Saturday, February 20, 2021

Guest Post By Kristin Louis - The Step By Step Guide To Raising Happy Healthy and Self Sufficient Kids

 Your Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy, and Self-Sufficient Kids



Image via Pexels


As a parent, one of your many goals is to raise happy, healthy, and self-sufficient children who grow up to be emotionally strong, intelligent, and independent adults. To achieve this goal, you need to teach your children some important life skills as early on as possible—especially during the first few years of child development. What Every Parent Should Know offers some tips and resources that will help you to do just that, review the sections below.

1. Promote Physical, Emotional, and Social Development

During the first few years of life, sticking to a regular nap schedule, playing outside with your little one, and praising your child’s behavior can all help to promote physical, emotional, and social development. Check out the following resources to learn about the steps you can take to promote the positive development of your child.


Keep Your Child Up-to-Date on Their Vaccinations

5 Ways to Promote Social and Emotional Development in Young Children

Best Ways to Help Children Fall Asleep at Nap Time

Fun Activities that Boost Physical Development

2. Help Your Child to Feel Safe and Secure

As a parent, one of your many jobs is to help your child to feel safe and secure at home—as well as in his or her skin. By raising a child who feels safe and secure, you’ll ensure that your little one can build happy, healthy relationships with others later on in life.


Three Ways to Raise Secure Children

Helping Children Feel Safe in Stressful Times

Help Your Kids to Feel Safe at Home

3. Encourage Critical Thinking

As humans, we rely on our critical thinking skills to make important decisions that affect many aspects of our lives. By teaching your young child to think critically, your little one will obtain the essential skills he or she needs to solve problems throughout any life stage.


How to Help Your Child Develop Critical Thinking Skills

7 Educational and Entertaining Activities for Young Kids

Storm Spotting for Children: At-Home Meteorology

Teaching Your Teen Critical Thinking Skills

4. Teach Important Life Skills

To raise a happy, healthy, and self-sufficient child, you’ll need to teach your little one important skills that will help him or her to succeed throughout various walks of life. These life skills range from self-control and communication to good hygiene and smart money habits.


11 Life Skills You Should Teach Your Kids Early On

Personal Hygiene for Kids: Important Habits to Teach Kids

How to Teach Kids About Money, from Toddlers to Teens

5. Set Rules and Boundaries

As much as you’d love to give your child everything he or she wants and insists on having, rules and boundaries are essential to raising happy, healthy, and self-sufficient kids. Boundaries, for instance, teach children to respect others and control their impulses—while rules keep kids safe and prepare them for the real world.


Learn to Teach Kids About Boundaries

How to Set Fair Rules and Limits for Your Child


A great deal of time and effort goes into raising a happy, healthy, and self-sufficient child, but these tips and resources will help to guide you along the way. Before you know it, your little one will have all the essential life skills needed to apply to college, graduate from high school, and move onto the next big stage in his or her life.




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