the decisions she will make regarding her pregnancy will impact their willingness and ability to continue caring for her. Regardless of her decision, the out-of-home care provider must not verbally abuse, threaten or make humiliating comments, unreasonably deny privileges, contact and visitation, or isolate the child. These are Discipline Policy infractions.

The DCS Specialist Must:
Within one work day of the pregnancy confirmation, notify the CMDP Maternal/ Child nurse.

Hold a case consultation with the supervisor within five work days to discuss who should participate in planning services needed by the child.

Following the case consultation between the DCS Specialist and the supervisor, discuss with the child who are the individuals she believes must be made aware of her pregnancy. Also discuss other potential service team members (such as a CASA, Special Friend, or religious or spiritual adviser) whom the child wants to be made aware of her pregnancy and who should be asked to participate in a case conference.

Hold a case conference within 10 days of the pregnancy confirmation to determine the roles and responsibilities of the participating service team members as to what, by whom and how medical, counseling and any other needed services will be provided to the child to assist her in making decisions. The case conference will include the DCS Specialist and supervisor, the child’s guardian ad-litem (GAL), attorney and the caregiver. Include other service team members and parties, such as the child’s parents, as appropriate and after considering the wishes of the child. In most instances, unless it is clearly not appropriate, include the child in the case conference.

At least two work days prior to the case conference, contact the assigned Assistant Attorney General to notify of the confirmed pregnancy and other significant information.

No more than five work days after the case conference, arrange non-directive, neutral assessment or counseling for the child through the RBHA or with an DCS contracted counselor, if she is not already seeing a counselor. The purpose of the counseling is to provide information on the options, which include parenting the infant, planning for adoption or legal guardianship, temporary care of the infant by family or non-relatives, or termination of the pregnancy.

Assist the child in scheduling counseling and arranging transportation to this appointment.

Determine whether the out-of-home care provider or another support person will participate in the counseling when agreed upon by the child.

Inform the child that medical assistance and other benefits and services may be available for her and her child through the Department of Economic Security and other organizations.

These may include TANF, child support, child care, and WIC.

Obtain all known identifying information on any alleged father and assist the child to confirm the identity of the biological father. Inform the child of the father’s financial liability for the infant.

Keep out-of-home care providers fully informed of the services being offered to the child.

Involve the child’s parents and the alleged father of the infant in the counseling sessions when agreed upon by the child and determined to be in the child’s best interest.

Services Provided When the Child Will Carry the Pregnancy to Term
The Caregiver Should:
Review with the DCS Specialist and medical providers the child’s medical and health condition, any other prenatal medical, nutritional and emotional needs, and any health or safety issues, such as substance abuse concerns. Each party shares the responsibility of assuring that the child receives early and consistent medical care.

Take the child or arrange transportation for her to medical and other appointments.

Encourage and assist the child to participate in parenting instruction if she plans to parent her infant.

The DCS Specialist Must:
Ensure information and services are provided by using the Services Provided When the Child Will Carry the Pregnancy to Term section of the Checklists for Child Safety Specialists: Providing Family Planning Services as a guide.

Within five work days, update the CMDP Maternal/ Child nurse regarding the child’s decision.

Within ten work days of learning the child’s decision, hold a case conference to further assist the child in understanding the options available; to identify needs such as medical, social, emotional, and educational; and to identify current and future living arrangements. Develop a preliminary plan to address the child’s needs. At minimum, the case conference will include the DCS Specialist , the supervisor, the out-of-home care provider, and the child’s GAL and attorney. Include other team members and parties, such as the child’s parents and significant support persons, such as a Special Friend, or a religious or spiritual adviser, as appropriate and after considering the wishes of the child. When appropriate, include the child in the case conference. The alleged father of the infant may be a participant in this conference when appropriate.

At least two work days prior to the case conference, contact the assigned Assistant Attorney General to notify of the child’s decision to carry the pregnancy to term and other significant information.

Ensure the provision of early and consistent medical care through communication with the child’s physician and/or out-of-home care provider on medical appointment scheduling and results of all appointments.

Ensure that potential health risks to the unborn child or the pregnant child, such as substance abuse and known health concerns including high risk behaviors and HIV positive or diagnosed AIDS, are fully shared with the child’s physician.

Ensure that the out-of-home care provider is fully informed and aware of the medical, health, nutrition, and other prenatal medical and emotional needs of the child and is willing and able to meet her needs.

Assure that transportation to medical and other appointments is arranged.

Encourage participation in parenting instruction for a child who plans to parent her infant, and make arrangements as indicated.

Encourage the pregnant child and the out-of-home care provider to plan for the child’s continuing educational needs.

Assist the child to obtain information on medical and other benefits that may be available to her and her child through the Department of Economic Security, Family Assistance Administration. Assist the child to apply for any benefits for which she may be eligible.

Arrange for assessment or counseling related to the pregnancy, as needed.

Discuss with the child the identity of the father of the unborn infant, determine his role in planning for the unborn infant, and his financial responsibility for the child. In all cases where possible, obtain an affidavit of paternity from the father. If the alleged father denies paternity, discuss with the child and the alleged father that a paternity test is needed.

Discuss with the child the role of her parents in planning for the unborn infant.

Fully inform the child of services available from the Department and the community to support her ability to parent her child, including temporary care options such as care of the infant by family, in foster care, or through other arrangements.

With the current out-of-home care provider and region designated staff, review placement options available for the placement of the minor parent and her infant together.

Services Provided When the Child Decides on a Plan of Adoption For Her Infant
The Caregiver Should:
Fully support the child in the decision that she has made for herself and her unborn child. The caregiver should transport or arrange transportation for the foster child to adoption planning services, and if she is comfortable with their involvement, participate in the services with her.

The DCS Specialist Must:
Ensure information and services are provided by using the Services Provided When the Child Decides on a Plan of Adoption section of the Checklists for Child Safety Specialists: Providing Family Planning Services as a guide.

Assist the child to arrange adoption planning services provided by Department adoption staff or a private adoption agency.

Consult with an adoption unit supervisor, or a supervisor with adoption experience, to obtain the names of private adoption agencies in the child’s local area and information on adoption services provided by Department staff.

Assist the child to obtain any additional information needed for the child to make an informed choice between the available resources.

Assist the child to obtain information on medical and other benefits that may be available to her and her child through the Department of Economic Security, Family Assistance Administration. Assist the child to apply for any benefits for which she may be eligible.

Involve the child’s parents and the alleged father of the infant in the planning when appropriate and in the pregnant child’s best interest.

Facilitate involvement of the child’s GAL and attorney throughout this process.

Services Provided When the Child Decides on a Plan of Legal Guardianship for Her Infant

The Caregiver Should:
Ensure that the child feels supported in the decision that she has made. These are very emotionally charged times for an adolescent girl and it is critical that the caregiver supports her in achieve her goal. It is also important that the child know that the foster care is available to her and that she can continue to process her decision until the point that it is final.

The DCS Specialist Must:
Ensure information and services are provided by using the Services Provided When the Child Decides on a Plan of Legal Guardianship section of the Checklists for Child Safety Specialists: Providing Family Planning Services

Assist the child to consider the ability of the proposed guardian(s) to provide custodial care.

Inform the child and the proposed guardian(s) of the process for obtaining a legal guardianship for non-dependent children. If needed, consult with an Assistant Attorney General to learn this process.

Consult with a supervisor to determine what steps should be taken to protect the infant, if after the child’s birth the mother pursues legal guardianship with a proposed guardian who may be unable to meet the health and safety needs of the infant.

Involve the child’s parents and the alleged father of the infant in the planning when agreed upon by the child and determined to be in the child’s best interest.

Facilitate involvement of the child’s GAL and attorney throughout this process.

Document the pregnancy of the child in the Medical/ Dental Condition Detail window using either the condition of "pregnant" or "pregnant teen".

Document all medical examinations of the child in the Examination Detail window.

Document medical information in the Examination Detail, Practitioner Detail, Medical/ Dental Condition Detail windows. If needed, document any hospitalization in the Hospitalization Detail window.

Document the pregnancy of the child, the contact with the CMDP nurse, the report to law enforcement, if applicable, and the provision of assessment or counseling using the Pregnancy Care/ Family Planning window.

Document if the pregnancy resulted from consensual intercourse, rape, or incest using the Pregnancy Care/ Family Planning window.

Document information on all alleged fathers and the confirmed father of the infant, using the Pregnancy Care/ Family Planning window. Add the confirmed father as a case participant with a case role type of Father P. Update the Family Relationship window to show the confirmed father’s relationship to other participants.

Document the outcome of case conferences using the Case Notes window.

As applicable, document the child’s decision to carry the pregnancy to term, the plan for the newborn, the outcome of the pregnancy, the date of the outcome, and the provision of assessment or counseling using the Pregnancy Care/ Family Planning window.

As applicable, document the outcome of the pregnancy and the date of the outcome using the Pregnancy Care/ Family Planning Window.

If a child refuses medical or assessment services or counseling, document the types of services offered and the child’s response to the offers using the Case Notes window designated as the appropriate type.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 8.10
Pregnancy Care Services and Abortion 
Funding for an abortion is allowable under federal and state law when it is medically necessary to save the life of the pregnant child and under federal law when it is necessary due to rape or incest.

Licensed and unlicensed out-of-home care providers may not consent to an abortion for a foster child.

Decision Making
To determine whether an abortion is in the child’s best interest, all service team members and involved parties should consider these questions:
  • Has a medical doctor advised that the child is physically able to carry the baby to term?
  • Has a medical doctor advised that the child is physically able to have an abortion without major medical risk?
  • Does the child have any medical conditions that could affect the success of a pregnancy or birth?
  • What is the developmental functioning of the child?
  • How emotionally stable is the child?
  • Is the child able to understand information regarding pregnancy, birth, parenting, and abortion?
  • What are the recommendations of the child’s parents, therapist, and significant support persons?
  • Does the child want to have an abortion?

To determine whether involvement of the child’s parents is required, consider these questions:
  • Are the whereabouts of the parents known?
  • Are the parents involved in the case?
  • Would involvement of the parents endanger the child’s safety or welfare?
  • Was the child’s pregnancy the results of sexual conduct with the parent, step-parent, adoptive parent, sibling or grandparent?
  • What is their legal relationship to the child? Has there been a Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) on either parent?
  • Does the child want the parents to be notified and involved?

Follow all applicable policy and procedures required in Pregnancy Care Services

The Caregiver Should:
If their foster child’s physician determines that an abortion is necessary to save her life or is medically necessary due to rape or incest, out-of-home care providers should:
  • Notify the DCS Specialist immediately or by the next work day, and follow the instructions of the physician.
  • Take or arrange transportation for their foster child to post-termination counseling, if arranged by the DCS Specialist ; participate in the counseling sessions if their foster child agrees.

If the child wants an abortion that is not medically necessary to save her life or necessary due to rape or incest, out-of-home care providers must:
  • Immediately or by the next work day notify the DCS Specialist of her decision unless the DCS Specialist is already aware of her decision.
  • Be informed by the DCS Specialist that it is against the law to use public funds to pay for the abortion and for licensed out-of-home care provider to consent to an abortion for a foster child.

The DCS Specialist Should:
Ensure information and services are provided by using the Providing Abortion Services section of the Checklists for Child Safety Specialists: Providing Family Planning Services as a guide.

When a pregnant child’s physician determines that an abortion is medically necessary to save her life:

  • As needed, assist the child’s physician to arrange the medical procedure and obtain prior authorization from CMDP.
  • Upon learning of the medical necessity, immediately inform the child’s parents of this medical condition and the arrangements for the medical appointment, unless, in consultation with the supervisor at minimum, it is determined that informing the parent is detrimental to the safety and welfare or best interest of the child, or the child requests her parents not be informed. If a parent is willing and able to consent to the procedure, facilitate the consenting parent’s signature of the medical facility’s forms.
  • If the child has requested her parents not be informed or involved or no available parent is willing and able to consent to the medical procedure, obtain a court order before the procedure is performed, unless an emergency exists. Complete the motion for medical/ surgical treatment no more than one work day from learning of the need for the medical procedure.
  • Arrange for post-termination counseling for the child, family members and other significant persons.

When a child states a desire to terminate her pregnancy and an abortion is not necessary to save her life, call the DCS eligibility unit within two work days to verify the child’s Title XIX eligibility status, confirming that the eligibility specialist or supervisor has the most recent and accurate eligibility related information.

Follow procedures for high profile cases as described in Family Centered Case Planning.

If the pregnancy is due to rape or incest or necessary to prevent harm to bodily function of the pregnant child, and the child is Title XIX eligible:
  • Arrange a case conference to be held no later than five days from the date of notification of the child’s decision. Obtain recommendations from the involved service team members regarding supportive services for the child, and determine the roles and responsibilities of the participating service team members as to the medical procedure, assessment or counseling and any other needed services.
  • At minimum, the case conference will include the DCS Specialist , the supervisor, the out-of-home care provider, and the child’s GAL and attorney. Include other team members and parties, such as the child’s parents and significant support persons, such as a Special Friend, or a religious or spiritual advisor, as appropriate and after considering the wishes of the child. When appropriate, include the pregnant child and the alleged father of the infant.
  • Prior to the case conference, obtain recommendations from an independent child welfare professional, such as a psychologist on contract with the Department, to provide consultation regarding the child’s choice to terminate the pregnancy, the child’s best interest relative to the pregnancy, and supportive services. Present the recommendations of the independent child welfare professional if he/she does not present in the case conference.
  • No less than two days prior to the case conference, notify the assigned Assistant Attorney General that the child is requesting an abortion and share other significant information.
  • If the child has consented to the involvement of her parents and it has been determined that their involvement is not detrimental to her safety and welfare, inform the parent, at the case conference or no more than two work days following the case conference, of the child’s decision and the arrangements for the medical appointment, unless they have previously been informed. If a parent is willing and able to consent to the procedure, facilitate the consenting parents’ signature of the medical facility’s forms.
  • If the child has requested her parents not be informed or involved or no parent is available or willing to consent to the medical procedure, obtain a court order before the procedure is performed, unless an emergency exists. File the motion for medical/ surgical treatment no more than one work day from learning of the planned medical procedure.
  • To assist with prior authorization, provide documentation to CMDP that the incident of rape or incest was reported to a law enforcement agency. Documentation should include the name of the law enforcement agency, report number, if available, and date the report was filed.
  • Arrange for post-termination counseling for the child, family members and other significant persons.

When no state or federal funds are available for abortion services because:
  • the abortion is not necessary to save the life of, or prevent bodily harm to, the pregnant child, nor due to rape or incest; or
  • the pregnancy is due to rape or incest or necessary to prevent harm to bodily function of the child, but the child is not Title XIX eligible; complete these tasks in addition to those listed above:
  • Inform and explain to the child, the out-of-home care provider, other participating service team members, and the child's parents if they have been involved in the decision making process, that there are no federal or state funds available to pay for an abortion.
  • Hold a case conference no later than 10 work days from the date of notification of the child's decision, inviting parties as described in the previous section. The Assistant Attorney General should attend the conference to address funding and potential legal issues.
  • At the case conference or no more than two work days following, inform the involved service team members of the Department's position relative to the medical procedure, based on the child's best interest, relevant law, and the recommendations received. Determine the roles and responsibilities of the participating service team members in timely arrangement of the medical procedure, obtaining parental consent or a court order for medical or surgical treatment, and supporting the child.
  • If a court order is required for the medical procedure because the child has requested her parents not be informed or involved or no available parent is willing and able to consent, provide to the court any service team member's and the independent child welfare professional's recommendations.
  • If the child's GAL or another party files a motion for an order allowing the child to have an abortion, support or oppose the motion according to the child's best interest, unless the fetus is viable in the judgment of the attending physician.
  • Oppose all motions for an order allowing a child to have an abortion of a fetus that is viable in the judgment of the attending physician.
  • Consult an Assistant Attorney General if the Department is ordered to pay for the abortion.
  • Arrange for post-termination counseling for the child, family members and other significant persons.

If notified after the procedure that a child has obtained an abortion, ensure that appropriate medical services are provided to the child, and arrange post-termination counseling for the child, family members and other significant persons. If the child refuses medical services or counseling, continue to offer appropriate services.

Document the pregnancy of the child and other medical information in the Medical/ Dental Condition Detail window using either the condition of "pregnant" or "pregnant teen”, Examination Detail and Practitioner Detail windows.

Document all medical examinations of the child in the Examination Detail window.

Document the contact with the CMDP nurse and the provision of assessment or counseling using the Pregnancy Care/ Family Planning window.

Document the outcome of case conferences using the Case Notes window.

Document the child’s decision to terminate the pregnancy, outcome of the pregnancy and the date of the outcome using the Pregnancy Care/ Family Planning Window.

If a child refuses medical or assessment services or counseling, document the types of services offered and the child’s response to the offers using the Case Notes window designated as the appropriate type.


Effective Date :November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 8.11
Services for Expectant Fathers  
The Department shall advise and assist any male child who is a ward of the court committed to the care, custody and control of the Department, and who believes he may be an expectant father, on appropriate parental rights and responsibilities.

Ensure information and services are provided by using the “Services Provided When the Child Is the Alleged or Confirmed Father of an Unborn Infant” section of the Checklists for Child Safety Specialists: Providing Family Planning Services.

When a foster child is the alleged father of an unborn infant, advise and assist him to:
  • Determine what his role and responsibility will be in planning for and meeting the needs of the unborn infant.
  • Establish his parental rights.
  • File notice of a claim of paternity with the Putative Father’s Registry, when applicable, by contacting the Department of Health Services, Vital Records, 1818 W Adams Street, Phoenix, 85005.

Request assistance from the alleged father’s caregiver in completing the above tasks.

File a copy of the notice of claim of paternity in the child’s case record.

Chapter 3: Section 9.1
Child Care Services
DCS child care services shall be made available at the discretion of the Department to families with children ages 12 or younger.

Services may be provided to maintain and strengthen families:
  • whose cases are opened for investigation and closed at investigation;
  • who are receiving voluntary services; or
  • whose children are dependent wards of the court but remain in the parent's physical custody.

DCS child care services may also be provided as a support service for out-of-home care providers. Birth and/or adopted children of foster parents are not eligible for DCS child care.

Birth and/or adopted children of family foster care providers are not eligible for DCS child care.

DCS child care may be provided to children in out-of-home care for the following purposes:
  • to enable an out-of-home care provider to work;
  • to enable an out-of-home care provider to participate in educational activities;
  • to enable an out-of-home care provider to attend medical, dental or behavioral health appointments, case plan staffings, administrative case reviews, court and FCRB hearings or participate in activities associated with visitation with another foster child;
  • to enable the out-of-home care provider to handle an emergency situation such as death, medical emergency, or family or personal crisis, or
  • to enable the child to participate in socialization and/or specific skills development in cognitive, social or psycho-motor areas.

DCS child care services may be requested up to maximum of 23 days per month per child, through the Child Care Administration (CCA). CCA staff will contact the identified child care provider to authorize payment.

There is no financial eligibility requirement for DCS child care. DES reimburses child care providers up to a maximum reimbursement rate negotiated by each provider. Families/foster parents are responsible for paying child care providers the difference between the child care provider's rate and the DES reimbursement.

DCS child care may be provided to prevent abuse or neglect. The objectives of these services are:
  • to relieve stress of the caretaker (respite);
  • to provide monitoring of a child by child care personnel; or
  • to provide a child with opportunities for socialization/ structure when such opportunities do not exist in the home. This is a clinical or case management decision which must be documented in the case plan.

DCS child care may not be requested for the sole purpose of documenting that a service has been offered/ accepted or if it is determined that the caregiver is not in need.

Child Care for Families
Either the parent or caretaker should consult with the Child Care Resources and Referral (CCR&R), 1-800-308-9000 to identify a child care provider. Verify that an identified provider has a current DES registration agreement and has a vacancy for the child.

Submit all requests for DCS child care services to the DES Child Care Administration for authorization.

To request DCS child care for a case which has been opened and closed at investigation:
  • Obtain supervisor approval to request DCS child care services up to a maximum of six months, using the DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224.
  • The Child Care Administration will contact the child care providers to authorize payment. Please do not contact child care providers to authorize payment for child care.

For voluntary services cases, in-home dependency cases, or in-home intervention and out-of-home care cases:
  • Identify the need for child care in the case plan using the Case Plan Task window.
  • Obtain supervisor approval to request DCS child care services up to a maximum of six months using the DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224.
  • Review the continued need for child care at least every six months and/or at the case plan staffing.
  • Obtain supervisor approval prior to requesting a second six month period of child care services.
  • If requesting a third referral for child care services within a 24 month period, in addition to the above two steps, send an E-Mail of explanation to the Program Administrator or designee if you are requesting a third referral within a 24 month period. Include this E-Mail approval with the CC-224.

In emergency situations, contact the local child care office to arrange for child care. Send a completed DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224, to the office within two working days.

A new DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224 must be submitted to:
  • Indicate any changes in providers.
  • Indicate any change in hours to be authorized.
  • Request that child care services be reauthorized.
  • Documentation
  • Document the need for and use of child care services in the child's case record using the Case Notes window and the foster care licensing record, if applicable.
  • Specify use of child care services in the child's case plan using the Case Plan Tasks window.

File a copy of the CC-224 in the hard copy record.

Document request for Program Administrator or designee approval of a third referral within a 24 month period using the Case Notes window designated as Management Contact type.
Program Administrator or designee:
Document approval of a third referral within a 24 month period using E-mail notification to the assigned DCS Specialist .
Child Care for Out-of-home Providers
To determine whether to offer DCS child care services to out-of-home family foster care providers, consider these questions:
  • Are the providers employed or participating in educational services?
  • Are the providers attending medical appointments, case plan staffings, court and FCRB hearings, administrative case reviews, or participating in activities associated with visitation with another foster child?
  • Does the foster child have documented needs that require socialization and/or specific skills development in cognitive, social or psycho-motor areas?
  • Do the providers require emergency services to cope with situations such as a death, medical emergency, family crisis or personal crisis?

Have the out-of-home family foster care provider consult with Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R), 1-800-308-9000 to identify a child care provider and verify that an identified provider has a current DES registration agreement and has a vacancy for the child.

Have the family foster care provider determine whether the child care provider is able to meet the identified social, medical or behavioral needs of the child.

Obtain supervisory approval to request DCS child care services using the DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224, and submit the request to the local office of the DES Child Care Administration for authorization. Request DCS child care for a period not to exceed six months. In an emergency, contact the local Child Care Administration (CCA) office, indicate immediate need, and send the completed form within two working days of the contact.

Do not contact the child care providers to authorize payment for child care; the CCA will contact the child care providers to authorize payment.

Review the need for continued DCS child care services at least every six months during the case plan staffing.

Obtain supervisor approval prior to requesting a second six month period of child care services.

When requesting a third referral for child care services within a 24 month period, in addition to the above two steps, obtain approval of the Program Administrator or designee. Send an E-Mail of explanation to the Program Administrator or designee. Include this E-mail approval with the DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224.

A new DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224 must be submitted to:
  • initiate a change in provider;
  • indicate any change in hours to be authorized; and
  • request that child care services be reauthorized.

Notify and update the licensing agency when a foster parent is using DCS child care services.

Document the request for child care services, changes in the provider, and the end date of those services on the DCS Child Care Referral, CC-224. File a copy in the child's hard copy record.

Document the need for and use of child care services in the child's case record using the Case Notes window designated as Collateral Contact type.

Specify use of child care services in the child's case plan using the Case Plan Tasks window.

Document request for program manager or designee approval of a third referral within a 24 month period using the Case Notes window designated as Management Contact type.
Program Administrator or designee:
Document approval of a third referral within a 24 month period using the Case Note Comment window.


Effective Date :November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 9.2
Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP)
The Department shall refer all children under the age of three who are the subject of a substantiated report or who have been removed and in DCS custody for early intervention services. A substantiated report includes the following findings: proposed substantiated, proposed substantiated-perpetrator deceased and proposed substantiated-perpetrator unknown.

The Department shall refer all children under the age of three:
  • who have been removed and in DCS custody, to the Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) for a developmental screening and a behavioral health assessment;
  • children who are not in DCS custody, to the AzEIP for early intervention services.

Gather available information including clinical and medical reports on the child from previous medical and behavioral health care providers.

Obtain health insurance information (i.e., AHCCCS, etc.) from the parent, guardian or custodian.

Within 24 hours of the removal, refer all children under the age of three to the RBHA for a developmental screening and behavioral health assessment. Fax or mail any reports from previous medical, clinical or behavioral health assessments or evaluations to the RBHA.

If the child’s primary care provider (PCP) has completed the EPSDT examination and identifies a developmental concern, provide this information to the RBHA.

Ensure that the parent and/or out-of-home caregiver is aware of the referral for early intervention services.

If the RBHA screening or assessment indicates that the child has a developmental concern, the RBHA will:
  • Make the referral to AzEIP for early intervention services.
  • Notify the DCS Specialist and the child’s primary care physician (PCP) of the results and of the AzEIP referral.
  • Include AzEIP in the Child and Family Team.

Ensure that the out-of-home care provider is aware of the developmental concern and AzEIP referral.

If the RBHA screening or assessment indicates that the child does not have a developmental concern, the RBHA will notify the case manager of the results. The RBHA will provide necessary behavioral health services to the child, the child’s family and out-of-home provider.

If the child is not eligible for Title XIX services, complete and fax the DCS Referral to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP), found in the Forms Registry, to the designated AzEIP regional contractor. The referral to AzEIP may also be completed on the DES website. Ensure that the concerns and/or reasons for the referral are documented in the Reason for Referral/Concerns Section of the referral. It is not necessary to make a referral if the referral has already been made by another source, or the child is receiving AzEIP services.
  • Ensure that the child’s legal status and eligibility for AHCCCS or CMDP is recorded on the DCS Referral to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) or in the Concerns Section of the internet referral.
  • Fax or mail any reports from previous medical, clinical or behavioral health assessments or evaluations to the AzEIP regional contractor.
  • List all services the family is receiving or has been referred to on the DCS Referral to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) or in the Concerns Section of the internet referral. AzEIP will ensure that services are not duplicated.

If the child is in out-of-home care and changes placement during the referral process, ensure that the AzEIP regional contractor is aware of the change in placement. Provide the name, address and telephone number of the new caregiver to the AzEIP contractor.

Identification of a Surrogate Parent:
A surrogate parent must be appointed to represent the child’s special educational interests under IDEA, Part C if the parent, guardian, step-parent or relative with whom the child resides is not available, willing and able to perform this function. If the child is a ward of the court and a surrogate parent is required to represent the child’s special educational needs [see page 2 of the DCS Referral to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP)], contact the Assistant Attorney General to file a motion to appoint the identified person as the child’s surrogate parent.

Document the outcome of any previous assessments or medical examinations including a diagnosis of a developmental delay or established condition in the Participant Education Condition Detail window.

Document the referral to the AzEIP by filing a copy of the DCS Referral to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) or a printed copy of the AzEIP internet referral in the hard copy record. To obtain a copy of the internet referral, you must print the screen prior to submitting the referral. If the referral was made by another source, document the referral by obtaining and filing a copy of the referral in the child’s case record, or by documenting verbal confirmation of the referral using the Case Notes window, designated as Collateral Contact type. If the child is receiving AzEIP services, document this in the case notes.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 9.3
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Services
Children with developmental disabilities who appear to meet DDD eligibility criteria shall be referred to the DDD Program.

The Department shall work collaboratively with DDD to provide services to all children in out-of-home care who are eligible for DDD services.

The Department shall verify that a regular foster home applies for certification as a child developmental certified home if either of the following apply:
  • After August 6, 2016, the Department has placed a foster child with a developmental disability in the foster home, or
  • After August 6, 2016, a foster child in the foster home has been determined by the Department of Economic Security (DES) to have a development disability.

Children with a developmental delay or disability who appears to meet DDD eligibility criteria shall be referred to DDD.

Birth to Three (3) Years
Children age birth to three (3) years who have been removed or are the subject of a substantiated report shall be referred to the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) for early intervention services, (For more information see Arizona Early Intervention Program).

AzEIP will refer to DDD all children birth to age three (3) that appear to meet the AzEIP eligibility criteria.

Age Three (3) through Six (6)
Refer children age three (3) through six (6) based on the following criteria:
  • Have a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, or cognitive/intellectual disability.
  • Demonstrate a strong potential the child is or will have a developmental disability. Children diagnosed with the following conditions may be considered at risk for a developmental disability:
    • Spina bifida with Arnold Chiari malformation
    • Periventricular leukomalacia
    • Chromosomal abnormalities with high risk for cognitive disability such as Downs Syndrome
    • Autism Spectrum Disorders
    • Post natal traumatic brain injury such as “abusive head trauma” or near drowning
    • Hydrocephaly
    • Microcephaly
    • Alcohol or drug related birth defects such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
    • Birth weight under 1000 grams with evidence of neurological impairment
  • Demonstrate a significant developmental delay and a strong potential the child will have a developmental disability, indicated by a 50% delay in one of the following five developmental domains or that the child has 25% delay in two or more of the following five domains:
    • Physical (fine and/gross motor, vision, or hearing)
    • Cognitive
    • Communication
    • Social Emotional
    • Self Help

Acceptable documentation that a child from birth to age six (6) is or has the potential to have a developmental disability includes:
  • Medical records indicating an at-risk condition,
  • Results of an acceptable developmental assessment, or
  • A signed statement from a licensed physician, licensed psychologist, or other professional trained in early childhood development specifying their clinical opinion as to the child's disability or delay.

Age Six (6) and Older
Refer to DDD a child over the age of six (6) who meets the following criteria:
  • autism, as diagnosed by a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, or developmental pediatrician with appropriate expertise, as determined by DDD;
  • cerebral palsy, as diagnosed by a licensed physician;
  • epilepsy, as diagnosed by a licensed neurologist or physician; or
  • cognitive/intellectual disability, as determined by an individual qualified to provide psychological documentation utilizing culturally appropriate and valid tests.

A child age six (6) or older must also demonstrate functional limitations in at least three of the seven major life activities:
  • Receptive and Expressive Language
  • Learning
  • Self-Direction
  • Economic Self-Sufficiency
  • Self-Care
  • Mobility
  • Capacity for Independent Living

Referral to DDD Program
Any child with a developmental disability who appears to meet DDD eligibility criteria shall be referred by emailing the child's name, date of birth, DCS Specialist 's name and contact information to

If a child becomes eligible for DDD services after placement in a foster home, refer the foster parent to DDD to apply to be a Child Developmental Certified home through DDD.

If the foster parent does not choose to become certified or is denied certification, review the case with the case planning team, including the DDD case manager, to determine if it is in the best interest of the child to remain in the placement. If it is not in the child’s best interest, follow the procedures below for Out-of-Home Placement of Children Receiving DDD Services.

Out-of-Home Placement for Child Receiving DDD Services
For children enrolled in DDD services, at the time of removal, complete the following steps in addition to the steps outlined in Providing Emergency Intervention and Placing Children in Out-of-Home Care.

Emergency Placement:
  • Contact the Regional Placement Unit and request placement.
  • The DCS Regional Placement Unit will contact the DDD Placement Resource Coordinator to request a placement and provide information regarding the child.
  • When the DDD Placement Resource Coordinator obtains placement options, they will email the list to DCS Regional Placement Unit.
  • The DCS Regional Placement Unit will inform the DCS Specialist that placement has been secured.
  • Select the placement, make arrangements and place the child.
  • Within 24 hours, the DCS Regional Placement Unit will email the DDD support coordinator and the DDD Placement Resource Coordinator informing them of the placement including the date of placement.
  • Upon request, the DDD support coordinator will assist with referral and placement for the child.

Non-Emergency Placement:
  • Invite the DDD support coordinator to the Team Decision Making (TDM) or Child and Family Team (CFT) Meeting (Refer to Team Decision Making).
  • If following the TDM Meeting or CFT Meeting a placement is needed, the DCS Specialist will follow steps listed above under Emergency Placement.

Emergency Placement:
  • Contact the DDD Placement Resource Coordinator to request a placement and provide information regarding the child.
  • Once the DDD Placement Resource Coordinator obtains placement options, they will email the list to the DCS Specialist .
  • Select a placement and place the child.

Non-Emergency Placement:

If following the TDM or CFT a placement is needed, follow steps listed above under Emergency Placement

Follow the placement procedures as outlined by your regional protocol. If a Child Developmental Home is used, the Placement Unit or DCS Specialist emails the DDD Placement Resource Coordinator within 1 business day. The DDD Placement Resource Coordinator notifies the DDD Support Coordinator.

Non-ALTCS Eligible Child
When DCS places a non-ALTCS eligible child into a DDD placement, the regional placement notification protocol is followed.

When a child is placed into a DDD placement, email the DDD Placement Resource Coordinator to provide the name, location, and date of placement.

Transition Planning
Six months prior to the youth turning 18, contact the DDD Coordinator to initiate and discuss the tasks identified below:
  • Placement
  • Legal Options (e.g., Adult Guardianship, Power of Attorney, etc.)
  • Adult Behavioral Health transition/Seriously Mentally Ill (SMI) status
  • ALTCS eligibility
  • Social Security
  • Continued Education
  • Employment Services
  • Voluntary Placement Agreement

In accordance with Team Decision Making procedures, an Age of Majority/Program Disruption/Discharge Team Decision Making (TDM) meeting should be held :
  • Within six (6) months prior to a youth turning 18
  • Within 72 hours of determining that a youth in Independent Living with a Voluntary Placement Agreement wants to exit the program or is non-compliant.
  • Within 30 days of the youth turning 21 when the youth has a Voluntary Placement Agreement for Independent Living.

Follow the procedures outlined in Preparing Youth for Age of Majority – Voluntary Foster Care and Discharge Planning.

Collaboration with DDD
See DCS/DDD Roles & Responsibilities


Effective Date: August 6, 2016

Revision History: November 30, 2012 

Chapter 3: Section 9.4
Education for Children In Out-of-Home Care
In collaboration with out-of-home care providers and schools, the Department shall ensure that children in out-of-home care are:
  • provided educational stability at the time of the initial placement and each subsequent change in placement;
  • provided services to help them achieve their educational potential;
  • registered in a timely manner; and
  • referred to a local school district [aka Local Education Agency (LEA)] to be assessed for special education (when indicated) and other educational needs. LEA includes school districts, charter holders and secure care public schools.

The Department shall make every reasonable effort to not remove a child, who is in out-of home care, from school during regular school hours for appointments, visitation or activities not related to school.

If a child three or older in out-of-home care requires special education evaluation and/or services, it is the responsibility of the LEA under federal and state law to determine who shall act as the special education parent. The DCS Specialist should cooperate with and assist the LEA in meeting this obligation.

If a child under three in out-of-home care requires special education evaluation and/or services for early intervention services (AzEIP), it is the responsibility of AzEIP to determine who shall act as the special education parent. The DCS Specialist should cooperate with and assist AzEIP in meeting this obligation.

When the identity and whereabouts of the biological or adoptive parent are known, the LEA must make reasonable efforts to contact the parent to ensure the parent’s consent for special education evaluation and/or services. The LEA may contact the DCS Specialist or supervisor to obtain information as to the parent(s). The DCS Specialist should provide this information to the LEA staff. The biological or adoptive parent has parental decision making authority for special education evaluation and/or services for a child in out-of-home care, except when:
  • parental rights have been terminated;
  • a parent cannot be identified or located;
  • a court has suspended the parent’s education rights or appointed a legal guardian/issued an order permitting others to serve if certain events occur.

When a known and located parent does not attempt to serve as the special education parent for a child in out-of-home care, the DCS Specialist is to ensure that the LEA obtains a special education parent for the child. The Department’s preference order for whom should serve as the special education parent in this situation is:
  • a court appointed legal guardian authorized to act as the child’s parent (but not the State or an employee of a contractor of the State, if the child is a ward of the State);
  • kinship caregiver or licensed foster parent with whom the child resides;
  • surrogate parent.

When the identity and/or whereabouts of the biological or adoptive parent is unknown, the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent with whom the child resides or the court appointed legal guardian may serve as the special education parent without court appointment. If a surrogate parent is needed for a child age 3 or over, the surrogate parent must be appointed by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) or the court.

When a known and located parent is willing to make special education decisions for a child, but the LEA or DCS Specialist does not believe it is in the best interest of the child, the Department may petition the court for termination of the parent’s rights to make special education decisions. If the petition is granted, another special education parent must be appointed. This person could be the kinship foster caregiver, the foster parent or a surrogate parent. ADE does not have authority to determine the fitness of a parent to make special educational decisions.

Only AzEIP or the court may appoint a surrogate for children with a disability under age 3. See Arizona Early Intervention Program

Every child in out-of-home care shall have an individualized Out-of-Home Care Plan that specifies:
  • the child’s educational status, i.e., last school attended, last grade completed, current school attending, grade level performance, whether evaluated for or receiving special education services;
  • services already provided and to be provided to the child or out-of-home caregiver to address the child’s educational needs; and
  • whether the child is attending their home school or district.

The Department shall:
  • Provide sexuality developmental education to children in out-of-home care in collaboration with the out-of-home care providers, schools, public health and community agencies.
  • Work with early intervention, schools, ADE or the court to ensure that children who are wards of the court and require special educational evaluation and/or services have a special education parent represent their special education needs.
  • Work cooperatively with the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) to ensure that children requiring residential treatment receive appropriate educational services including special education services; provide the RTC with necessary information on the child and parent so that the RTC can submit the Initial Education Voucher Application to appropriate educational authorities.

Decision Making
Decision: Where will the child attend school?
Children in out-of-home care may have the option to remain in their home school or district at the time of the initial removal from their home and each subsequent placement. Work with the out-of-home caregiver, the LEA, and the parent, if appropriate, to determine if it is in the child’s best interest to remain in his/her current school or district or to attend the local school where the child is placed. In making this decision, consider the following:
  • the safety of the child;
  • the wishes of the parent, caregiver and child;
  • the distance and time for the child to travel to and from the school he/she is attending at the time of placement;
  • the child’s academic, developmental, and socialization needs;
  • the effect a school change will have on the child's learning; and
  • for high school students, any potential for loss of credits which may occur due to changing schools in the middle of a term or semester.

Decision: Does the parent serve as the IDEA Parent (aka special education parent)?
If any of the following circumstances exist, the parent will not serve as the special education parent:
  • The identity of a parent (biological or adoptive) is unknown.
  • The whereabouts of a parent is unknown.
  • Parental rights have been terminated.
  • The court has suspended a parent’s special educational rights.

If the biological or adoptive parent attempts to serve as the special education parent but the DCS Specialist or LEA representative does not believe it is in the child’s best interest, the DCS Specialist shall request that the assigned Assistant Attorney General file a motion to suspend the parent’s special education rights and authorize another individual to serve in this role. ADE does not have authority to determine the fitness of a parent to make special educational decisions.

If the parent does not attempt to serve, refuses to participate following a request by the LEA or has a no contact order, the DCS Specialist should review the initial court orders to see if those circumstances are addressed. NOTE: This language should be in all initial orders after March 2007.

If the parent is incarcerated or residing in a residential mental health or drug treatment facility and the parent wishes to serve as the special education parent, arrangements can be made to obtain necessary signatures and a parent may participate in IEP meetings through telephone conferencing. The DCS Specialist may be asked for information as to the parent’s whereabouts, but the LEA has responsibility for getting the parent's participation.

Decision: Does the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent serve as the IDEA parent (aka special education parent)?
To determine if the child’s kinship foster caregiver or foster parent will act as the special education parent when:
  • the parent’s special education rights have been suspended by the court; or
  • the identity or whereabouts of the parent are unknown; or
  • parental rights have been terminated:
  • answer the following questions:
    • Is the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent willing and able to act as the special education parent?
    • Does the DCS Specialist anticipate that the child will reside with the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent for the duration of the school year?
    • If the DCS Specialist anticipates that the child will be moving to another placement, is the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent willing to attend surrogate parent training and be appointed by ADE or the court as the surrogate parent for the child (in order to be the IDEA parent when the child no longer lives with him/her)?

Decision: Does a surrogate parent need to be appointed to serve as the IDEA parent (aka special education parent)?
To determine if a surrogate parent is needed to serve as the child’s special education parent, answer the following questions:
  • Is the identity or whereabouts of a parent unknown?
  • Have the parental rights been terminated?
  • Has the court suspended the parent’s educational rights or appointed a legal guardian?
  • Does the child currently reside in a shelter, group care or residential placement and the parent is not attempting to serve as the special education parent?
  • Is the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent unwilling to be the special education parent?
  • If the DCS Specialist anticipates that the child will be moving or has moved to another placement (such as a shelter, group or residential placement), is the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent willing to attend surrogate parent training and be appointed by ADE or the court as the surrogate parent for the child?

Enrollment in School
Any time a child enters an out-of-home placement, or is moved to a new out-of-home placement, the DCS Specialist should ensure that the child is enrolled in school as soon as possible. School age children placed in kinship care, foster care or group care should be enrolled in school within 5 days of the date of placement. School age children placed in an emergency shelter or an emergency receiving foster home should be enrolled in school within 5 days from the date of placement or the date the Department determines that the child will remain in the shelter facility. Schools should make every effort to enroll foster children, even if the foster child’s records (including a birth certificate and those dealing with immunizations) or clothing normally required for school enrollment are not available. The DCS Specialist should contact the LEA liaison if he/she learns of problems in this area.

When a child requires an out-of-home placement or a subsequent change in placement, and the placement is outside the boundaries of the child's home school (or the school currently attending) or district, the DCS Specialist , in coordination with the LEA, should determine if it is in the best interest of the child to remain in his/her home (or current) school or district (aka HSD or home school) or to attend the local school where the child is in placement. In making this determination, the DCS Specialist will need to consider:
  • the safety of the child;
  • the wishes of the parent, caregiver and child;
  • the distance and time for the child to travel to and from the school he/she is attending at the time of placement;;
  • projected duration of out-of-home placement;
  • the child’s academic, developmental, and socialization needs;
  • the effect a school change will have on the child's learning; and
  • for high school students, any potential for loss of credits which may occur due to changing schools in the middle of a term or semester.

If the DCS Specialist determines it is in the child’s best interest to be enrolled in the local school where the foster parent resides, the DCS Specialist should give the out-of-home caregiver the Notice to Providers (Out-of-home, Education, and Medical), CSO-1035A and request that the out-of-home caregiver enroll the child immediately.

When a child, age three or older, requires an out-of-home placement, it is the responsibility of the DCS Specialist to obtain the child’s educational records. In order to obtain the educational records, the initial court documents filed by the Assistant Attorney General will include a proposed Order to Release Education Records for each child in the case age three or older.

The DCS Specialist should provide a copy of the signed order and a letter requesting educational records to the school the child currently attends or will be attending or the previous early intervention (AzEIP) provider.

To expedite this process the DCS Specialist should:
  • Locate the name of the school/principal, phone number, facsimile number and address of any public school by utilizing Arizona Department of Education Website .
  • Address the letter to: Principal/school registrar at (name and address of school) if the principal’s name is still unknown.
  • Fax the Order and letter or deliver the Order and letter in person to the school office.
  • Contact the school office to see when the records will be available.

When the DCS Specialist receives the education records, review the records to determine:
  • if the child was evaluated for special education services; and
  • if special education services were recommended or rendered (look for documentation that would indicate Individual Education Program (IEP), Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Adapted Physical Education (PE), Low Vision, Orientation and Mobility or Functional Behavioral Assessment).
  • The child’s previous grades, attendance, special interests/talents, extracurricular activities, educational and discipline issues.

Within 5 days of receipt, provide education records or relevant information to the out-of-home caregiver and, upon request, provide copies of the records to the CASA, Guardian ad litem (GAL), FCRB, attorneys in the case and others specified in the Order relating to release of education records.

To obtain early intervention records for children under three, contact the AzEIP Service Coordinator to coordinate the release of records. The special education parent must consent to sharing records with the DCS Specialist as there is no applicable court order. The AzEIP Service Coordinator and the DCS Specialist should collaborate to obtain consent. When consent can not be obtained, a court order is required.

The DCS Specialist should:
  • Cooperate with the out-of-home caregiver to ensure adequate communication with the child's school.
  • Make every reasonable effort to ensure that appointments, visits and other non-school related activities are scheduled during non-school hours whenever possible. Examples of reasonable efforts include but are not limited to:
    • schedule (and arrange transportation to) visitation between the child and his/her family including parents and siblings during non-school hours;
    • identify health care providers and other service providers who have extended office hours (see CMDP website);
    • requesting any provider to make appointments prior to or after school hours;
    • for a child(ren) who wishes to attend a court hearing (particularly older youth), consult with the child’s attorney and/or the assigned Assistant Attorney General to make a request that the court schedule the hearing after the child’s school hours.
  • When a child requires special education evaluation and/or services, collaborate with AzEIP (for children under three) or the LEA (for children three and older) to ensure that a special education parent is determined and advocate that the special education parent makes a referral to AzEIP (for children birth to three) or to the child’s LEA (for children three and older) to evaluate and/or meet the child's special education needs.
  • Maintain contact with the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent, school staff, and special parent to obtain school information.
  • After being invited, attend IEP/IFSP meetings as an interested party.
  • Attend meetings or conferences related to the child's education.
  • Encourage the out-of-home caregiver to take the lead role in monitoring and advocating for services to meet the child's educational needs. Assist the out-of-home caregiver in this role if needed.
  • At the end of each academic year, the DCS Specialist shall obtain the child’s school records to ensure the education record remains current.
  • Commend the child who is doing well in school.
  • Ensure that parents, whose rights have not been terminated (and where safety is not an issue and it is in the child’s best interest), are informed of and involved in their child’s educational services to the greatest extent possible.
  • Monitor the child's educational status by requesting updates from the out-of-home caregiver and the child (if verbal) during monthly contacts and at the time of case plan staffings. Request that the out-of-home caregiver supply a copy of awards earned, the child's report card and any other significant records when received, i.e., IEP, IFSP and discipline records.
  • Prior to and during the case plan staffings, provide family and service team members comprehensive information on the educational status of the child and the service and support needs of the out-of-home caregiver in relation to the child's education. Elicit the comments and recommendations of the family and service team members, and reach consensus, whenever possible, on the outcomes, tasks and services required to meet the child's educational needs. Ensure that all team members know their roles with regard to the child’s educational issues. See Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan .
  • Notify the child's LEA if a child will no longer attend the school or is expected to be absent from school more than ten days due to change in residence, emergency shelter, hospitalization or run away status.

The DCS Specialist should work co-operatively with the LEA to ensure a parent as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, (also known as special education parent) participates in all decision-making regarding special education evaluation and/or special education services.

The DCS Specialist should provide input to the LEA or charter school. A special education parent should be identified using the Department’s preference order:
  • biological or adoptive parent of a child;
  • a court appointed guardian (but not the State or an employee of a contractor of the State);
  • a foster parent or kinship foster caregiver;
  • a surrogate parent appointed by the ADE or the court.

A request for an initial evaluation can come from the special education parent of the child, state education agency, other state agency or local education agency. Consent by the special education is required to gather additional data in the evaluation process and for the initial provision of special education services.

To ensure the timely appointment of a special education parent, the DCS Specialist must:
  • Work collaboratively with the LEA.
  • Provide necessary identifying information about the parent (name, address, phone number) to the LEA.
  • Inform the LEA whether the parent’s identity or whereabouts are unknown.
  • Inform and discuss with the parent their right to be the special education parent unless:
    • Parental rights are terminated.
    • The whereabouts of the parents are unknown.
    • A judge suspends the parent’s educational rights.
    • The Department has an order addressing non-cooperation or refusal to be involved on the part of the parent, or a no contact order.
    • The Department or LEA files a motion with the court to suspend a parent’s special education rights and to authorize the appointment of another individual to serve as the special education parent. (NOTE: This language should be in all initial orders after March 2007 for the following examples.)
      • Termination of parental rights is planned.
      • The parent’s participation as the special education parent would be detrimental to the health and safety of the child.
      • The parent or the parent’s attorney has informed the LEA or the Department that the parent will not serve as the special education parent.

If the parent is not eligible to act as the special education parent, determine if the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent is willing and able to act as the special education parent. In making this determination, the DCS Specialist must anticipate whether the child is likely to remain in or move from the current placement during the current school year. If the child will be moving to another placement during the current school year, the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent should be willing and able to remain the child’s special education parent as an approved surrogate parent appointed by ADE or the court. The kinship foster caregiver or foster parent must have the willingness and ability to:
  • review all of the child’s relevant records and reports;
  • participate in developing the child’s IEP or IFSP and attend other education-related meetings;
  • represent the child in any mediation or appeal proceedings;
  • monitor the child’s progress; and
  • adhere to confidentiality requirements.

If, after considering the factors delineated above, it is determined that the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent, with whom the child resides, should serve as the special education parent, the DCS Specialist should:
  • Make this recommendation to the LEA.
  • If the LEA agrees with this recommendation, and the identity and whereabouts of the parent is known, contact the Assistant Attorney General to determine if a court order has already been entered to address the situation or to obtain a court order approving the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent as the special education parent. No court order is needed if the identity and/or whereabouts of the parent or guardian are unknown.
  • If the child changes placements and the kinship foster caregiver or foster parent wishes to remain the special education parent, he/she must be approved by ADE as eligible to be a surrogate parent and be appointed by ADE or the court as the child’s surrogate parent in order to continue serving as the child’s special education parent.

Kinship foster caregivers or foster parents who are interested in attending voluntary training in their role as the special education parent, should contact the Arizona Department of Education’s (ADE) Exceptional Student Services, Parent Information Network (PIN) at 602-542-3852. Contact information for the PIN Specialists (by county) may also be found at the website

A surrogate parent must be appointed when a biological or adoptive parent, kinship foster caregiver or foster parent, or a court appointed legal guardian (but not the State) is not available to act as the special education parent and a child in out-of-home care requires evaluation for or special education services.
  • When a surrogate parent is required, the LEA must contact ADE to obtain a list of approved surrogate parents. To obtain the list or to obtain a copy of the ADE policies on surrogate parent appointment, contact ADE/Exceptional Student Services (ESS) at 602-542-4013. The Department prefers that the surrogate parent be someone who knows the child well: for example, a relative, a person who has a significant relationship with the child, a previous kinship foster caregiver or foster parent, or a CASA. An employee of a shelter or another emergency placement may temporarily serve as a surrogate parent. However, in this event, the LEA must immediately begin the process of appointing a surrogate parent.
  • When sending interested adults to ADE to be certified as a surrogate parent, refer an individual who has the ability to:
    • Review all of the child’s relevant records and reports.
    • Participate in developing the child’s IEP or IFSP and attend other education meetings.
    • Represent the child in any mediation or appeal proceedings.
    • Monitor the child’s progress.
    • Adhere to confidentiality requirements.
  • All approved surrogate parents must:
    • Be available, capable and willing to act as a surrogate parent for a particular child:
    • Have a fingerprint clearance card.
    • Have surrogate parent training.
    • Be appointed by the Court or ADE to act as the surrogate parent.
    • Have no personal or professional conflict of interest with the child.
  • Once the LEA has selected a possible surrogate, the LEA representative must seek appointment of a surrogate parent with the ADE or the court.

When a biological or adoptive parent is willing to serve as the special education parent but the LEA Representative or the DCS Specialist determines it is not in the best interest of the child (i.e. termination of parental rights is planned, the parent’s participation as the special education parent would be detrimental to the health and safety of the child), the DCS Specialist should:
  • obtain the name, address and telephone number of the possible surrogate parent and the LEA Representative;
  • contact the Assistant Attorney General and request that a motion and order for appointment of a special education parent be filed with the court using the form Motion for the Appointment of IDEA/Surrogate Parent (CT01500); and
  • provide the necessary name and address of the possible surrogate parent, LEA Representative and out-of-home caregiver to the Assistant Attorney General.
    • The Assistant Attorney General will ensure that a copy of this motion and any proposed order is provided to all parties in the dependency proceeding, to the possible surrogate parent, the out-of-home caregiver and the LEA Representative.
      • The names and addresses of the LEA Representative, the out-of-home caregiver and the surrogate parent shall only be omitted from the motion (or any other filings) if there is a “no-contact” order issued by a court or, in the opinion of the Assistant Attorney General, after consultation with the DCS Specialist and/or the LEA representative, there is a need to protect this information.
      • If this information is not provided in the court filings, the DCS Specialist has the responsibility to ensure that all filings (including orders) as to this issue are copied to the LEA Representative, the out-of-home caregiver and the possible or appointed surrogate parent.

When a child moves from one out-of-home placement to another placement, including a move to or from foster care to RTC, the DCS Specialist should notify the surrogate parent and the LEA about the child’s move and provide the surrogate parent with the name, address and phone number of the new out-of-home caregiver, group home or RTC.

Termination of Surrogate Parent Anointment
If the surrogate parent was appointed by a court, after consulting with the LEA, consider requesting that the court terminate the appointment of the surrogate parent if there is not already a court order addressing the following issues:
  • The child is returned to a parent;
  • Special education services are no longer necessary;
  • The biological parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian becomes available and is willing to serve;
  • The child turns 18 years of age;
  • The child is no longer a ward of the court; or
  • The surrogate parent is not adequately representing the interests of the child.

Consult with your Assistant Attorney General to determine if a surrogate parent order exists that provides for the termination to occur upon one of the above listed changes in circumstances.

For ADE surrogate appointments, refer to ADE polices and procedures. To obtain the ADE policies and procedures, contact ADE/Exceptional Student Services (ESS) at 602-542-4013

See Referring a Child to the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP),
  • for information on referring a child with a suspected disability or delay;
  • when support and services are indicated for eligible children (with disabilities and developmental delays) and their families;
  • regarding procedures for identifying an IDEA parent (also known as special education parent) for eligible children.

All children, ages zero to three, who are placed in out-of-home care, are eligible for Early Head Start. All children, ages four to five, who are placed in out-of-home care, are eligible for Head Start.
  • Eligibility does not ensure enrollment. Space in Head Start programs is limited.
  • Enrollment is based on:
    • availability of the service; and
    • a first come first served basis. To maximize a child’s probability of service, make an application as early as possible.
  • For a list of contact information for Early Head Start and Head Start Programs, visit the website and refer to the Arizona Head Start Association’s annual report.

When a child is placed in a residential treatment center (RTC) with an on-site school, the:
  • DCS Specialist or Behavioral Health Specialist must provide the RTC with child and parent information including the child’s DOB, grade, last school attended, SAIS number (if known) and the parent’s name, address and phone number. This information will assist in determining the child’s home school or district(HSD).
  • RTC will complete the Initial Education Voucher and submit the voucher to the child’s LEA within 5 days of placement.
  • The HSD shall conduct an evaluation to determine if the child is eligible for special education services. For students who have previously been determined eligible for special education services, a review of the student’s IEP must be conducted. Either procedure must be completed within the first 60 days of placement.
  • The LEA will complete an evaluation, or for students who have previously been determined eligible for special education services, a review of educational placement, within 60 days of placement.
  • The LEA will submit a Home School District Voucher Application packet to the Arizona Department of Education.
  • If the child’s RTC placement is expected to continue into the next school year, the RTC will initiate the Continuing Education Voucher Application.

If a child is eligible for special education services and an LEA through the IEP process determines that a child in out-of-home care may need to be placed in an RTC on-ground school for educational purposes, the LEA must determine if the child is currently receiving behavioral health services through a RBHA. If the child is not currently enrolled with a RBHA, the school will make a referral for a comprehensive behavioral health evaluation. In both situations, an IEP meeting will be convened and include a RBHA representative.

When a child requires continued or ongoing educational placement in an RTC setting the DCS Specialist should:
  • Participate in all education staffings.
  • Work with the home school district and RTC prior to child’s discharge from RTC to plan as smooth a transition as possible into the public school and to collaborate regarding the appropriate discharge date.
  • Terminate RTC placements made for educational purposes only after an IEP team is convened and a review determines that termination of residential placement is appropriate.

Enter the child's educational status and any significant educational history or needs into the Participant Education Detail and Participant Special Education Condition windows. Update the Participant Education Detail and Participant Special Education Condition windows whenever the child changes schools, or is diagnosed with a special education condition. Prior to each case plan staffing, request updated information on the child's educational status and needs, and update the Participant Education Detail and Participant Special Education Condition windows.

Document the outcomes, tasks, services, and supports identified prior to and during the case plan staffing to meet the child's educational needs in the Case Plan under Child's Needs, Supports, and Services. Provide explanations associated with any of the outcomes, tasks, services, or supports to serve as the child's education plans.

In the Case Plan under Child's Needs, Supports, and Services, specify whether the child is attending the home school or district, and if not, provide an explanation.

File copies of the child's educational records in the hard copy case record.

File a copy of the child’s Medical Summary Report in the hard copy file to document that the form was provided and reviewed with the out-of-home caregiver

Document the discussion of the child's educational status and needs with the out-of-home caregiver using the Case Notes window.

Document the plan for collaborating to ensure the child is provided services to help the child achieve his or her educational potential in the Case Plan under Child's Needs, Supports, and Services.

When a child must change schools due to entry into out-of-home care, or to a subsequent placement change, document the following information using the Key Issues case note type:
  • agency efforts made to keep the child in the same school;
  • the reason it was not in the child's best interests to remain in the same school; and
  • any delay in enrolling the child in or transferring the child's educational records to the new school.

Keep copies of all Individual Education Plans and other educational reports in the hard copy record.

Document notification to the school that a child is withdrawn or expected to be absent from school using the Case Notes window designated as Collateral Contact type.


Effective Date: February 6, 2018

Revision History: November 30, 2012

Chapter 3: Section 10.1
Aging & Adult Services  
Department of Child Safety (DCS) shall refer to Adult Protective Services (APS):

  • reports involving adults, 18 years or older, who are in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation;

  • reports of spousal abuse, when there are no children in the home;

  • young adults who are in need of protection and who are no longer eligible for foster care due to graduation from high school or age; and

  • parents of dependent children who are consented to the adoption of a child or upon whom a termination of parental rights petition has been filed, if the parents themselves are in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Central Intake Unit: All information regarding adults in need of protective services, 24-hours, are referred to the Adult Protective Services Hotline @ 1-877-767-2385 (SOS-ADULT). If information is provided to Hotline staff that the reported individual is in imminent harm, the caller will be advised to call 9-1-1, or Hotline staff will place the call to ensure law enforcement receives the information.

Refer young adults who are preparing to leave foster care and require continued protection to Adult Protective Services at least six months before the termination of foster care services.

Provide APS with necessary documentation and participate in case conferences to plan for the transition of case management responsibilities.

If disagreements arise regarding case management responsibilities, conduct a case conference that includes:

  • the DCS Specialist and Aging and Adult Administration (AAA) intake worker;
  • their supervisors; and
  • the Regional Program Administrator and AAA Program Supervisor, or designees, as necessary.

The case conference may be conducted in person or by telephone.

If consensus is not reached, refer the situation to the DCS and AAA Program Deputy Directors for resolution within one working day.

Document the case conference using the Case Notes window designated as Case Conference type.


Effective Date::November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 10.2
Services for Incarcerated Parents
Reunification services shall be provided to a parent who is incarcerated and a party to a dependency case unless the court relieves the Department of the responsibility to provide services based on a finding of aggravating circumstances.

The Department of Child Safety shall communicate with incarcerated parents and appropriate correctional service staff to inform them of case plan, service needs, and to determine what reunification services may be provided at the correctional facility. If available, reunification services may be provided by the correctional facility if the inmate is eligible and allowed by Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) regulations. Otherwise, the Department must provide reunification services if allowed by ADC regulations.

The parent, to the extent possible, shall participate in case plan staffings, visitation, and services.

Determining appropriate reunification services
If the court has ordered reunification services, consider the following questions:
  • What services are necessary to achieve a permanency goal of family reunification and which of those services can the parent receive while incarcerated?
  • What tasks need to be completed to facilitate the parent’s participation in case plan staffings, court and Foster Care Review Board hearings and other activities associated with the case?
    • Can the planning meetings and visitation between the parent and child be held in the correctional facility?
    • What arrangements need to be made with the correctional facility in order to ensure parent/child visits occur?
    • Is the caregiver willing to transport the child to the facility for visitation with the parent? Can the DCS Specialist help alleviate any anxieties they may have?
  • Does the location of the correctional facility substantially hinder visitation between the child and parent? If so, how can the team address this barrier?
  • Does the security status of the parent prevent visitation between the parent and child? If so, is there any opportunity for flexibility at the correctional facility? If not, can phone calls and mail be used as a means to ensure child-parent interaction?
  • Has the parent or any other team member requested or has the court ordered contact with the child?
  • Will lack of contact between the child and parent compromise achievement of the case plan goal?
  • Has a mental health professional indicated that visitation between the parent and child would be detrimental to the child?
  • If contact between the parent and child is not appropriate or feasible, can the parent-child relationship be maintained in other ways?
  • What/who can assist the parent to maintain or establish a parental relationship?

Provide the parent with the name and addresses for the court and their assigned attorney handling the dependency proceedings.

Notify the parent of court and Foster Care Review Board hearings and case plan staffings, and make certain his/her voice and perspective are represented during these hearings and staffings.

Invite the parent and, whenever possible, facilitate the parent’s participation in case plan staffings.

Contact the correctional service facility staff to arrange for the parent to participate in case plan staffings and Foster Care Review Board hearings telephonically or in person.

Develop a family intervention and a contact and visitation plan with the parent. Consider the following factors when developing the visitation plan: age of the child, distance to the prison, the potential impact of in-person prison visits on the child, and appropriateness of the parent/child during previous visits.

Include in plan the frequency of contact between the parent and the DCS Specialist . See Planning Services and Supports to Achieve the Permanency Goal to determine when an exception to monthly face-to-face contact with the parent is appropriate.

Ensure the parent is fully aware of the case plan tasks that must be completed to maintain the parent-child relationship, to facilitate family reunification and the consequences if the parent fails to complete the tasks. Provide a copy of the case plan to the parent.
To obtain services for a parent who is incarcerated at the ADC, contact with the parent’s Correctional Officer III. Coordinate contact between the parent and the Correctional Officer III. For those parents detained in county jail facilities, contact the program coordinator.

Make a written request for available services in the prison facility. If services are not available, request permission for the Department to provide on-site reunification services to the parent. Request any assessments, evaluations, or other information to further explore service needs as appropriate.

Request the parent complete a release of information with ADC to share the results of any assessments or evaluations.

Complete the Authorization to Disclose Health Information (CSO-1038A) to allow the agencies to share information regarding mental health and/or substance abuse treatment for a parent participating in these services.

Request from the parent and/or Correctional Officer III confirmation of the parent’s participation in services.

In carrying out the visitation plan, consult your supervisor if restrictions or concerns regarding in-person prison visitations arise. If the child is being negatively impacted by in-person prison visits, consult with a psychologist to assist in determining the appropriateness of continuing the visits. If it is determined the visitation is detrimental to the child and not in the child’s best interests, facilitate the parent/ child relationships through other means such as letters, phone calls, gifts, etc.

If reunification services are not required
Discuss with the assigned Assistant Attorney General whether the parent’s criminal history and length of incarceration might justify pursuing an order waiving reunification services and/or pursuing a permanency goal other than reunification with the incarcerated parent.

While seeking an order waiving reunification services based on aggravating circumstances, will the lack of or discontinuation of services compromise implementation of another permanent plan for the child, especially adoption?

If reunification services will not enable the parent to adequately address the risk factors within a time frame that meets the permanency needs of the child, consult with your supervisor and the assigned Attorney General regarding filing a motion with the court requesting a judicial finding that reunification services not be provided. This consultation may occur as early as the filing of the dependency petition. Continue to provide reunification services until the court relieves the Department of this responsibility.

If a decision is made to file such a motion, the report to the court should specifically address:
  • the aggravating circumstance you believe exists, justifying why services should be discontinued;
  • specific supportive facts regarding your conclusion;
  • a discussion of:
    • the age of the child and the relationship between the child’s age and the likelihood that incarceration will deprive the child of a permanent living arrangement;
    • the relationship of the child and parent prior to incarceration;
    • the degree to which the parent-child relationship can be continued and nurtured during incarceration;
    • the effect of deprivation of parental presence on the child;
    • the nature of the felony;
    • the length of the sentence;
    • the availability of another parent or caregiver to provide a normal home life.

If the court enters an order the Department is not required to provide reunification services, implement another permanent plan for the child .

Pima County Adult Detention Clearance
To request clearance to visit inmates at the Pima County Adult Detention Center (PCADC), complete the following:
  • Cover letter addressed to Sgt. Binnion and signed by your supervisor.
  • Pima County Adult Detention Center, Cleared Corrections Visitor (CCV) Request Form
  • Review the Professional Visitation Guidelines Sheet

Upon completion, deliver the signed cover letter and CCV Request Form to the front desk at PCADC. Expect to be cleared to visit inmates within 2-3 days.

Once cleared, that clearance will elapse at the end of one year unless a request is resubmitted.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 10.3
Dually Adjudicated Youth Services
The Department shall work in cooperation with the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections (ADJC) and County Juvenile Probation (JPO) when a youth has been dually adjudicated.

The Department shall participate in staffings jointly with ADJC, including the transition staffing conducted prior to the youth’s discharge from a secured facility if the child is in the custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) or if filing a dependency petition.

Cases that include youth who are in the care, custody and control of DCS and are either detained or incarcerated must remain open.

Case Management Coordination
Notify ADJC in writing prior to filing a dependency petition. Notify the Program Manager or designee of the dependency petition.

In addition to the case management activities as described in Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan, complete the following:
  • Participate in any ADJC transition staffing or other meeting concerning the youth (this includes a youth who is incarcerated in juvenile detention, in a community placement or placed with the parent or legal guardian).
  • When participating in the ADJC transition staffing or any other meetings, discuss placement, education, therapeutic and medical needs and the transition plan. If a dependency is to be filed, the DCS Specialist must attend the staffing.
  • Include the ADJC representative and/or parole/probation officer in all case plan staffings.
  • In conjunction with the ADJC staff, develop a case plan for the youth’s care in the community prior to his/her discharge from a secured facility. Ensure each agency’s responsibilities are identified in the case plan.
  • Monitor progress made towards the case plan permanency goal through regular communication with the assigned ADJC representative and/or parole/probation officer.

For children incarcerated or detained:
  • Coordinate with ADJC or the detention facility to ensure the youth’s medical needs are met (medical appointments completed/conditions treated).
  • If applicable, coordinate with ADJC or the detention facility for medication when a youth is detained.
  • Ensure the ADJC representative or parole officer and/or juvenile detention receives a copy of the youth’s Medical Summary Report.
  • Coordinate and communicate with ADJC, the detention facility, and/or the parole or probation officer the mental health needs and the assigned RBHA provider for the youth.
  • Notify the ADJC representative and/or parole or juvenile detention of youth’s medical condition and any need for medication.
  • Sign for receipt of any medications for the youth upon release from secure care.

Notify ADJC staff of any surrogate parent.

When appropriate, attend all review of placement hearings including those related to the delinquency petition.

Attend IEP and other school meetings and appointments when necessary. Complete and send educational vouchers. Ensure IEP’s are current, particularly during transition to a new placement. Ensure ADJC staff receives copy of the IEP.

Maintain contact with the child and provider according to Planning for Services and Supports to Achieve Permanency Goal.

When communicating with the ADJC representative and/or parole/ probation officer, include any observations regarding:
  • the child and child’s family;
  • school attendance including progress or suspension;
  • placement change recommendations;
  • case plan progress, and;
  • authorized contacts with child including sibling visitation.

Ensure the ADJC representative (parole) or probation officer receives copies of provider reports.

Assist in locating a community placement for the youth when appropriate and provide that placement with required information. If the child is released to DCS, assess the child’s placement needs and make a placement according to Out-of-Home Care Under a Dependency .

Engage the parent and all other pertinent family members in services in an effort to enable the family to care for the child without DCS involvement.

If the Dually Adjudicated Youth is 16 years of age or older, determine if it is appropriate to provide Independent Living Services as described in Independent Living Services and Supports .

Transition Planning
For children on probation:
  • Coordinate and communicate with juvenile probation to ensure the youth’s medical needs, including behavioral health care, are met.
  • Ensure the juvenile probation officer receives a copy of the youth’s Medical Summary report.
  • Contact a Mental Health Specialist to discuss the mental health needs and the assigned RBHA provider for the youth. The Mental Health Specialist will coordinate a MDCT staffing .
  • Contact the Mental Health Specialist to arrange an MDCT staffing .
  • Invite representatives from ADJC to participate in a transition planning meeting.
  • Encourage external mental health providers to participate once youth is discharged from a secure facility.

File a copy of the written notification to ADJC regarding the filing of a petition in the hard copy record.


Effective Date: November 30, 2012

Revision History:

Chapter 3: Section 11
Aftercare Planning and Services
Prior to closing an investigation or ongoing services case, the Department shall engage with the family to determine if there are any protective factors or protective capacities that can be enhanced in order to strengthen the family and reduce the risk of future child abuse or neglect.

The Department will assist the family to develop an aftercare plan to strengthen family functioning and reduce risk of abuse or neglect.

The Department will provide the family with information about accessing resources to implement the aftercare plan.

The Department will provide a written copy of the aftercare plan to the family.

Prior to closing an investigation or ongoing services case, meet with the child’s parents or guardians, and children age six and older, to develop an aftercare plan. Consider including people who provide positive support to the child and family, such as relatives, kin, other community supports, and service providers. Aftercare planning can occur during individual conversations and/or in team meetings, such as case plan staffings, Team Decision Making meetings, or Child and Family Team meetings.

To develop the aftercare plan, engage with the family to complete the following:
  • Based on information gathered during the Family Functioning Assessment, identify areas in which the family may need support. Consider current needs and anticipated future needs, which, if unaddressed, could lead to future child abuse or neglect.

  • Encourage the family to identify worries they have about the future.

  • Discuss each of the factors from the Protective Factors Framework:
    • parental resilience,
    • social connections,
    • concrete supports in times of need,
    • knowledge of parenting and child development, and
    • social and emotional competence of children.

  • Identify any protective factors or protective capacities that can be enhanced to strengthen the family and reduce the risk of future abuse or neglect, and the specific parent/guardian, child, or family behaviors or characteristics to be enhanced.

  • Create a plan to enhance the specific behaviors or characteristics. The plan will include a description of each identified need, and the steps the parent/guardian can take to address the need. If applicable, the plan will identify the specific service provider(s), including contact information and the date, time, and location of any upcoming appointments.

  • With the family, identify existing strengths and resources that can be used or developed to strengthen the family’s protective factors and/or the parent/guardian’s protective capacities.

  • Identify services that are being provided to the family now, and consider whether they will or should continue after DCS case closure. If needed, help the family to transition to another funding source or provider so that the services can continue.

When appropriate or necessary, help the family access services by explaining eligibility requirements, filling out forms, or introducing them to an individual who can help them negotiate getting access to the services they need (such as an intake worker at the service agency).

On the Aftercare Plan, (CSO-1349) document the specific behaviors or characteristics to be enhanced, the resources or services to address each behavior or characteristic, and contact information for service agencies or individuals. Provide the family with a written copy of the Aftercare Plan. Whenever possible, the written plan should be reviewed with the family to answer their questions, promote understanding, and encourage follow-through with the plan.

Additionally, complete the following according to the type of case being closed:
  • Investigation case – If the case is closing at the end of an investigation without provision of ongoing services, provide a community resource list to the family, including the parent help line. As appropriate to the family’s circumstances, also provide information on safe sleep for babies, how to parent teenagers, why spanking does not work, and crisis services. All cases that are closed at investigation must be closed within 60 days of receipt of the report.

  • In-home services case (voluntary or court-involved) – Communicate with any service providers currently working with the family to determine if they have or will be completing a Protective Factors survey. Base the aftercare plan on the results of their assessment.

  • Reunification – At least thirty days before case closure , discuss aftercare planning and services. Provide the parents with information, documents, and resources to meet the child(ren)’s identified needs in these areas: physical health, mental and behavioral health (including substance abuse, if applicable), social and emotional development, and education.

  • Young Adult – Involve the youth throughout the aftercare planning process. Provide information to the young adult regarding health insurance, support for continuing education, Transitional Independent Living Program (TILP ) services, the re-entry process into DCS supervised services after exiting care at age 18 years or older, and other concrete and social sources of support such as mentor programs, work force supports, or employment services. As needed, review and revise the transition plan. If not previously provided, give the young adult a certified copy of their birth certificate, Social Security card, state identification card (unless ineligible to receive), and a copy of his/her education and health record. See Preparing Youth for Age of Majority: Voluntary Foster Care and Discharge Planning for additional information.

Document in the Case Notes window all meetings to engage with the family to develop the aftercare plan, including the names and roles of people involved; needs identified by the family; existing strengths, resources, and services; and the identified protective capacities and/or protective factors the can be enhanced to reduce risk of future abuse or neglect.

Document in the Case Notes window:
  • the information provided to the family about accessing resources to implement the aftercare plan;
  • when appropriate the family’s circumstances, information provided to the family on safe sleep for babies, how to parent teenagers, why spanking does not work, and crisis services;
  • information, documents, and resources provided to parents to meet the children’s identified physical health, behavioral health, developmental, and educational needs; and
  • information provided to a young adult about services available to him/her, and any documents or records provided to him/her, such as birth certificate, social security card, state identification card, and education and health records.

On the Aftercare Plan (CSO-1349A), document the specific behaviors or characteristics to be enhanced, the resources or services to address each behavior or characteristic, and contact information for service agencies or individuals.

Attach a copy of the completed Aftercare Plan (CSO-1349A) form to a case note. In the aftercare plan narrative box of the Case Closure window, document the date and time of the case note where the Aftercare Plan (CSO-1349A) can be found.

If the case is ready to close following documentation of the aftercare plan, refer to Case Closure for additional requirements.

During supervisory case progress review meetings, confirm that the DCS Specialist has discussed aftercare planning with the family if the case is nearing closure. Confirm that the aftercare plan adequately addresses the family’s needs as identified in the Child Safety and Risk Assessment or the Continuous Child Safety and Risk Assessment, and discussion with the family and team members. Prior to approving a case closure, ensure the aftercare planning discussion and the Aftercare Plan (CSO-1349A) have been documented in the electronic case record.


Effective Date: February 6, 2018

Revision History: November 30, 2012, June 12, 2017


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