Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Anonymous on 3/21/19

Anonymous on 3/21/19 "Wow, where do I start my goodness. Well I'll start by thanking you for publishing this. I was looking for information regarding the parents rights to help out my friend and his wife to get their kids back from cps, when I came across this site. Everything I needed to find is all here in your website. I wish that this information was available to me back in December 2000 when my family was destroyed by cps. If only I knew then what I just read now my kids would have never been taken. But unfortunately they were taken and I was arrested. We were living in a hotel apartments that the county helped us move into. We were going to move out of state the next morning I had the train tickets, packed boxes and our suitcases packed and near the front door. My husband and I took our four small kids ages 6,5,3,& 18 month old to the movies the night before when we came home I had sold our refrigerator to the hotel managers since we were moving and we were leaving in a matter of hours. It had been a on CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES" To the person going by Anonymous, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your compliment. And to say that I am sorry my page was not around sooner to help you with your own children. I am thankful to you for the help you gave your friend with finding this page, and i am thankful it was able to help her in any way. When I was reading what happened with you, I flashed back to our own case, and I cried for us and then I cried for you. It tears me apart that the parents who love their children and would never hurt their children and did everything for their kids are the ones Child Protection services seems to single out the most, and they keep our kids from us, and give back other kids that end up beaten and dead. I guess I will never understand this world. But, any way Anonymous you hang in there and you stay strong, and remember they may take the kids from the parents but they will never take the parents out of the kids. And if you ever just want to talk or correspond via email with someone who has walked a mile or two in your shoes, just hit me up. Best Of Wishes, Jessica Lynn Hepner

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