Saturday, December 28, 2019

Kalelyn Nicole Davis

Katelyn Nicole Davis was a 12 year old girl who tragically took her own life on December 30, 2016. In 2 days that will be 3 years ago. Her death still rocks me to the core of my being. Such a beautiful. Young girl with her whole life ahead of her. Such a sad shame. I am truely disgusted in the fact that everyone in her life let her down. Child Protection Services failed her miserable. Not to mention her mother and her step father. Both, in my opinion are the biggest pieces of shit to ever walk on the face of the earth. Her step father fir abusing her mentally, physically and sexually. And her mother for not protecting her. For chosing her "best friend" over her own daughter. 
But anyway I just wanted to take a moment to remember Kaitlyn as the beautiful soul she really was.  I pray that she has found peace. RIP Sweet Child. You will never be forgotten and you will forever be loved and forever be missed. 
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