Friday, June 28, 2019

Almost a Million Hits

On January 07. 2008, I made my first Blogger post, and now 11 years later, and with 992,911 hits to the page, I sit back in awe.  I would have never thought I would make 100 hits, let alone almost a million.  Over the years i have met, and talked to some amazing people, and hearing time and time again, how much this Blog has helped people touches my heart in more ways then anyone could ever know.
When Child Protection Services came into my life 13 years ago, I was mortified, and there was nowhere to find the information that I was seeking.  I had to search and search and search, and all the information seemed to be spread out.  So what I wanted to do, was put all that information in  one place so it was easily available.  And since the laws can be tricky to understand, I wanted to make it as simple and less confusing as I could.
One of the things that I wanted to try and do was take the stigma and the shame out of the fact that CPS was in their life.  There should be no shame, because it happens to damn near everyone, regardless of race, or income, or social status.  If it's going to happen it is going to happen.  When you are going through a CPS case you are going to need all the support of friends, family and others who have gone through it or are currently going through it.  They say it takes a community to raise a child, well it takes a community to jump through the hoops of CPS to get your children back as well.  Don't ever be ashamed or too embarrassed to ask for help, that is what we are here for, is to help one another.  Also don't let the experience and all that you learned go to waste, pass all that on to someone else who is now in the same place you were not too long ago.    It's called "Play it Forward."

I wanted to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to comment and to contact me over the  years.  Your support is what was my inspiration. I want to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank You.

So God Bless each and everyone of you.  Thank you for all the continued support.

 Jessica Lynn Hepner- Parental Advocate

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