Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Message From The Author

I noticed this morning that someone made a short little clip for announcing that there is a link that you can download a few of the books I have written.  I am shocked but I am feel a sense of relief.  When I first started this page, my main objective was to put the information out there so other parents did not have to struggle to find the information they needed.  I wanted to educate everyone as to who Child Protection Services is, and what it is that they do.  I believe I can honestly say, that my mission has been accomplished.  When CPS first came into my life back in 2002, there was very little information out there.  Now with the work of others like the people from Legally Kidnapped, and Parents Rights, and The Social Workers Wall Of Shame, and other important groups, we have all got the information out there.  I am very honored to say I was a part of that.  I gave this Parental Advocacy specializing in parents and Child Protection Services, the past 10 years of my life.  It has been an amazing ride, and I have met some pretty amazing people along the way.
To any parents who are new into this whole process, my words to you are this, hang in there, you will get through this.  Just do your case plan, as requested by the Juvenile Court System, and do it in the time they gave you to do it.  If your children were taken away because of drug use, then you have got to decide, which one to you is more important.  If your kids are the most important then stay off the drugs.  You cannot beat the system, and if you try the ones you will be hurting will be your children.  Because when you get them back and you continue to use, its just a matter of time until Child Protection Services will be back in your life.  And they will be taken again.  And that right there is how you as a parent are endangering your child.  Being in foster care is far from being the best circumstances for your children.
I wish you all only the best. And here is to your future.  God Bless.

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