Friday, August 28, 2020

Jessica's Piece of the story

Oldest Brother Ric and Nadia Rose
Nadia Rose

Nadia Rose

Nadia Rose Little Bro Zane and Mom Jessica

Nadia Rose

Nadia Rose and Brother Jimmie Wayne 

Nadia Rose Fuller went into foster care in January 2020.  Her mother was a single mom doing her best to raise 3 small children with no help from the children’s’ fathers. One day it got to the point where Jessica knew she could not do everything she needed to do for the proper care of her 3 small children.  SO, after a few discussions with a friend of hers, she decided to give temporary guardianship over to her friend Tara who was more than capable of caring for the 2 older of the 3 little children.  The youngest is Zane and he has a different father than the older two, but since he is incarcerated at the time, he is unable to help.  But he has family who tried to help as much as they could.  They agreed to take Zane back in November 2019.  Meanwhile while all the children were well taken care of Jessica proceeded to try and get back on her feet.  She got a job and was working on establishing a residence where she could comfortably raise all three of the younger children.  But before she had time to do that, she received a call from the oldest of the three’s school that Jimmie had been sick.  They had taken Jimmie home without any contact to the temporary guardian and found there was nobody there.  So they took Jimmie back to school and then reached out to Jessica and then to Child Protection Services, where CPS took it upon themselves to open a case up against Jessica even though she had signed a temporary guardianship agreement plan with her friend Tara.
They state removed the kids back in January 2020 and gave Jessica the biological mother a case plan to do sighting she did not provide adequate care and abandoned her children with an unfit care giver.   First, there is no proof Tara, who Jessica gave temporary guardianship to, was inadequate by any means.  The children were   well cared for the only reason she was not home when the school tried to drop of Jimmie was because she was at court that morning.  But, once again the school assumed and acted upon that.  Even though the school was fully aware of the temporary guardianship.  They just made up their mind and made a call that did not need to be made.

Jessica just recently found out 3 days after the fact mind you that Nadia had fallen off the monkey bars and broke her arm. My number one question is who lets a 3-year-old climb the monkey bars without supervision?  Second how does one fall off the monkey bars land on her face and not even bust her lips open?  She dislocates her arm.  This totally makes no sense to me at all.  Then when Jessica brought it to her case workers attention and demanded her daughter be removed from the foster care home she was in; her words went ignored. She also later found out that the day Nadia dislocated her arm she was put under general anesthetic to put the arm back into place.  The very next day Nadia had a dental appointment to put caps on her baby teeth, totally unnecessary procedure but once one again put under general anesthetic. Twice in 48 hours for general anesthetic for a three-year-old is way overboard.  It is not recommended to but small children under anesthetic at all let alone twice so close together.
Again, Jessica was on the phone to the case worker demanding her child get removed immediately it was obvious where Nadia was at, she was in imminent danger from the people who were supposed to protect her.

And then today when there was supposed to be another supervised visit, only her son was there not Nadia. She asked the visitation person where Nadia was, and she was told her daughter was out of town for a funeral and would not return for two weeks.  Wait what?  With Corvid going on what do mean she is at a funeral; they are not really doing the funeral thing right now.  And for a couple weeks who goes to a funeral for a couple weeks?

Jimmie has already been in his proper temporary home for almost a week now, yet his sister is still with the same foster family.  SO, what in the hell gives?  The foster home she should already be at happens to be a close friend of the family.  Who already had her foster care license? And had already completed a home study. Yet CPS made her do another.

It has now been over a week since Jessica has seen or heard from her daughter Nadia.  She has called case workers, ombudsman, and all to no avail.  I know she has an appointment to speak with Ombudsman on the phone tomorrow at 11 am.  I hope they have some good news for her, because I fear what will happen if they do not.

Every day somewhere in the paper there are stories about children getting killed in foster homes, all over the county.  Then there is the sex trafficking that Child Protection Services is beginning to look like a major player in that game if you ask me.  I know they are selling kids to the highest bidder; how else do you explain all the foster kids that just seemed to disappear out of thin air?  There is no other explanation.  And God forbid, something like that happens to Nadia.  So, you see the great concern for her wellbeing, and not knowing to me in immediate danger. Child Protection Services take children away from [parents on less.
I recently read that Arizona alone is missing so many foster care children’s it makes me sick.
Well I got an update on the whole case today.  Jessica had another hearing postponement and she finally was able to talk to Nadia. Only now there is a new allegation, that supposable Nadia said in counseling that someone touched her “Honey”.  In other words, her private area.  Are you kidding me here it cannot be any clearer what is going on here, that foster home is no good, just like we knew from the start?  Something terrible is happening there to Nadia and they continue to drag their feet to get her the hell out of there, and do you know what that tells me? That Child Protection Services know what is going on there and they are a part of it.  Even not stopping it immediately makes you guilty of it even without physically taking part in the abuse.  Just allowing it to happen that is abuse.  Child Protection like to throw around failure to protect in parents face if a child is allegedly hurt and mother knows nothing about it.  Why are they not held accountable for failure to protect?  That was the whole point when Child Protection Services stole the child from the parents to begin with, isn’t it?

I am so beyond angry right now.  And I just want parents to realize this stuff is happening in foster care all over the freaking world. People need to wake up and see what is really going on, right there under their noses.

I want to thank my friend Jessica for granting me permission to tell the world what is happening to her daughter Nadia right now in foster care. I am tired of hearing people bitching about the broken Child Protection Services Corruption.  Enough complaining, it is time to do something about it. How many of our innocent children must suffer and unfortunately die before we say enough is enough?

I will upload with this statement screen caption to show the entire Nadia missing incident. They are screen caption of the text messages between Jessica and her Child Protection services caseworker.

The Family Child Protection Services in Arizona is trying to completely destroy

Zane the youngest of the 4

Ric the oldest and Jimmie Wayne

Ric and younger brother Jimmie Wayne

Ric and Jimmie Wayne

Jimmie Wayne

Ric and his baby sister Nadia Rose

Well there it is, one family of the many that Child Protection Services in Arizona is trying so hard to destroy.  Again a special thank you to them all for the permission to tell a piece of their story and what they have to overcome.  I love each and everyone of them dearly and though we are not blood we are family.  

If anyone has any questions about this or for the family or even for me,just message me and we will answer them the best we can.

1 comment:

  1. CPS is wholly corrupt and consistently works to destroy families. The Agency and those it employs make up their own, unfounded narratives for the situations they encounter. They make up their own stories and tirelessly work to smear the biological parent(s) and cause irreversible psychological damage to the children. If you are unfortunate enough that they become involved in your life, you will never be afforded any recourse and you will never be able to challenge or discredit anything they say or do. If you so much as attempt to point out their many improprieties, they will use that in their case to show you're an unfit parent. All they have to do is say it and it becomes the truth, written in stone. The Case Managers lie, manipulate, and intentionally inflict emotional and psychological harm. They do it because they want to break you. They do it because they want you to give up. It is disgusting that CPS is allowed to go unchecked and that they're able to hide behind laws that serve their own, biased agenda.
    My advice to parents is this.
    1.) Do not ever, ever let them see you break. No tears, no anger. Not when they tell lies about you in court. Not when they tell you your daughter calls her foster mother "Mommy". Not when they call in anonymous reports about scratches on your daughter's back following a supervised home visit.
    2.) Stay calm at all times.
    3.) Take detailed notes about every single interaction you have with them. Record them if you can.
    4.) Follow every direction they give you. Attend every class, every status conference. Miss nothing.
    5.) Do not ever volunteer information. Answer their questions but do not ever try to explain anything to them. Everything, and I mean everything you say will be used against you.
    6.) Take advantage of any counseling they offer with therapists that are independent of the Agency. Ask the therapist if they can be involved in any meetings you have with CPS.
    7.) Anyone working FOR or WITH CPS should not be trusted.
    8.) Make only positive statements. Things are going well, you are doing well, nothing is ever difficult or hard for you.
    9.) Read up on the Federal child protection laws. I can guarantee that your Rights are being violated somewhere. If there are violations at the Federal law level, you will have a better chance of someone actually listening to any grievances you have. Though, you receiving any consideration at all throughout this whole ordeal is highly unlikely.
    I speak from experience. I have endured a CPS case and both my daughter and I are psychologically scarred from it. It will be the single most difficult thing you go through in your life but if you follow my advice, you do have a chance of making it through.


Please feel free to comment, or if you have any questions for me, let me know and I will see that I can do to help you.